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perzekjušn menijak

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Everything posted by perzekjušn menijak

  1. Dodao bih i Dr. Living Dead! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RX6hlZlioDU
  2. Nije se nešto preterano slušala 2017. ali ono što je za sad privuklo pažnju abecednim redom je: All For Nothing - Minds Awake - Hearts Alive Bloodclot - Up in Arms Celldweller - Offworld Dead Cross - Dead Cross Dr. Living Dead - Cosmic Conquer Gone Is Gone - Echolocation He Is Legend - Few Morta Skuld - Wounds Deeper Than Time Power Trip - Nightmare Logic Subterranean Masquerade - Vagabond Trivium - The Sin And The Sentence
  3. https://i.chzbgr.com...CLfm8WJlpA2.mp4
  4. http://www.blabbermo...ert-in-germany/
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehlrzjbHq-I http://thegodfathersofhardcore.com/
  6. :blek: :blek: :blek: :blek: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLp-JgswVb4 :tehkista: :tehkista: :tehkista:
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-I1kd5BUSnQ
  8. Black Earth - 20 Years of Dark Insanity Japan Tour 2016 01. Black Earth 02. The Immortal 03. Dead Inside 04. Pilgrim 05. Sinister Mephisto 06. Diva Satanica 07. Tears Of The Dead 08. Let The Killing Begin 09. Angelclaw 10. MCMXCVI 11. Bury Me An Angel 12. Dark Insanity 13. Eureka 14. Idolatress 15. Cosmic Retribution 16. Demoniality 17. Transmigration Macabre 18. Time Capsule 19. Fields Of Desolation 20. Beast Of Man 21. Silverwing 22. Bridge Of Destiny 23. Vox Stellarum / Hydra http://www.psychocyd...b15698846303dde
  9. Trivium - The Sin And The Sentence Subterranean Masquerade - Vagabond Channel Zero - Exit Humanity Morta Skuld - Wounds Deeper Than Time The Soundbyte - Solitary IV Metallica - Hardwired...To Self-Destruct
  10. https://getmetal.club/130880-lionheart-welcome-to-the-west-coast-ii-2017.html
  11. 192k https://psychocydd.co.uk/details.php?id=d4b7d191fd7510618404e821e4c9a68de2e787aa
  12. https://getmetal.club/130076-dr-living-dead-cosmic-conqueror-2017.html https://psychocydd.co.uk/details.php?id=38d49bd24f244c6e19a5f527143e6991724e52a5
  13. https://getmetal.club/130081-communic-where-echoes-gather-2017.html https://psychocydd.co.uk/details.php?id=acbb8edaa583ec7fad7e77a0462f85c040f272f8
  14. http://coreradio.ru/metalcore/19042-trivium-the-sin-and-the-sentence-2017 https://getmetal.club/129693-trivium-the-sin-and-the-sentence-2017.html
  15. https://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5465228
  16. https://getmetal.club/129288-samael-hegemony-2017.html
  17. Nevera :haha:
  18. https://getmetal.club/128746-all-pigs-must-die-hostage-animal-2017.html
  19. 01. Madball - For The Cause (02:48) 02. Wisdom In Chains - Someday (feat. Freddy Cricien) (03:41) http://www.datafilehost.com/d/7c1a6578
  20. Jebem li ga, slušao sam i to izdanje i ne čuh neku razliku mada verovatno nisam ni obratio pažnju nešto preterano.
  21. Mislim da je to samo reizdanje, ne remaster.
  22. http://www.blabbermo...th-new-artwork/ Čuj klasik.
  23. Premijerki ovlažila kita.
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