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Lord Iffy Boatrace

Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by Lord Iffy Boatrace

  1. Da,Steve harris se potpisao na ovoj slici sa zastavom a Bruce Dickinson mi je tu istu zastavu potpisao u novembru prosle godine .
  2. Zahvalan sam drugaru iz Poljske za ovo,sa sinocne British Lion svirke,kaze da se Harris nasmejao kad je video sliku i da je rekao i know this guy HAHAH.
  3. E ovako nesto sa cekao za tattoo,izgleda fenomenalno,jedva cekam da vidim ceo BOOK(let)
  4. Brate predrala pesma jedno vece iako sam je cuo malko ranije or it is Tears of the clowm majku mu jebem!!!!!!Sve jedno,kida.rastira.ALBUM GODINE. Moram iskopirat filipa da istetoviram iako ideju nisam imao sunce mu !!!
  5. Pogresan lyrics majstore ipak,ali hvala na trudu !UP THE IRONS
  6. a bem ti,sjebala me mladost...nisam imao vremena da sviram gitaru,svirao sam kurcu . http://metalhammer.t...-speed-of-light The Chorus "Shadows in the stars, we will not return/Humanity won't save us at the speed of light." It's a philosophical, cosmological Bruce at his most profound and his most rousing, the heroic vocalist raising goosebumps with his soaring, imploring high-notes and rugged fist-in-the-air melodies. MOLIM LEPO hahah...
  7. Mora da krenem da pocnem da sviram gitaru.
  8. Jedna cekam ceo album da se naserem ko covek u recenziji . I ko ne voli mejdene ima da se popali od recenzije .
  9. Hvala na savetu,pokusavam,hteo sam to do single-a cak resiti ali jebavaju ti redovi na poliklinici pa cu ipak ici kod privatnika jer se ovamo na red ne moze stici iako mi je HITNO.Pa vec kad mogu da biram datum,rekao sam da cu istrpeti jos ove 2 nedelje da cujem album i onda idem. Inace,if eternity shall fail svi kontaju da ce biti u stilu book of thel ili darkside of aquariums sto bi fenomenalno bilo,nego zanima me vase misljenje,da li ce svirku otvoriti sa njom ili sa Speed of light?Znam da je na slepo al me zanimaju predpostavke?Po meni je speed of light idealna za drugu pesmu na koncertu zbog tog pocetka...
  10. imaces za textove mnoge epic stvari na albumu ovakve catchy stvari i ne trebaju da imaju neki nadrkan text iako je ovaj odlican i ima fenomenalan intergalakticki refren. Inace,koliko hajpa sunce ti,ovo rastura. Ja umirem od bolova al ovo vadi iz mrtvih,jebe me zucna kesa al odlazem operaciju do Book of Souls-a,vec sam rekao hirurgu da do 7.Septembra ne mogu pod sto. 3 dana bar da poslusam album pa posle nek seku...
  11. NAVODNO Speed of Light Another time another praise a hollow universe in space I took a trip to see the sites that will be black over a night One way ticket now returned my shooting stars are vastly burnt on the edge that we can't see I've shot the moon you're on me Another take you love you’ll see A just to loose some galaxy Shadows in the stands We will not return Humanity will save us At the speed of light Shadows in the stands We will not return Humanity will save us We’re slipping through the night I’ll say a mass for you and wave Shooting plasma from my grave Event horizon lost in space Running in a human race I don’t know where I don’t know why But somehow back in time again I’m on the edge you can’t see Another take your love at night A single party call on me You won’t be tracking me by sight Shadows in the stands We will not return Humanity will save us At the speed of light Shadows in the stands We will not return Humanity will save us We’re slipping through the night Shadows in the stands We will not return Humanity will save us At the speed of light Shadows in the stands We will not return Humanity will save us At the speed of light Shadows in the stands We will not return Humanity will save us At the speed of light Shadows in the stands We will not return Humanity will save us At the speed of light We’re slipping through the night
  12. https://www.dropbox.com/s/7y346y4katx6y6o/01%20Speed%20Of%20Light.mp3?dl=0 Shadows in the stars, we will not return Humanity won't save us.. At the Speed of Light!
  13. Fenomenalan album.
  14. Aj proveri na onaj tvoj i grobodanov ruski sajt dal ima nesto od ovog single-a...
  15. Ovde nema potrebe da se vracaju bilo kom zvuku jer je i FINAL FRONTIER bio MASTERPIECE .
  16. Single je fizicki tako da ce leak biti u toku veceri ili sutrasnjeg dana najverovatnije ....
  17. Some tracks stronger than others, but no duds. #BookOfSouls is masterful, their best since 7th Son. Fans should be elated. It's a triumph. The pacing of #BookOfSouls is one of its strengths. Short songs, epics, anthems, ballads. It's a double album that delivers exceptionally.
  18. Mora liknuti danas .
  19. NOV REVIEW !!!!!!!! Fenomenalno! http://www.radiometal.com/article/iron-maiden-lecture-de-the-book-of-souls,188952
  20. Druze,nije ti ovo metal svirka za cipidlacenje,i ovako 70% koncerta publika prepeva ...
  21. POKIDALI.Jedna od najboljih svirki na kojima sam IKAD bio. Iako je posecenost bila mlitava kao i publika.
  22. Hahah,ja sam kreatin koristio bio nesto malo i izasao mi OSIP pa sam prestao ....
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