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Kumodraski Vo

Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by Kumodraski Vo

  1. Kumodraski Vo


    Kakav bend..
  2. Kumodraski Vo


    MGLA >>>
  3. *ako ne padne snezina kad izadje bolje i da ne pada..
  4. Ses..
  5. Sacred Reich - Ignorance Departure Chandelier - Antichrist Rise to Power Mgla - Groza Covenant - Nexus Polaris Lord Belial - Enter the Moonlight Gate Burzum - Hvis Setherial - Nord
  6. Meni je kul, svidja mi se upotreba sinta. Inace ekipa su likovi iz kanadske Akitse i americkog Ash Pool, a album je snimljien jos 2010..
  7. It’s official: there’s a new Paysage d’Hiver album underway. There will be a public listening of this new album on the 25th of January 2020 in Burgdorf, Switzerland with a limited amount of seats available. If you would like to attend this event. Send us a PM with your full name and e-mail address before the 1st of December. Messages received after this date will not be taken into consideration. We will randomly draw names and the lucky ones will receive a personal invitation by e-mail.
  8. Ili Spiritualized davnih dana :D
  9. ^sluso sam ovo prosle god zanimljivo je
  10. Brate jel realno da je sve to zbog cega vec ono sranje kad je bilo..
  11. hiljadu srca..
  12. Hirax - Not Dead Yet + Hate, Fear and Power 1000 Testament - Dark roots of Earth 1000 Accept - Restless and Wild 700 Brujeria - Raza odiada 700 Hexen - State of Insurgency 700 Nile - Iithyphallic 1000 0649227039
  13. Zato sto imas sober october, pa kao aj kad cemo za no fapujemo, odma novembar.. I onda imas destroy dick december logicno..
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