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Kumodraski Vo

Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by Kumodraski Vo

  1. https://appowo.com/sr/pr/343481/show
  2. http://rrus.rusfolder.net/files/44709391
  3. Dodje postar da ti uruci postexpressom isto ali ako nisi tu ode u postu..
  4. Obicnom moze da se isplati ako se salje pismom.. Ok su cene i za ta dva hvala..
  5. Kad uocite sracete cigle..
  6. Izgleda da je poskupe postexpress. Jel znate koji je najjeftiniji nacin dostave paketa?
  7. http://www.mediaboom.org/444611-seven-sisters-of-sleep-ezekiels-hags-2016.html
  8. http://youtu.be/mA7A5MbGy4M najbolja muzika ikad!
  9. In the Woods... - Heart Of The Woods (Box Set) 01. Yearning the Seeds of a New Dimension 12:23 02. Heart of the Ages 08:22 03. In the Woods 07:50 04. Mourning the Death of Aase 03:33 05. Wotan's Return 14:52 06. Pigeon 03:00 07. The Divinity of Wisdom 09:07 08. 299 796 Km's 14:46 09. I Am Your Flesh 07:07 10. Kairos 03:34 11. Weeping Willow 11:39 12. Omnio: Pre 11:59 13. Omnio: Bardo 05:54 14. Omnio: Post 08:09 15. Closing In 05:41 16. Cell 04:33 17. Vanish in the Absence of Virtue 04:16 18. Basement Corridors 05:18 19. Ion 05:40 20. Generally More Worried Than Married 08:52 21. Path of the Righteous 06:55 22. Dead Man's Creek 07:43 23. Titan Transcendence 05:40 24. Shelter 00:36 25. By the Banks of Pandemonium 07:56 http://rrus.rusfolder.net/files/44708131
  10. Pola pesama je ipak na Engleskom
  11. https://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/NRNTDIEG/NewSociety2016.rar_links
  12. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1698706423729401&id=1402928789973834&refsrc=https%3A%2F%2Fm.facebook.com%2FCASKathyStevens%2Fvideos%2F1698706423729401%2F&_rdr
  13. Ko voli taj tupavi post-punk prizvuk evo neceg https://poetemaudit.bandcamp.com/album/tome-i-anno-inferno Pevaju na francuskom a za naziv kaze 'A poète maudit (French: accursed poet) is an expression to describe an artist with a tortured soul or living a life outside society.'
  14. A kolko bi bila karta msm ako je 400-500 aj i nekako ali ako je preko 1000 sta ces onda..
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