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Lord Iffy Boatrace

Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by Lord Iffy Boatrace

  1. Smallwood je dolazio na yum i skontao da ce biti katastrofalno ako album bude dupli....ali dzabe,nisu ga poslusali i sjebali se.
  2. Na mnoge PUNK i HC bendove su uticali i to mogu da kazem najznacajnije punk i hc bendove...
  3. Enforcer >>>>> judas priest
  4. A najbolji pevac je Mumba Zakiri?
  5. Mladja je stvarno kompetentan decko da napravi takav review i to tvrdim a verujem i svi koji ga licno poznaju,a to sto je tako potpisao pre X vremena kao sto sam i ja bio BruceBruce nema apsolutno nikakve veze... Kakve veze ima...
  6. Ispravka prijatelju dragi .
  7. Album 11/10 !!!
  8. ti si brate Borise sinonim za OBJEKTIVNOST ! Ja ne vidim kako neko moze reci za mene da nisam objektivan kad kazem da Bruce Dickinson nije najbolji pevac u metalu i rokenrolu uopste? Zar to nije objektivnost oca mu jebem? Meni najvise lezi njegova boja glasa al opet to je do mene,za mene nikad nece postojati bolji pevac a i frontman al generalno nije najbolji pevac.
  9. Kreces ti polako da prelazis na nasu stranu vidim ja.... Previse si tolerantan,to je prvi znak ...
  10. ja sam taj snimak prvi i okacio i to jeste poenta naravno da su Maiden fanovi najvise posveceni Maidenima,ali takodje pored Maidena sam toliko metal i punk/hardcore albuma u zivotu poslusao i doktorirao da mogu da drzim predavanja i da pisem seminare o njima. Cist primer GROB kao enciklopedija za metal,covek naravno kaze da su Maideni najbolji i najveci bend na planeti ja ne vidim u celu je problem...
  11. taman sam se zabrinuo gde je mumba zakiri .
  12. ili ti samog sebe jebes ?Sta se mucis da skapiras kad te ne interesuje uopste?sto se uopste opterecujes?iskuliraj matora...
  13. Izgleda da yumetal ima najbolje strucnjake .Ne uvazava se sta bilo ko drugi kaze,samo sta kaze Shinigamy sa yumetala... Btw meni krako i ovih 18 minuta empire odmah opicim repeat ((....
  14. Ni jednu . 2010 sam pohvatao dosta pesama sa BNW-a uzivo i mogu reci da sam bio odusevljen i kako je Bruce otpevao i kako je bend odsvirao !!!Fenomenalno taj materijal uzivo zvuci kao i uvek... Steve Harris: Cim vi mene....razjebete,ja malo.... dam gas i novi album je MASTERPIECE... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHMUfz2N_Ng
  15. Ufff kad bi sve to sada svirali sa novim albumom mislim da ne bih nikad srecniji bio...Nov album + album na kome sam odrastao i sa kojim sam zavoleo Maidene ovoliko koliko ih sada volim. !!! Ovaj BNW sa Rock In Ria se nalazio na digitalnom izdanju diska i tad sam prvi put video zapravo kako oni svi izgledaju na stage-u,kako se ponasaju,prvi "spot" koji sam u zivotu od njih pogledao.Kad gledam RiR uvek me pukne nostalgija kao kad pustis Transformerse ili He-man-a i tako nesto sto si gledao kao klinac....Neverovatan osecaj. A prve 2 god sam ih slusao (1999 do 2001.) ali nisam znao kako izgleda to kad prze ,mislim samo sa omota i postera sam imao predstavu.Nisam ih video nikad kako prze live jer niko u Svilajncu nije imao kasete da mi pozajmi da gledam .
  16. To je bio prvi album Mejdena koji sam cekao na ovaj nacin na koji sam cekao i Book Of Souls,uvek me puknu emocije kad ga cujem,kakav MASTERPIECE sunce ti jebem... Voleo bih da sledeceg godine kombinuju setlistu najvise sa BNW-om !!!! :rockdevil:
  17. Auuuu kakva je ALBUMCINA Final Frontier pa to nije normalno.
  18. Steve Harris - British LION
  19. Iskreno mi je drago sto malo vise zalazis na ovu temu,bar malo da se odvojis od najjebozovnijih muskaraca samo tamo visis....
