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Kumodraski Vo

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Everything posted by Kumodraski Vo

  1. A Message from Dave Mustaine I wanted to take a moment to give you all an update on the current status of my health. I'm almost through the last round of treatment and my doctors are feeling very positive regarding my progress. I want to thank all of you for the support and well wishes these last few months. I can’t express enough gratitude as it has made this hard road easier knowing you are in my corner fighting with me! Over the next few weeks my condition will be evaluated, and I will keep you posted on my progress as we get closer to the sailing date of the first Megacruise! We can’t wait to see you, and I know all of the other wonderful artists feel the same way. Let's make this event one for the record books. Less than 30 days till we are Thrashing through the Pacific! See you all very soon. Dave
  2. According to a 2004 interview with Wrest, there are four unreleased full-length Lurker of Chalice albums. Jebo nanu..
  3. Kumodraski Vo


    Bice zurka, meni rekose bolje je od rejva..
  4. https://www.facebook.com/profoundlorerecords/photos
  5. Kumodraski Vo


    Ja evo danas vrtim meni mozda i najbolji.. Trenutno mi je Groza>Excuse~WHTN>Excersise Mada treba jos da vrtim Excersise, samo me nerviraju neki rifovi dosadni.. WHTN ima jace pesme al je duzi nekako zamorniji nmp..
  6. A struk njen
  7. Mgła - sve Enslaved - Isa Aura Noir - The Merciless Ondskapt - sve Funeral Mist - Devilry Svartidauði - Flesh Cathedral Andavald - Undir Skyggðarhaldi Guðveiki - Vængför Культура курения - Некрофилия Nocternity - Onyx Velvet Cacoon - Genevieve Cultes des Ghoules - Häxan Anaal Nathrakh - Eschaton Selvhat - Den Svarte Tid
  8. Cuj anemicna.. Lovac bombarder aerodinamicna linija F-16.. Covece..
  9. Kumodraski Vo


    Btw jel se slazemo da Groza i Mdlosci razvaljuju? Izgleda da ne sviraju nista sa Groze uzivo, moguce da su predugacke pesme. Ali jedna Groza I za kraj ne bi bilo lose..
  10. Dödens evangelium keva..
  11. Uzeh kartu.. Nadam se da ce stubovi biti nezni prema meni.. Inace zadnji album najbolji..
  12. Overi i onaj Guðveiki ako nisi, ako volis taj infernal fazon..
  13. Do jaja je ovo ali kratko, ako ne racunamo intro outro..
  14. Dobar onaj Guðveiki, onako nema rifove al je bas mracan i prljav paklenik, ko voli Teitanblood, Irkallian Oracle i tako..
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