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Haos sam ja

Iskreni članovi
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Haos sam ja last won the day on February 17

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    stoka iz bloka

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Lord of Metal

Lord of Metal (3/6)



  1. Ko se nije umorio od progressive stoner Grka, evo ovi imaju lep dizajn
  2. Odličan snimak
  3. Ne samo da se na prstima izvlači iz rupe nego na slomljenim prstima bajo moj
  4. Nesalomivi 12-ogodišnjak nastavlja svoj crusade: Unbound, Unbreakable You’ll never tear us down Never you’ll wear the crown Blackout Running in the shadows Walking the streets addictions taking their toll Knocked out Crawling on my elbows These broken fingers pull me out of this hole Wading through the endless slaughter  Standing tall we never falter  Bloody but unbroken martyr Fearless and bold Never let them take the power  Fought through every darkest hour  Purge away the weakness Never cower or fold Mirrors and white lies The vessels of our pride Never forget we will never forgive Never forget we will never forgive Unbound, Unbreakable You’ll never tear us down Never you’ll wear the crown Unbound, Unstoppable Unrivaled power we are  Unbound, unbound My roots, underground and deeper  Crawled from the gutter, breaking chains  Black boots, running from the reaper Dodging his sickle, got one foot in the grave Sick of all the compromising Bullshit also agonizing Temperature is rising as I’m clenching my fist Stop with all the plagiarizing  We are fire cauterizing  Not apologizing I'm the king of the sick Mirrors and white lies The vessels of our pride Never forget we will never forgive Never forget we will never forgive Unbound, Unbreakable You’ll never tear us down Never you’ll wear the crown Unbound, Unstoppable Unrivaled power we are unbound unbound I hear the tolling of the bell again Clarion call for the decadent Our majesty infernal The alchemy nocturnal Legacy will live eternal Unbound, Unbreakable You’ll never tear us down Never you’ll wear the crown Unbound, Unstoppable Unrivaled power we are unbound unbound Unbound unbound (unbound) Unbound unbound (unbound) Unbound unbound (unbound) Unbound unbound (unbound)
  5. Jes bilo teško šamaranje u 2 ujutru.
  6. Nema bukvalno nikakve veze sa Dragstorom ni po jednom osnovu (posebno sa onog komemorativnog skupa za DHG), ne bih ni pominjao prostor ovde da nisam bio baš prijatno iznenađen ugođajem jer sam prvi put bio tamo prošlog vikenda.
  7. Ne znam kako je bilo ranije ali sad izgleda dosta ozbiljno (jedina zamerka je što bi bina mogla biti viša, ovako je samo pola metra viša od nivoa podijuma), vidim Rambo tamo ima koncert i slično, znači nije nikakva rupa nego solidno visok standard za naše uslove.
  8. Morissey je ipak i dan danas koliko toliko popularan i relevantan dok za Billy Idola i prosečan slušalac rock radija i "starog dobrog roka" je verovatno u fazonu ao ovaj je svež kao hleb od nedelju dana
  9. Teško smeće
  10. Da, odmah objekat pored Takođe, dosta je velik prostor, mislim da može da stane bar 300, 400 ljudi
  11. Bio sam za vikend u Karmakomi, dosta dobar i pristojan prostor sa vrlo kul vajbom, ima prostor za merch, toaleti odlični, šank veliki i pristupačan (imaju 2 šanka zapravo), Budweiser 400 rsd. Radujem se koncertima tamo iako sam razumeo da je klub pretežno elekrtonske provinijencije, međutim zvuk je bio sasvim ok sad u subotu na Tramhaus.
  12. Tako je, poslednji Morrow jedan od najboljih albuma u poslednjih 10 godina.
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