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Bourbon Princess

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Everything posted by Bourbon Princess

  1. Meni se desilo da mi je par pesama iskroblovao desetak puta. Samo sam videla u jednom momentu da imam 60 slušanja jednog izvođača, a znam da sam obrnula svega par stvari i to je to.
  2. Meni često skrobluje duplo. Update?
  3. što više gledam ovog munlya, sve me više plaši and the winner is...
  4. Bourbon Princess


    baš su dobre!
  5. loliša Ne kapiram zašto bi mi bio plus da, pored svih mogućih jezika, poznajem baš vlaški? a onda sledi: dakle, znam šta mi je činiti "Ljudi govore da se Vlasi bave bajanjem", a zatim kopi pejsta tekstova o bajanju. Nisam imala volje sve da isčitam.
  6. našla ceo tekst http://www.tvorac-gr...ribd/vlasi.html po literaturi koju je koristila, a svodi se na www.trt-mrt.rs , mogu da zaključim da je zaista podrobno obradila temu. Ne. No, isčitaću seminarski, pa ću videti...
  7. Tri moje velike ljubavi u jednom bendu: Mićo, Fićo i Šekso <3 Nuith93 2 years ago: Hank III is doin' aight on the drums. Hmmm... he may actually be the most overall talented of the "Williamses" lol. And he doesn't get any fuckin' credit at all.
  8. "Truth be told, I haven't any idea about these guys. There's not much in the way of a bio on their myspacesite so I guess they are truly letting the music speak for them. The music, in this case, they are giving away free to download from mediafire. I've listened to this record, 637 Texas Rattlesnake Rattles, a half dozen times since my initial download and have really enjoyed it each listen. The first 15 seconds of the first song, "Try Try Try" set the tone of futility, misery and despair for the whole record. "You can't live forever on soup tequila codine but you can try, try try". The arrangements, though in some spots sparse, are an interesting and nice change from a lot of the overproduced alt-country stuff out there. Somewhere in the neighborhood of the Drive-By Truckers (without all the distortion and more acoustic), Chris Knight and Steve Earle, these guys are really kicking it with a very strong back-beat, some banjo, steel, dobro and a bit of mandolin..."
  9. Kačila dve strane nazad no, moram da se nadovežem http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SPz2-TWtFw
  10. http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_519_30-mind-blowing-true-facts-about-famous-movie-scenes_p30/
  12. ludilo fotka
  13. ^meni nije jasno zbog čega "hajp". Bend je sasvim...ono...prežvakan. -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bymueZK1hCY
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bymueZK1hCY
  15. @Sale Stavila da se skida. Hvala
  16. http://pulse.rs/decak-koji-je-promenio-svet-fotografije/
  17. Kažem, ja čukala, kad ono ništ Al' eto, da podsetim
  18. Ne znam da li se ranije pominjao Atolah. Kucala u searchu, ne pojavljuje se. Bend je iz Australije i imaju jedan EP iz 2009. pod nazivom Relics. dnl link
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