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Everything posted by Lord Iffy Boatrace
Zarazna ona pesma ludilo...jutros sam prvi put cuo bend i mogu reci da veoma dobro zvuce.
Ja sam desno...
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Ovo sto pise na vratima za komsiju i slicne fore prave debili kako bi kao provaljivali fore,mnogo je isfuran fazon postao...
Treba mi neki sajt gde mogu da downloadujem igre za PC ,one click download po mogucstvu.
Ma ok to je sve sukob misljenja i pogleda na svet,meni je i Moster super anime ali ni priblizno Death Note-u.
Ovo je super stvarno,svaki fan thrash-a ovo treba imati u svojoj kolekciji,stvarno sam gledao sa uzivanjem,kao da si na njihovom gig-u,ovo ce sigurno biti pozivnica na svirke NADIMACA svih onih koji su skepticni po pitanju domacih bendova.
Moji prohtevi su jednostavni,trazim samo pitu od detlica i pivo,i moz se tera.
Juce sam prvi put slusao ovaj bend i bas su mi se svideli.!Hvala na preporuci...
Tacno,treba pustiti Maidene da odsviraju ono sto im je ostalo i da pocivaju u svojoj slavi,jebes tribute bendove,ne podrzavam uopste,ono sto podrzavam jeste to sto su clanovi verovatno diehard MAIDEN fanovi i to je za respect,begam sa teme....UP THE IRONS
SKINUT,popodne se gleda uz pivo
Nisam znao da je to deo trilogije ali sam nesto bio nahvatao 21 grams i mnogo mi se svideo,hvala ti na informaciji sad cu se baciti na kompletiranje toga!
Jedva cekam album!!!
Ne znam da li je bilo ali ja sam plakao od smeha kad sam gledao... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDyXywb-IzY
Samo air max nedostaje u pesmi hehehe,ali kontam da je to cak i posebna ideja za neku stvar
Hypocrisy vode su super )),ne verujem u ovo ali bih zaista voleo da album bude u takvom fazonu posto mi takve teme definitivno odgovaraju,tj lud sam za njima !
Da li ce se uopste odrzati svirka u petak?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyD-3sHSHig&feature=related Ovo je zakon,Tom Araya trenira Kick-Box!
Nova pesma je pomalo u fazonu Direktne Akcije.Ovom pesmom cete pridobiti dosta "SKINHEADS" publike
Cekacemo setlist pa cemo videti sta dalje da se radi...
Da u pravu si,verovatno Nicko,on mi deluje kao da mu najteze pada da lupa,jbg,znalo se da ce ovi dani doci ali opet nisam znao da cu se sjebati bas ovoliko zbog toga ,bem ti sve...
About the 2010 European festival setlist Published: March 31, 2010 IRON MAIDEN have today issued an announcement regarding the European festival setlist Seeing how the new album is expected to be released in late summer and following the North American tour, the The Final Frontier World Tour will continue to Europe for a few select major festival and stadium shows. Following the late summer tour there will be a major European tour in spring of 2011, and that is why the band has decided to shorten the duration of their shows during the first European leg of the tour. Says bassist and founder Steve Harris, "I'm sad to say that we're not getting any younger as the years go by and that the touring has had its toll on our bodies over the years so we decided to take it a bit easier and give the fans just a taste of our full show that's going to return to Europe in 2011." Continues manager Rod Smallwood, "Like all bands at festivals, Maiden will also have to play a shorter set so that other bands could showcase themselves to the audience as well. We do realize that people don't come to these festivals only to see Maiden but also others, so we want to play fair. After all, the festival's not here because of Maiden, but the other way around." For Iron Maiden Fan Club members, we will again be running a 'First To The Barrier' draw, where 60 lucky fans (plus a guest each) get the chance to enter the venues before the general public and grab themselves a prime viewing position right at the front by the stage barrier. Additionally, this tour will see the return of Iron MaidenTV on our website http://www.ironmaiden.com, which has regular footage for the live shows, touring, band interviews, insights into our crew and what they do and much, much more, along with exclusive photographs and anything else that helps our fans get a real insight into the dynamics of a big tour. For additional Iron Maiden ticket and tour information, visit http://www.ironmaiden.com. STA JE JEBENO OVO???
Pa pazi,danasnja koka kola je sranje realno,izgubila je orginalni ukus jos pre godina ,retko kad ubodem dobru flasu ://,za razliku od Wolfbrigade-a i Disfear-a koji su izdali extra albume.
Disfear jeste fenomenalan i sa sigurnoscu mogu da kazem da moze da se meri sa WOLFBRIGADE-om,oba benda su fenomenalna.