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About Black#1

  • Birthday 04/15/1993

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Black#1's Achievements

Anonimus of Metal

Anonimus of Metal (1/6)



  1. Black#1


    Niko ne spomenu The dance of eternal Shadows.....ili In the shadow of the horns?
  2. Meni je Finska ne jedna od najboljih,vec najbolja
  3. Black#1


    Shta je jako? shta ti je...i kakve sad to veze ima sa ovom temom....? kako neko moze da kaze da Frost loshe svira???? pa on je najbolji black m bubnjar.... shta vam je ljudi?????
  4. uh........pa sad .....ima tu nemoguceg.... Satyricon Behexen Nargaroth Dark Throne .........a sad gledala sam Carpathian Forest i Gorgoroth.......ako ih mozemo oceniti kao velikane....
  5. E Gigo.... da nisi ti doshao onog divnog dana kod mene sa CoF-om ko zna shta bi sada samnom bilo.......
  6. Ja gotivim Textove od Satyricona..recimo Dominions of Satyricon From beyond come the storm Landscapes turn to ash before my pressured eyes Nothingness turns to nothingness And my imagination fades like dustclouds over This deserted land, feel to now satyricon Wonder how stormclouds rage And all you can feel is the cold winds of Funeral times, timeless they are He saw lived and died In these dreams of demons Wondering how he could open the gate to Dark medieval times and bring forth to the domains of satyricon, two great spears and a flag of dominion And hate Above it all creations fall Living for the quest and the search Dying for the key, living for the domains Arise northern spirit and come forth under The might of the castle satyricon
  7. Ma sve bre.....samo napishesh koju ocesh......
  8. Black#1


    Pa ljudi su se potrudili da nadju poshtenu zamenu........nemoj da si negativan....
  9. Black#1


    Pazi...ja sam ovo smatrala proverenom informacijom jer je nisam videla na netu.Da ne ogreshim dushu,al' mislim da je Courtney bila do Mordora...tamo je valjda po obichaju razgovarala sa Kozeljnikom i saznala to....
  10. ...Moram ih imati!Tako su GAYevske i seksy....Sigurno cu naci neku lepu devojku....iliti,pak.....nekog dechka.....tada naidje prodavachica i upita ga.......
  11. Black#1


    AAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!! Pokvario si sve moje iluzije!
  12. Black#1


    Ovi Blackeri svi navalili vamo.....chuli da smo troo ..........Sad Carpathian...pa Marduk......Gde god trebala da idem,otkazacu to!
  13. Dobar si!......Dark Funeral su meni bili drugi bend koji sam ja u opshte chula od Blacka......tada mi se nisu svideli......al zato sada......otkida!
  14. Black#1


    Ne verujem da je paljevina! .......nemoj da nam kvarish ILUZIJE!
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