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Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by Koroviev

  1. Vidiš, ovo se promašilo... daćemo mu šansu.
  2. Stiže odgovor iz mračnih špilja maloumnosti:
  3. Zašto želiš da nam uništiš dan, zašto?
  4. Destructos je mila majka kad se začuje tužni urlik retardiranog muflona I Am Morbid...
  5. Početak je fantastičan, neverovatno dramaturški postavljen. Zvezda je Refik Šabanadžović, kad govorimo i o tome.
  6. Interesantna stvar, čist Murakami. Ima jako dobrih mesta, ali i strašno slabih. Na kraju te nekako natera da mu oprostiš slabe stranice. Nije gubljenje vremena, kako god okreneš.
  7. Koroviev


    Swallowed in Black!
  8. Ja mislio isto, ali...
  9. Brzo to ide. You'll see.
  10. Preslušaj prošli još neki put, jebe majku, jedan od najboljih s Hofmanom, a bolji od svih bez njega. Tu negde iza prva dva, kao Envenomed i The Fine Art of Murder.
  11. Koroviev


  12. https://www.decibelmagazine.com/2017/11/28/hear-exclusive-new-napalm-death-song-nurse-hunger-via-decibel-flexi-series/#.Wh2pBI9yyzp.facebook
  13. Sve, sve, ali Declaring New Law... auuuuuuu, kakvo ludilo od stvari.
  14. Evo ti piše Fasciana: So this is the current situation considering Malevolent Creation and the new line up for recording our 13th album and shows to follow.After receiving so many great videos and songs from singers wanting to take over the vocal position after the departure of original vocalist Bret Hoffmann,i finally have found the right man for the job.I received a few songs from Lee Wollenschlaeger and his solo project Imperial Empire and was so impressed that after a lot of conversations and hearing his own compositions and demo's of him singing M.C. songs i could not deny his talent.The demo song posted below is one of his songs that i really liked and told him we could work with his song for the next MC album and let people hear our new vocalist and his talent.He is also playing guitar in the band which makes us now a 4 piece and to prove my commitment to him that he is now the vocalist i posted this demo song that he wrote and that is being re recorded as we speak so he can re write the lyrics and i can lay down a couple guitar solos for this song.We will be posting some more music with Lee Wollenschlaegersinging MC songs and between the music i have written for the next album and his music as well as our bassist and drummer who both write music as well we now have a band that is dedicated to record the heaviest MC album yet.The new line up is: Phil Fasciana - Guitars Lee Wollenschlaeger - Vocals/Guitar Phil Cancillal P.M. Cancilla-Drums Josh L. Gibbs - bass That is it for now and stay tuned for new updates and music.Take it or leave it,this is the new line up!!!!!! Phil Fasciana // Malevolent Creation
  15. Da ubrzamo: http://www90.zippyshare.com/v/YI7Yt6DJ/file.html
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