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Everything posted by Koroviev

  1. Vidiš ti... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPKcbCImIIY
  2. Ima i ovo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GO5GMptLYKI
  3. Idemo dalje: https://www.b92.net/sport/fudbal/vesti.php?yyyy=2018&mm=06&dd=09&nav_id=1402262
  4. Vijan bog, svaka knjiga odlična, sve što je prevedeno, a nije malo prevedeno. Žodorovski takođe. Ako ne ide s čitanjem Žodorovskog, gledaj ga. Ako već nisi. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0098253/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1
  5. Ode i Karapandža: https://www.b92.net/zivot/vesti.php?yyyy=2018&mm=06&dd=08&nav_id=1401976
  6. Bio je pod stresom zbog situacije u svom malom i srednjem metamfetaminskom laboratorijskom preduzeću.
  7. Kad smo kod Vesta, odma smo i do biznisa: On May 16, 2007 he was arrested and imprisoned after his fifth DUI offense, incarcerated at the Gainesville Correctional Institution and released on January 19, 2008. In late March 2013, West was arrested for producing methamphetamine in his own home. He was sentenced to 1 year, 3 months, and 15 days in prison on 07/16/2013.
  8. Bila je to ličnost Gospodu posvećena: Born on December 8, 1969, Santolla was a practicing Roman Catholic, which has caused controversy with Deicide fans, many of whom are against Christianity and are aware of frontman Glen Benton's open Satanism. Many were surprised that Benton even let Santolla join the band, due to his frequent criticism of the religion. However, Santolla stated that he was "not going to pretend to be some dark and evil person just so people think I'm metal," and also stated that he respected Benton, despite differences in their religion and beliefs, for not being afraid to be true to himself. In a recent interview on Australian radio, Benton stated that he had no problems working with Santolla because of his religion, saying, "Ralph's what I like to call a part-timer... I mean, his favourite song on the new album is "Death to Jesus".
  9. Šteta.
  10. Ode i pijani Santola: http://www.metalstorm.net/events/news_comments.php?news_id=33796
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