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Everything posted by Dekapitator_Prisoner
Bend jeste dobar, ali su sa ovim albumom omanuli.
Njima je pos`o da budu lesinari.
Jesu ocevi zanra, ali nisu dostigli uspeh koji su dostigli Judasi i Maideni.
Ko zna, mozda mi zvuci kao Branko Kocka zato sto sam Book of souls vrteo 20 i kusur sati
Olof Wikstrand je na svom profilu pre jedno mesec i po-dva pominjao dolazak u Srbiju, a sad vidim da nema Srbije na spisku za turneju. Da li neko zna nesto vise o tome ?
Album je izasao, ima mozda okruglo mesec dana. Na pocetku sam ga poslusao 2 puta i bio mi je ok. Pustio sam ga pre neki dan treci put i smorio sam se. Kao da sam pustio Branka Kockicu.
:mhihi: :mhihi:
Kao sto je neko rekao: Metallica je u jednom momentu bila veca od celokupnog zanra. Judas je izbacio dobre albume, ali nisu ni prineti ovima. Angel of retribution kida, tu nema price. Meni u top 5 od Judasa. Nostradamus je najvece djubre koje su izrodili. Redeemer je super, ali ga je The book of souls ocistio legitimno.
Nesto od toga sam i slusao, ali kao da nisam. Nisam nista od toga zapamtio. Sad kad bi mi neko pustio, ne bih mogao da prepoznam. Toliko o zanimljivosti i kvalitetu
Naravno da nema smisla, jer to nije tako
Sto se mene tice, novi Gamma Ray ide ruku pod ruku sa The book of souls. Novi Helloween je dobar, al nije bas u rangu sa ovim. Megadeth, ne znam sta da kazem. Videcemo novi. Sudeci po studio reportovima, ceka nas prilicno zajeban album.
Malo manje da se jedu govna. Deo jednog odlicnog butlega:
Rezime rada i zbrckavanje nisu isto
Ostatak rivjua nije toliko bitan (malo je subjektivno pisao neke stvari). Poenta ove govorancije je bila u ovome: They gave us a collective album of the the past 20 years with new modern touches... and the best thing is that it all still feels totally original... some people just hated The Final Frontier & AMoLaD so much that they just want to criticize instead of listening to the music.. The album is great and better than most.. not just my opinion.. but every Maiden fan out there who isn't stuck in the past.. If there is a "Top 5 Maiden Records" list then The Book of Souls would definitely find a spot there. (Da debilima objasni zasto su debili)
Objavljena je vest da je DJ Ashba napustio bend, a cuo sam i da je jos neko pored njega izasao. Par dana posle toga, objavljeno da su se Slash i Axl pomirili. Zadnjih par godina se Duff nesto mnogo tu pojavljuje po svirkama s Axl-om. Mislim da se kockice lagano sklapaju.
Stvar kida. Produkcija sasiva !
