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Everything posted by sinkler666

  1. Mene spot podseća na:
  2. Ovo bi trebao biti sledeći projekat. Naravno, ručni duborez sa još detalja. https://imgur.com/a/T5iexwP
  3. Evo i kraći klip. Malo skrnavo zvuči jer je snimano telefonom.
  4. Kupio sam jeftino Harley Benton kit za sastavljanje. Nije mi se sviđalo drvo pa sam napravio od orahovine. Inače se bavim duborezima a, ovo mi je prvi put da pravim gitaru. Vrat je HB i uopšte nije loš.
  5. https://imgur.com/a/kbWAb7P
  6. Šteta što nisu odradili i Sweetness, kao bonus, pa da bude sve u kompletu.
  7. Kakva lepota.
  8. Tragično je što neko zna kakvog je ukusa drugarova kita. 🤣🤣🤣
  9. Upravo videh ovo obrazloženje: Nick Holmes says: “Our specific record deal around the time we signed for the ICON album meant we would never actually own the rights to our music or artwork, so going forward, to reissue the album ourselves for the 30th anniversary, it was necessary to re-record and completely re-do the album cover.
  10. Ne vidim potrebu za tim. Icon savršeno zvuči i posle 30 godina.
  11. https://images.app.goo.gl/whpi9WxPvYgsTtSP7
  12. Jesam li samo ja primetio onaj Kirkov solo maznut sa Speed Kinga?
  13. https://shredeverythingradio.com/behemoth-wins-polish-grammy-award/
  14. Bio jednom neki Doomsday Symphonies od Paradise Lost. Bootleg sniman sa dva koncerta negde u Skandinaviji. Jedan od boljih koje sam čuo. Mislim da još uvek imam negde cd.
  15. Uvek stavljam plus na ono što Andreas i Derik rade sa ostatkom ekipe u odnosu na pohabanu braću koji se redovno gube u traženju nekakvog identiteta i upornom pokušaju da nas podsete na neku veličinu koju su nesumnjivo imali tako što prežvakavaju stare zalogaje.Prema muzici imaju odnos kao krava prema hrani koju proguta pa posle preživa. Tačnije "Posle izvesnog vremena, krava vrati loptice polusvarene hrane u usta – i žvaće ih ponovo, još neko vreme."
  16. Nuclear Blast is proud to announce the signing of metal legends Cavalera Conspiracy 🔥 The band has re-recorded SEPULTURA's first EP, Bestial Devastation, and first full-length album, Morbid Visions. Max Cavalera comments, “As we get harder year after year, sometimes you’ve got to go back to where it all started! We re-recorded Bestial Devastation and Morbid Visions with the amazing sound of NOW, but with its raw and timeless spirit. The artwork reflects the times we’re living in right now…. Apocalyptic as hell! We also have two new tracks with riffs from those days, remembered by heart.” Iggor Cavalera states, “I always felt like the recordings of our earlier work didn’t do justice to the way we performed the songs. So, this is a very special moment in our lives that we are very proud to show you real fans our true representation of the amazing records Bestial Devastation & Morbid Visions with an insane visual identity…enjoy and see you all in the pit” CAVALERA enlisted Eliran Kantor to create the artwork for both albums.
  17. Aj da vidimo koliko će im trajati😁.
  18. Hvala puno.
  19. Dajte neki link za Ltd. Edition.
  20. Obrada benda A Flock Of Seagulls.
  21. Baš sam se nadao da ću čuti I Ran ali, nema je na ovom izdanju. Šteta.
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