  20. Da pitamo torbicu sta misli o book of souls?
  21. To niko nije rekao,rekli su ljudi da je MAIDEN OSTAO NAJBOLJI cak i posle 2000. . Ne postoji NAJBOLJI Maiden album,ovaj bend ne moze da napravi los album,postoji samo album koji se slusaocu trenutno vise slusa i to je sve....
  22. To ride the storm, to an empire of the clouds To ride the storm, they climbed aboard their silver ghost To ride the storm, to a kingdom that will come To ride the storm, and damn the rest, oblivion Royalty and dignitaries, brandy and cigars Related giant of the skies, you hold them in your arms The millionth chance they laughed, to take down his majesty’s craft “To india” they say, “magic carpet float away”, an october fateful day Mist is in the trees, stone sweats with the dew The morning sunrise, red before the blue Hanging at the mast, waiting for command His majesty’s airship, the r101 She’s the biggest vessel built by man, a giant of the skies For all you unbelievers, the titanic fits inside Drum rolled tight, a canvas skin, silvered in the sun Never tested with the fury, with a beating yet to come The fury yet to come…. In the gathering gloom, a storm rising in the west The coxswain stared into the We must go now, we must take our chance with fate We must go now, for politicians we can’t be late The airship crew awake for thirty hours at full stretch, But the ship is in their backbone, every sinew, every inch She never flew at full speed, a trial never done A fragile outer cover, her achilles would become An achilles yet to come... Sailors of the sky, a hardened breed Loyal to the king, and an airship creed The engines drum, the telegraph sounds Release the cords that bind us to the ground Said the coxswain,“sir, she’s heavy, she’ll never make the flight.” Said the captain, “damn the cargo! We’ll be on our way tonight.” Groundsmen cheered in wonder, as she backed up from the mast Baptising with her water, from the ballast fore and aft Now she slips into our past… Feeling the wind as it blows you Feeling the – as you’re passing along Watching the channel below you Lower and lower, into the night Lights are passing below you Northern france, asleep in their beds Storm is raging around you A million to one, that’s what they say Reaper standing beside you Wind inside cuts to the bone Having to make a decision Experienced men, asleep in their graves The cover is ripped and she’s drowning Rain is flooding into the hold Bleeding to death and she’s falling Parachute gas is draining away “We’re down lads!” came the cry, bow plunging from the sky Three thousand horses silent as the ship began to die The flares to guide her path ignited at the last The empire of the clouds, just ashes in our past Just ashes at the last… Here lie the dreams of On the ground where they built, and the engines they run To the moon and the stars, now what have we done? Oh the dreamers may die, but the dreams live on Dreams live on Dreams live on Now a shadow on a hill, the angel of the east The empire of the clouds may rest in peace And in a country churchyard, laid head to the mast Eight and fourty souls, who came to die in france…
  23. Pokusao sam malopre da ispisem text ako sam neku rec zajebao a vi primetite ispravite... Here is the soul of a man Here in this place for the taking Clothen in white Stand in the light Here is the soul of a man Time to speak with the shaman again Conjure the jester again Black dog in the ruins is howling my name So here is the soul of a man When the world was virgin Before the coming of man Just a solemn witness The beginning of the end From a world of magma To a cold rock face The ascent of madness And the human race We are strange believers All of us There are stranger truths In molten rust We rise from slumber It calls our name Recalls our number Reefing a sail on the edge of the world If eternity should fail Waiting in line for the ending of time If eternity should fail To God's illusion Which I recall Was our delusion Before the fall The angels come And angels go But the lord of light Shining below Eternal blackness Beyond the stars We think our wisdom Will get that far At the master's table The table's bare No line of plenty Devastation, despair Good day My name is necropolis I am formed of the dead I am the harvester of the soul And I suck the lives from my bed I own two sons, I gave them breath And I fill their living corpses with my vile What humanity I knew I have long forgotten For me, eternity is nothing but a short while...
  24. Brate bolja je to ONLINE forica nego SENFI fore . Btw meni je KILLERS VRH album,sigurno jedan od najboljih albuma u metalu i covera !. Book Of Souls = 11/10 zombieles = lazni azilnt mumba zakiri
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