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Everything posted by skulhead

  1. http://www.mediaboom...ation-2014.html
  2. Odakle su liste? I Napalmova mi je dobra. Ponajbolje stvari sa ovih "novijih" albuma i nekolika klasika.
  3. Theatre Of Tragedy - Velvet Darkness They Fear Savatage - Dead Winter Dead Sonic Youth - A thousand Leaves
  4. Lose cenis. Luksemburg je jedna od te tri.
  5. Bice na Eventimu za neki dan. Nije ih bilo ni za Napalm Death, tek su se juce pojavile u prodaji na njihovom sajtu.
  6. http://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/18916-gridlink-longhena/
  7. Dosta ljudi je to trazilo ovde, ali izgleda da ne postoji nikakav snimak. Jbg, voleo bih i ja da vidim. Odlican je cert bio.
  8. Skrtelova strahovlada!
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IJovmgDJPY
  10. Mislis na ovo: Zaobidji u sirokom luku. Mislim da je ovo nesto najgore sto sam ikada pogledao. Nikakav budzet, losa gluma, efekti nula. Nema Doug Bradley-a. Sve ti je jasno.
  11. Pracenje posiljke ide otprilike tako kako si naveo, mada ja to nikad nisam koristio. Verovatnoca da ti se obicna posiljka izgubi je minimalna, a za ovih par godina svaki poruceni paket mi je stigao i vecinom su slati kao obicna posiljka.
  12. http://www.b92.net/sport/fudbal/vesti.php?yyyy=2014&mm=02&dd=04&nav_id=807976
  13. ^Doktorski je odigrao. Sad su ga bas hvalili Karager i Nevil u ovoj emisiji posle utakmice.
  14. A QUARTER CENTURY OF DEVIANCE You try to wrap your head around it but comprehension fails - it's been twentyfive years since the first official Meshuggah release!!! The selftitled (though often referred to as "Psykisk testbild") EP came out on the small local Umeå label Garageland Records in 1989, making 2014 the big TWO FIVE for the band!! Hoooly s**t!! Who would have thought huh!? - That our small group of young guys would get to - not only write and record our own quirky, deviant style of metal - but that we would still be doing it a quarter century later, making our living off of what we love to do!! Now in our forties we can't but look back at it jawdropped and baffled at the fact!! We always set out to do something new, something different from the music we heard around us - something that would be a challenge to ourselves to write, learn and perform. Something truly unique. Looking back at our career we feel that we have actually been successful in doing just that!! We have for so many years been blessed with a super loyal fanbase and a still-growing one at that, allowing us to continue to create freely and without boundaries! For this we sincerely thank all of our fans that have stood by us all this time!!! To commemorate this great anniversary we have a few different cool things coming out in 2014! Those will include among other things a few official releases, but as to not completely kill the suspense immediately, we will come back with more info on that during the winter and spring. So keep your eyes and ears peeled for more news on this in the next few months, on our official site as well as Facebook etc. One thing we can announce at this time though is that we will be doing a few select "25th Anniversary" festival dates both European and in North America, out of which one will be us closing the Marquee stage at Graspop festival with a special 25th anniversary set on Sunday 29th of June! More info on additional dates will soon follow! I'll stop blathering now. Just want to say, from all of us in the band to all people whose support keeps us going strong still : THANK YOU!!! And here's to another 25!! /Tomas Haake - Meshuggah
  15. skulhead


    Jebena grupa, a ukrstamo se sa grupom B u drugoj fazi. Klanje!
  16. skulhead


    Grupa A: Španija, Egipat, Iran, Srbija, Brazil, Francuska. Grupa B: Argentina, Senegal, Filipini, Hrvatska, Portoriko, Grčka Grupa C: SAD, Finska, Novi Zeland, Ukrajina, Dominikanska Republika, Turska Grupa D: Litvanija, Angola, Južna Koreja, Slovenija, Meksiko, Australija
  17. http://www.b92.net/s...0&nav_id=806459
  18. :haha: Gde njega nadjose? Ali Toncev je kralj.
  19. Kada Ninkovic napusta pripreme? http://www.sportske.net/vest/domaci-fudbal/grubor-nismo-prodali-ninkovica-i-jojica-164485.html
  20. Sad sam podigao na zippyshare. Valjda je sve u redu. http://www15.zippysh...50969/file.html
  21. Olimpijakos, jebote. :haha: I oni ce mu oprostiti ruznu proslost.
  22. Ovi invalidi iz Mancestera ne umeju ni penal da pogode. I ovo:
  23. http://www.b92.net/sport/fudbal/vesti.php?yyyy=2014&mm=01&dd=19&nav_id=801823
  24. skulhead

    Formula 1

    http://www.b92.net/sport/automoto/f1.php?yyyy=2014&mm=01&dd=16&nav_id=800961 :rockdevil:
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