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Machiko Noguchi

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Everything posted by Machiko Noguchi

  1. savršen split ne post...
  2. super mi je i što je čistije od onog što inače slušam, trebalo mi je nešto novije takvo volim da pustim kad nešto pišem, odlično će mi doći
  3. volim što sludge/stoner bendovima ne ponestaje podvodnih tema, te su mi omiljene
  4. kao preporuka, išla bih ovim redom: 1. Assholeparade - Student Ghetto Violence, 2. Assholeparade - Welcome Fucking Home, 3. Unholy Grave - Grind Killers, 4. Unholy Grave - Grind Anarchy, 5. Blowin Mud/Powertrip, 6. Blowin Mud/Brain Decay
  5. šaroliko mogla bih da se pojavim 😎
  6. zauvek omiljeni technical grind album
  7. kakvo prijatno iznenađenje iako koncertno aktivni, Exorbitant Prices Must Diminish ima samo demo i split sa Nothing Clean koliko ja znam EPMD bih svrstala u technical grind i ovo im je prvi full length album odlično izdanje jedino mislim da se nekima neće svideti jer je u pitanju stop-start grindcore meni ne smeta, ne kvari mi ugođaj, album kao celina je dobar, ništa ne štrči slušam već par dana, mogu da pustim više puta za redom (veliki +)
  8. najnovija Fuxache objava 🖤 Happy Freaking Friday, Followers of FUXACHE! This is a PSA to let the metA-verse know that all FXE releases on Bandcamp (Digital Downloads) are now free! - We've noticed recently that Bandcamp are hitting us for around 20% of sales in fees recently, and not the few percent it once was. They are also warning us to add tax info for sales! Since none of FUXACHE mob like excessive taxes, as well as our delight in creating and keeping our recordings very fuxing affordable - we felt it was time to just give the digital tracks for free now. If you want to buy a physical copy of any of our releases or purchase merch, message FUXACHE on the socials or email achefux@gmailDOTcom Presumably you don't mind and love supporting grindcore!!! ...But If anyone feels ripped off for having just bought the digi tracks, we can refund any orders from the past 180 days. Let us know, and we promise not to think of you as being stingy. It's fuXen hard times right now and always! Bandcamp have been solid in the past and it is still a rad place to discover amazing music and artistry. The machine rolls on, we just do not like the direction in which it is headed. Cheers for the ongoing support and encouragement! TAX THE RICH, SPREAD THE LOVE, PEACE.
  9. sveže izašlo https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-024-68072-9 kao poslednja rečenica u apstraktu stoji: "With the opening of the mine, problems will be multiplied by the tailings pond, mine wastewater, noise, air pollution, and light pollution, endangering the lives of numerous local communities and destroying their freshwater sources, agricultural land, livestock, and assets." iskoristiću da kažem da nije praksa da se takva rečenica stavi kao poslednja u apstrakt naučnog rada obično se tu navode opravdanja neke studije u smislu razvoja (novih) tehnologija i ukupnog boljitka za čovečanstvo ovde toga nema biću slobodna da pretpostavim da autori nisu ni pomislili da nešto ovakvo uviju u oblatne, a i kakvi bi to ljudi i naučnici bili
  10. ne bih pustila da nisam videla ovde kakav bi to propust bio, baš je super ko bi reko da će mi se od svih DAZE izdanja, posle Disgust (Kidnapped), svideti Steps Ascending
  11. BANE - Don't Wait Up (2014) favorite track: Lost at Sea FALSE FLAG EP (2017) favorite track: Unbroken FALSE FLAG/Neck Deep in Filth (2018) favorite track: Counterfeit/Gift from the State (A Bullet for your Head) Sugar Wounds - Mechanical Friends (Remastered) (2019/2024) favorite track: Sparkling Nightlife Sugar Wounds/Sachiel - Change of Heart (We Are No Longer Here) (2024) favorite track: Ether Canopy/Erase: Respite Serpette - SERPETTE (2024) favorite track: Dehumanise
  12. suviše dobar album da bi pao u zaborav takođe
  13. juče je okačen nastup sa HELLFESTa, ali taj Baybeats ima neuporedivo bolji zvuk
  14. trenutno prikladno https://throwmeinthecrater.bandcamp.com/album/throw-me-in-the-crater
  15. ja sam zaboravila da Beaten to Death postoji prvo što sam pomislila kad sam čula taj EP je - Nekrogoblikon went grind? ne kažem to kao nešto loše, niti smatram da je B2D gimmick, samo se ne družim često sa takvom vrstom grinda EP mi je sve bolji što ga više slušam i biće mi odličan da razbije monotoniju 'čemer i jad' albuma koje inače vrtim
  16. Esben and the Witch - Older Terrors (2016) favorite track: The Wolf's Sun Dodsrit - Dodsrit (2018) favorite track: Svart Aska BIG BRAVE - Nature Morte (2023) favorite track: The One Who Bornes A Weary Load Esben and the Witch - Hold Sacred (2023) favorite track: Fear Not Dodsrit - Nocturnal Will (2024) favorite track: Celestial Will BIG BRAVE - A Chaos of Flowers (2024) favorite track: Not Speaking of the Ways
  17. nije žurka ako se ovo ne pušta https://profoss.bandcamp.com/album/profoss-ep
  18. Chat Pile je bila ljubav na prvo slušanje, sad treba dočekati oktobar
  19. Repulsion worship lep demo nije loše, nije loše sami su se deklarisali ffo: Brutal Truth, Pig Destroyer, Cryptopsy, Discordance Axis, Full of Hell smilovali se da izbace album ima potencijala, onako straightforward grind, ali kakvi su to rap momenti, skroz me izbace iz koloseka
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