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Everything posted by Lord Iffy Boatrace
A brand new album from Iron Maiden is a major event and we always expect the best from this legendary band. But nothing has prepared us to the incredible sonic assault starting this fifteenth album. An onslaught of brutally heavy and atonal riffs, tribal percussions layers and an atmospheric touch à la Somewhere in Time (1986) are heard in the Overture of this ambitious album, which is epic in every way. As opposed to every album since Seventh Son of a Seventh son (1988), the first track is not a single but an eight and a half minute number. Satelite 15.... The Final Frontier, starting with a direct approach from Adrian Smith, really close from a UFO: a very vibrant title destined to become one of your best track live. The tracklist setup is very crucial. The catchy El Dorado, the hymn Mother of Mercy and the supreme Coming Home, temper the listener with their powerful riffs and their great melodies but it is clear from the beginning that The Final Frontier becomes as adventurous as its title suggests. Based on keyboards, Starblind mixes arythmic (staggering?) and mastered percussions by Nicko Mcbrain and a great vocal performance by Bruce Dickinson. The Talisman, co-written by Janick Gers, delivers a theatrical atmosphere very appreciated by the fans and in which the band always succeeds. Isle of Avalon meets the Welsh (Celtic?) mythology while the band creates an incredible tension leading to an excellent section from bassist Steve Harris, to one of his most expressive solo we have heard on an Iron Maiden album for a very long time. As strong as the album is, the best is kept for the end with an eleven minutes take entitled Where the Wild Wind Blows. Harris, admitting his style can be predictable, has chosen not to include slow crescendos and galloping explosions; he simplifies his approach, keeping a steady ambiance throughout the entire track. The result: one of the most brilliant composition, with its Celtic melody, the retained speaking of Bruce Dickinson, and the tragic character from Steve Harris that will make the listener travel in the higher spheres. We are pleased when our favortite bands release good albums after a long carreer, but the way Iron Maiden is reinventing itself is extraordinary. The last four albums were their greatest creative period since their glorious days from the 80’s and The Final Frontier is another peak in their carreer.
Ja sam se mozda malo lose izrazio,Tobi mi ima mnogo meksi glas od Bruce-a pa sam eto zato njega iskoristio za svoje poredjenje,Bruce je bas ono sto se kaze SAMOUK ,nego oko nekih stvari se slazemo oko nekih ne,ali dobro to je normalno,vazno je da smo se slozili ja mislim oko jedne stvari,Bruce je najjaci vokal ikad !
Da li ima nekolinkove za onaj PRO AUDIO shot iz 2009te BG?
JEDVA CEKAM DA CUJEM DOCTOR,DOCTOR pre intro-a,najezim se uvek kad to cujem...!!!!!
Ima dosta istine u tome sto si rekao,ali nije njemu Powerslave ili Seventh Son turneja "unistila" glas,glas se ne unistava pevanjem,nego opijatima i zajebavanjem,tako da je Bruce verovatno sebi dao malo vise odaska posle postizanja svog uspeha pa mu se to VRLO MALO odrazilo na sam glas,razmislite malo zasto je njemu "dosadilo" da bude u najslavnijem metal bendu,tu je malo i Steve uticao na njega i vrsio pritisak i zato je otisao,Bruce od kako se vratio radi strogo profesionalno i stvarno mu ide od ruke,osamdesetih nisi imao ovoliko METAL kritirara koji traze dlaku u jajetu i cekaju da vide da li je Steve negde zajebao,da li je Bruce falsirao i slicno,imao si pravu ISTINSKU METAL energiju... A cek nesto i tebi da reknem,brate tvoj lep glas meni mozda nije lep glas,Roy Khan ili Tobi recimo rasturaju kako pevaju ali to meni nisu METAL vokali,Dickinson je skroz drugaciji tip pevaca,on je oduvek forsirao tu blagu sirovost i prljavu energiju R'n'R-a u "vokalisanju",zato se i razlikuje od "skolovanih" vokala koji su meni stvarno u neku ruku dosadni...UP THE IRONSSSSSSSSS! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTMiYyxl7CA&feature=related
Ma meni obe verzije sabijaju,obozvam svaku na svoj nacin!I Bruce uvek super peva Meni uopste ne smeta sto je montirao kako mu se prohte,fanovi ako su fanovi imace i bootleg koji je fenomenalan.
Beast Over Hammersmith 1982 i Rock In Rio,a ovi sto pricaju kako je montiran i "nindzovan" zvuk na RiR neka pogledaju bootleg sa te svirke...
Ne buraz,jedno je tehnika a drugo je sama boja glasa...,tada je mogao vise da izvuce ali je po meni bolje otpevao 2008/2009 zbog te same grubosti koju je dobio godinama u glasu...,da li si sada skapirao sta sam hteo da kazem?
