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Everything posted by skulhead

  1. Kupljeno od kolege sa foruma.
  2. Meni pre neki dan stiglo drugo dopunjeno izdanje o kome pricate. Cena sa postarionom izlazi oko 2150 dinara i porucuje se direktno od izdavaca ovde . Ova cena vazi u julu i avgustu (posle ce biti visa za oko 25 %), a cena u knjizarama je 3854. Kupio sam ovo izdanje posto nisam posedovao prvo, ali ne vidim razlog zasto bi neko kupovao ovo ako vec ima prvo. U svakom slucaju, fenomenalno izgleda i mislim da vredi svaki dinar.
  3. Evo 2-2. Jos nije gotovo. U play-off ne vazi pravilo gola u gostima.
  4. Book Depository Dostava je besplatna.
  5. Upravo tako.Sto se mene tice, ipak mi Anomalies ostaje favorit.
  6. Konacno krenuse sa snimanjem novog albuma.Zvace se Serpent Saints i trebalo bi da izadje 6.6.2006.
  7. ENTOMBED PARTS WAYS WITH UFFE CEDERLUND Entombed have amicably parted ways with guitarist Ulf (Uffe/Ufo/Monster)Cederlund. The bands official statement on the matter reads as follows: We want to inform everyone that Uffe Cederlund is no longer in the band and that the split is definite and amicable. We wish him all the best! Entombed will go on as a four piece and are currently finishing up the Inferno tour to start work on the new studio album which will be their best ever!
  8. skulhead


    Relapse Records recording artists AGORAPHOBIC NOSEBLEED have collaborated with ISIS on a cover of the MELVINS classic "Boris". The song has been posted online at the official AGORAPHOBIC NOSEBLEED website and marks the release of the first recorded ANb material since 2003's 100 song 3" CD Altered States of America. http://www.AGORAPHOBICNOSEBLEED.com
  9. Posto je turneja vec pocela evo set liste sa gig-a u Swindon-u.Ne verujem da ce se ona na Exit-u previse razlikovati. Instinct of survival unchallenged hate instruments of persuasion continuing war on stupidity narcoleptic vegetative state take the poison next on the list suffer the children breed to breathe the code is red.... lowlife (cryptic slaughter cover) silence is deafening right you are diplomatic immunity I abstain neccesary evil great and the good scum life the kill deciever you suffer lowpoint ======= mass appeal madness greed killing nazi punks (dead kennedys cover) siege of power
  10. Otpevao je ceo Brave Murder Day osim Day.
  11. skulhead


    Ti si to nesto pobrkao.23.9. Hate Eternal svira u Sloveniji.Nile,Incantation i Unleashed sviraju sa njima od 7.9 do 19.9. i na toj turneji uopste ne sviraju u Zagrebu.
  12. In Flames are in the studio at the moment, recording the next album. The title on the album will be "Crawl Through Knives". The mixing of the album will start next week at Tonteknik in Umeå, Sweden and the album will be done in the end of May. Some tracks that will appear on the album are: "Crawl Through Knives", "Dead End", "Leeches", "Surrender?", "Reflect The Storm", "Take This Life". In other news, In Flames will release their DVD debut, entitled "Used and Abused... In Live We Trust" through Nuclear Blast on June 20.
  13. skulhead


    Ja sam od ovog albuma dosta ocekivao pa sam se malo razocarao.MIslim,sve je na svom mestu ali mi ipak nesto nedostaje.
  14. Pogledajte ovo http://www.napalmdeath.org/ i otvorite Live Corruption.
  15. Super vest.Ulepsali ste mi dan.Na nihovom zvanicnom sajtu jos uvek nema Novog Sada ali to ce objaviti kasnije. Nabavio sam The Code Is Red... i mogu reci da je mnogo dobar.Klasican Napalm album.
  16. Da se i ja ukljucim! Always 7/10 Almost a Dance 7/10 Mandylion 9/10 Nighttime Birds 9.5/10 How To Measure A Planet 8.5/10 If_Than_Else 8.5/10 Souvenirs 9/10
  17. Nego sta. Album stvarno jebe kevu.Malo me samo nervira onaj modifikovani glas u Mind's Mirrors.
  18. skulhead


    Nikakvih vesti o novom albumu nema.Verovatno i nece biti skorije jer su trenutno na Evropskoj turneji.
  19. skulhead


    Ovaj Sanders je,izgleda,tezak za saradju.Ovi muzicari se smenjuju kao na pokretnoj traci.
  20. skulhead


  21. skulhead


    Valjda Plainfield Cemetary.Nebitno.Obavezno preslusaj Rated X.Po meni,to im je najbolji album.
  22. skulhead


    Uh!Ja sam nasao informaciju po kojoj album izlazi tek 24.maja.
  23. Novi album izlazi 21.3.2005. i zvace se "13".
  24. Album izlazi 25. aprila a na njemu ce gostovati i Jello Biafra.Evo spiska pesama 1. Silence Is Deafening 2. Right You Are 3. Diplomatic Immunity 4. The Code Is Red... Long Live The Code 5. Climate Controllers 6. Instruments Of Persuasion 7. The Great And The Good 8. Sold Short 9. All Hail The Grey Dawn 10. Vegetative State 11. Pay For The Privilege Of Breathing ! 12. Pledge Yourself To You 13. Striding Purposefully Backwards 14. Morale 15. Our Pain Is Their Power
  25. Po meni,Ashes je njihov najlosiji album.
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