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Bourbon Princess

Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by Bourbon Princess

  1. Slika <3
  2. Hilbili dama <3
  3. ^Više sreće drugi put.
  4. kontam da je drugačije kad odradiš sa 18. Ja sam o tome promislila i sad čekam da prođe vrućinština pa da krene peglanje. Na tetove sam navikla jer ih svi u mojoj kući (sem keve) imaju.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4A_aksZW7Nk&feature=youtu.be
  6. [LepaBrena] Ai Šeki, Šeki tako ti Nešviiilaa napravi ti Šeki od mene debila [/LepaBrena]
  7. Do jaja. I ja sad radim za par nedelja. I jedva čekam. Btw šta radiš?
  8. Ja ga nisam gledala Vidim da glumi Robert Carlyle. Odmah se stavlja na skidanje.
  9. Samo da nije džragz
  10. jaooo sad mi se gleda ta serija :haha: vrh!
  11. nevaljao, nevaljao
  12. 'ladno... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaliiiiiii bio inboks ili šautboks, nema prečice
  13. Nema moraćeš šaut po šaut...
  14. e, šeki, šeki
  15. On October 1, 2013. Hank3 will release a brand new double country album, entitled Brothers of the 4x4, and a single "punk" album, entitled A Fiendish Threat, with his new project “3”. Brothers of the 4x4 and A Fiendish Threat will both be available as double LP vinyl versions. -CD 1- 1) Nearly Gone 2) Hurtin’ For Certin 3) Brothers of the 4x4 4) Farthest Away 5) Held Up 6) Outdoor Plan 7) Deep Scars 8) Lookey Yonder Commin 9) Ain’t Broken Down 10) Overdrive 11) Loners 4 Life 12) Dreadfull Drive -CD 2- 1) Getting Dim 2) Possum in a Tree 3) Broken Boogie 4) Toothpickin 1) Can I Rip U 2) Different From the Rest 3) There’s Another Road 4) Broke Jaw 5) Watchin U Suffer 6) Brekin Free 7) Face Down 8) New Identity 9) Feel the Sting 10) Fight My Way 11) Full On 12) Your Floor 13) A Fiendish Threat volim da editujem da izgleda lepo
  16. realno! želim tu majcu!
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjotnbkAxPk
  18. toooo <3333 you're tearing me apart, Lisa! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Plz-bhcHryc
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhfMVLcxlJM
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