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Everything posted by zak

  1. jebote kolko smo puta zvalavili o mh-u a da mi nikad to nisi rekao otkud znas to?
  2. e dobio je nagradu za najlepseg metal pevaca u nekom engl. casopisu
  3. idemo ja i troglavi sva 4 dana, mozemo da se nadjemo tamo na koljachu
  4. e bre pa 7.7. pocinje exit, e pa u ***** @zmyschek i ti se javljas non stop
  5. ne btw dolazimmatokendada
  6. sta svirate na pomenutom fetivalu?
  7. ako, ako udri sine samo udri, ako te ne boli udri sto vise sto udaras glavom na dobar tekst?
  8. vas dvojica ne umete da devojkama
  9. ne znam, nemam kako da izmerim, mislim da je ova moja 1.5 mm ali nisam siguran, inace plasticna je trzalica, od svih trzalica koje sam ja probao (a njih nije tako mnogo) najvise lici na one fenderove 'heavy' trzalice sto ima u mitrosu se kupe
  10. svira on svasta 'jeste da je daron napisao tekstova za novi album, i da vise peva u pesmama ne njemu, ali sam ja zato napisao vise muzike nego ikad' tako nekako iz metal hammer-a
  11. right a ja cu do tad da se setam okolo sa trzalicom koju je Jim Root bacio u publiku na kraju koncerta u BUDIMPESTI prosle godine nisi ti fan korna
  12. elem meni se Nothing Remains ne svidja, ali mi se nekoliko rifova iz pesme mnogo svidja. npr rif koji ide na kraju. ne svidja mi se kako je sve uklopljeno, i zvuk mi ne lici na IOR, vise mi vuce na neki metalcore, ili tako nesto. ja ne bih voleo da Chimaira zvuci ovako, i posle 10+ slusanja pesme i dalje je slusam samo da bi cuo rif sa pocetka (onaj kad stanu pa krenu opet), solazu, i rif za kraj, kao celina mi se i dalje ne svidja
  13. super, ti si nas idol
  14. After months of speculation, most of the final details for Machine Head's upcoming DVD "Elegies" have been officially announced! Scheduled to street on August 16th, their first-ever DVD release will focus around (and contain the entirety of) Machine Head's performance at London's Brixton Academy, filmed on December 5th, 2004. In addition, the disc will feature three behind-the-scenes vignettes, focusing on the making of the band's newest record "Through the Ashes of Empires", life on the road with Machine Head, and an up-close and personal look at the greatest horde of lunatics in the world - Machine Head fans. Viewers will have the choice of watching the vignettes interstitially (injected into the concert footage) or on their own. On top of that, three music videos - "Imperium", "Days Turn Blue To Gray" (both uncensored and uncut) and "The Blood, The Sweat, The Tears" - will also be included, each accompanied by its own behind-the-scenes "Making of" documentary. All of the aforementioned behind-the-scenes and documentary material has been recompiled and re-edited from over 300 hours of footage amassed by the band since writing for "Through the Ashes of Empires" began in 2003, providing a never-before-seen glimpse into the world of heavy metal's most ferocious empire. The band also plan to choose and release one song from "Elegies" this July to major video networks worldwide, so be on the lookout for a sneak peek at what is sure to be the fiercest DVD release of 2005! Note: Contrary to previous announcements, the Burn My Eyes 10th Anniversary show will not be included as part of the "Elegies" package. can't wait
  15. sto 'bar u muzickom smislu'? bas je text neverovatan: Somewhere in this dying day as I plan my great escape I find it hard to concentrate while you maintain control I fold and falter, empty alter, all I gave I pray it makes me whole I think the brink's around the corner There's an error in my soul... I can't feel my faith can't recall my crime I think I sealed my fate along the way I may have lost my mind I guess we're all damaged in our own way Alone in our own way Distant headlights desolate highway
  16. a sta sviraju ti ostali bendovi i u kom sastavu vi svirate?
  17. ko se ne nalozi u bridge-u sun doesn't rise kad kaze ono 'there's an error in my soul' treba odma da zna da mu nesto fali u glavi
  18. e ljudi koji su najveci hitovi pre albuma Clayman dobih odjedanput gomilu albuma pa ne znam sta da slusam
  19. ma mora on uvek nesto da prisere
  20. ima neko link za novi album?
  21. ne znam dal delite moje misljenje da je This Cocaine... najbolja pesma na albumu
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