I jos nesto me puno brine,ona prica o festivalskom SET-u i te fore,jer prvi evropski koncert je WACKEN,verovatno ce promeniti listu i prilagodice je festivalskom tajmingu a 2011 se vracaju ne Evropsku turneju...slutim da se nesto lose sprema...
Vazi vazi,btw pominjali su neku turneju posle nove godine kao nastavak promocije novog albuma,kapiram da ce tada svirati pesme sa novog albuma,nego opet da pomenem stvarno me brine duzina pesama i sama atmosfera iscekivanja albuma,plasim se da ne bude fail u kurac...
Brate izvini sto cu malo prosto da zvucim ali lupas,jeste imao bolji glas 1984/5 ali je bolje otpevao 2008/9 Aces High. Pazi,nema energiju u glasu kao sto je pre imao ali zvuci ODLICNO,s vremena na vreme ga malo zezne glas od DoD turneje ali nista strasno...na BNW je pevao najbolje u svojoj karijeri i stojim iza toga.
I da se vrati tema DROPLJE SA FACE-a
Da li ja to cujem da podsecaju na DISMEMBER,bacam se na skidanje!!!
Postajem bas nestrpljiv,poslednjih dana przim samo BG i zeljno iscekujem album...!DAJ DAJ!Inace zanimljiva je jako tematika novog albuma,no sta se drugo moglo ocekivati od kraljeva!
Nisam,vredi li pogledati?
To stoji buraz ali meni dokumenta nisu bila skroz gotova pred veliku cetvorku,nisam smeo da rizikujem da uplacujem ili kupujem kartu a da nemam pasos u rukama,i jbg znam da cu mnogo zaliti zbog toga,ali sta da se radi...mnogo mi se bila situacija iskomplikovala,menjanje mesta prebivalista,cekanje u redovima od 500 ljudi i sl,a ovo sam stavio za ljude koji mozda ne znaju da ova fenomenalna trojka gostuje u Kavarni,da sam sve na vreme bio spremio cugali bi mi u busu 100%,ovako mi ostaje da zalim,i to sa velikim razlogom.
Skroz je OK film,definitivno vredi pogledati...
Ma brate Dickinsona se prestravio,on se covek zaneo pevajuci i lik ga obmotao odjednom neocekivano,pa ja bi ga lansirao na patos da me tako presece... I DAJ VISE NEKA PROCURI NOVI ALBUM... I DAJ VISE NEKA PROCURI NOV ALBUM... From Jon Horse: I heard the Maiden album today. It's fucking long as fuck, pretty good, not their best but probably a grower. I had to listen to it on a Discman in EMI's headquarters under the supervision of a security guard. They put on a nice spread; some good coffee, nice crisps, coca-cola, water, and I got given a t-shirt too. So paranoid are management that we couldn't listen to it acoustically. There is another playback in July with beer and stuff so that'll be more like it. It won't be their last studio album, though, heard noises that it was really just the subject matter that led them to that title. It was just me and Joel McIver from Metal Hammer. I just stared out the window and wrote loads of notes down – one of them about how worrying one of the tracks sounds like 'Man On The Edge'!!!??? from the Blaze era. And drummed with my pen. The security guard (Tony) said: "You had that loud enough; it was blaring." Which was momentarily concerning. During the second spin I felt really conscious of the noise of me eating Kettle Chips. And I needed a pee. 76 minutes long!!??? I'll say it again, the coffee was nice. Some good rollicking Maiden going on, i just wish there was a real 'hit single' on it just to act as a focal point. Definitely a grower, though. 'The Final Frontier' is really dense. 'Coming Home' is a great track, though; Brucie's in his element. And 'El Dorado' gets better the more you hear it. This The X Factor related reference sounds great to me. Hope there's a tone similar to The X Factor on The Final Frontier. Uhh ne mogu da opisem osecaj ali nesto me brine sama atmosfera iscekivanja albuma,imam neki cudan osecaj kao da ni sami ne znaju sta su napravili...nadam se da me osecaj vara.
I ja sam cuo da je mnogo los GIG bio u Bugarskoj...
Ne svidja ti se nova stvar? :/
Tepicu znas sta sam hteo time da kazem
DA DA,vec se uplacuje javi mi se na PM pa mozes uplatiti kad god pozelis!!!
Od skora sam krenuo da preslusavam bend i mogu samo jedno reci,OVO JE BOLESNO DOBAR BEND,Aealo je perfektan album,pored njega sam jos slusao theogonia,sanctus fiavolos i sleep of the angels i stvarno je bend kojem cu definitivno posvetiti vise paznje u narednom periodu,taj njihov zvuk mi bas pashe.
Ajmo ko hoce u KLUZ neka se javi,imam kombinaciju...