Komentar nekog batice u nekoj grupi: Since we're very close to the official release of Maiden's new masterpiece "The Book of Souls" there are a few points you should know about... The Book of Souls haters are growing because of some stupid over-expectations and unrealistic fantasies.. take the time to read this if you don't want to be underwhelmed like many out there... - Maiden hasn't changed their sound.. this album's "sound" is highly similar to the past 4 records. - It's obvious that the main goal of the record is to create some catchy, sing-along and live favorite songs.. you will hear many gang vocals from Bruce like the last part from The Wicker Man.. - IT'S PROGRESSIVE! don't expect songs to dive into heavy metal action from the very start like El Dorado.. Speed of Light is the only strait forward song. - not all melodies are 100% new.. as you may have heard.. Iron Maiden felt Xfactor, Virtual VI & A Matter of Life and Death didn't get what they deserve because of some issues (either production or vocals).. so they took many of the riffs and melodies on those records and remade them into better songs. - Again, new music elements (like pianos, violins..etc) but the same style of music.. - The sound of Janick's and Adrian's guitars have slightly changed (more powerful sounding).. The guitars sound modern.. like on Final Frontier but slightly stronger.. let's not criticize the album for that because they sound much better now.. very creative riffs and solo.. - When it comes to guitars it seems like they divided the work between the 3 guitarists.. Adrian (Aggressive & Dark solos almost on every song.. not much riffs) Dave (usual fast solos and some soft ones.. and many nice riffs) Janick (Mostly riffs, melodies and rhythm guitar.. not much solos) but when you combine all 3.... prefect guitar work on all songs.. - People are whining too much about hearing old riffs.. like the Wasted Years riff in Shadows of The Valley... I just want to say it's utterly stupid.. it's their riff.. if they feel the tempo of the song requires that certain sound then so be it.. I felt the addition of those similar sounding riffs really made the songs complete.. - If you are expecting a record Similar to the 80's Albums or songs similar to Fear of The Dark then go play your old vinyls... because we're still in the 21st century.. - If I want to make an accurate comparison.. considering the hype and the great outcome that disappointed every idiot who was expecting Maiden to go back to the old days.. I say this album is the Brave New World of the 2010's.. Variety, Catchy Songs, Some Epic Melodic Songs, Gang Vocals, Focus on Choruses, Balanced Songs, Heaviness wasn't necessary, Creative Riffs and Epic Drumming from Nico.. plus this album brought some of your favorite riffs back with a new modern touch. ***** For all those Book of Souls haters out there who are criticizing a great band (who has more musical experience than any rock band out there), simply because your desired styles and sound weren't meet: They gave us a collective album of the the past 20 years with new modern touches... and the best thing is that it all still feels totally original... some people just hated The Final Frontier & AMoLaD so much that they just want to criticize instead of listening to the music.. The album is great and better than most.. not just my opinion.. but every Maiden fan out there who isn't stuck in the past.. If there is a "Top 5 Maiden Records" list then The Book of Souls would definitely find a spot there. Have a Great Day... UP THE IRONS \m/
1. Somewhere in time 2. The x factor 3. The final frontier 4. Seventh son 5. A matter of life and death 6. Piece of Mind 7. Powerslave 8. No prayer for the dying 9. Brave new world 10. Fear of the dark 11. Dance of death 12. Virtual 11 13. The number of the beast 14. Iron Maiden 15. Killers Prva tri mesta su mi uvek ista (tim redom kako pise), sve ostalo se menja u zavisnosti od raspolozenja i emocija. Novi jos ne mogu da rangiram. Ali kako je krenulo, ima velike sanse da bude na cetvrtom mestu, a mozda cak i da napravi pometnju u prva tri.
Pa jeste, cak i Blejz eru zarezujemo vise nego Di`anno eru, zato sto u tome lezi ono sto je poenta tog benda. Nije da se Di`anno era ne voli, ali je ona ono sto je u tom momentu bilo "daj sta das". Kapiram ja da se matorci iz tog vremena kunu u ta prva dva albuma jer se to pojavilo kad su oni imali 15-16 godina i to njima predstavlja neke uspomene i budi im nostalgiju, ali su ta dva albuma daleko od onoga sto je Harris zaista nameravao da napravi. Pre svega, smatram da on i nije mislio da ce mu Di`anno, Dennis Straton i Clive Burr biti funkcionalni na duge staze. Jer kad bi bili, ne bi tek tako bili odstranjeni iz benda.
To je kao da gotivis Branka Kockicu
Usr`o vas Totamealand
Pa u tome je i fora, bitno je sta mislimo mi koji smo fanovi, a ne oni koji nisu
Brate, sta fali gitaristima ? Nicko je malo oslabio sa pecatom jer ima 6 i kusur banki, al je njegov udarac i dalje macola u poredjenju sa danasnjim brzincima i tehnikalcima koji ne poseduju apsolutno nikakav gruv. Niko nije rekao da treba da umre onaj ko nije fan benda, nego smo samo ukazali na cinjenicu da je misljenje ljudi koji nisu fanovi nebitno
I za njih nas boli kuVac