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Towards The Inevitable

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Everything posted by Towards The Inevitable

  1. Imam dva-tri omota, najebali ste
  2. Dok paja nacrta:
  3. October rust tamo kod Grejva samo Piter imo vecu kitu
  4. We, the boyz man...
  5. Iz intervjua koji sam uradio sa Dark Fortress: You are probably aware of all the controversy that has been going on with Nightmystium’s mainman Blake Judd over the last couple of years, which culminated recently with Century Media’s decision to let him and his band off. Without asking you to speak negative about him, and in light of your touring history that includes partnering with Nachtmystium on several occasions (and establishing some personal relation with Blake), do you find these recent developments to be a surprise? Morean: Not really, considering people have had these kind of complaints for years apparently. It seems obvious to me that drugs play the main role in all this. I don’t think Blake himself is the type who would consciously and wickedly and repeatedly betray his fans, who wouldn’t give a damn about stuff like that, because music is his life, he’s not uncaring, and he’s not a rookie in this business. But I guess ethics change with addiction. It’s very unfortunate for everyone involved, and I hope he finds some way to recover from this train wreck and find his way back. I suppose some serious gesture of willingness towards his fans, not just empty words, at least would go down really well at this point.
  6. Jako interesantan intervju sa ovim Nemcima: http://towardstheinevitable.com/dark-fortress-interview-2014/
  7. Imam Auru na vinilu, jako je lepo izdanje. Ako su i Somu spakovali slicno, verovatno cu i nju na ploci da kupim.
  8. Stigao upravo novi album promo!
  9. Kako je spakovana Soma, je li ima nesto interesantno?
  10. Nisam toliko poludeo kao vecina, nisam podlegao hajpu, imao sam pametnija posla - secam se da mi je Kozeljnik onomad skrenuo paznju i na Ascenson i na Negative Plane istovremeno (tada sam rvi put cuo za oba benda), pa kada sam dosao kuci i pustio ih, ukapirao sam da je Negative Plane mnogo veci zalogaj. Ascension mi dosao kao dezert. Dok su se vene masovno sekle na Grant Me Light, ja sam vrteo Staring Into The Abyss na repeat do iznemoglosti.
  11. Ne udaram kontru namerno, majke mi, ali meni je Consolamentum bio blago Watainizovan dok mi ova nova pesma nema veze sa njima vise, ovo je vec potpuno Ascension fazon, sta god to bilo.
  12. Eto koliko su ukusi razliciti - ja sam je preslusao bar 20 puta i bolja mi je od bilo koje sa Consolamentum-a
  13. Kad cujete kako zvuci, bice vam potpuno nebitno kako izgleda
  14. Nije Veiten 3 nego samo veiten, sad mi stigao oficijelni promo.
  15. skip to 3:20
  16. Kakav je ovo bend? Spamuje Season Of Mist stalno sa njima, ali nikako da pustim.
  17. Vaistinu. Rifovi u Veiten 3 kao iz bajke. Jos kad izadje i Taake pa da zatvaramo radnju.
  18. True Norwegian Black Metal, no bullshit. Indie Recordings. Слушам прву пјесму и много, кажем много ми се свиђа. http://www.mediaboom.org/417000-blodhemn-h7-2014.html
  19. Idem odmah da kukam da posalju i meni
  20. Ko ti je poslao, molim te mi reci? Treba mi kao lek taj album.
  21. Upravo slusam, bas lepo vozi. Edit: pretposlednja Trelldom apsolutni hit.
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