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Everything posted by skulhead

  1. After Anneke van Giersbergen expect her first born child,The Gathering will work on several recordings this year.Together with producer Attie Bauw(How To Measure A Planet?)the band will record songs for a new album.But first the band will concentrate on the release of their new DVD Part I sheduled for a release autumn 2005.Part I will heldthe full semi-acoustic Paradiso concert,together with a tour documentary and a lot of extra archive material throughout the years. Release of the studio album(Working title:"Your Troubles Are Over") will be around the beggining of 2006.The band will go on the road again spring 2006,doing a new world tour to promote their new album.DVD Part II will be recorded during the European dates,and will contain a full 'rock' concert of the band,together with a studio documentary and more archive and rare footage spanning a 15 years history.
  2. Gledao sam: Deep Purple Metallica Vader Cannibal Corpse Kataklysm Graveworm Voleo bih da vidim In Flames,Dark Tranquillity,Meshuggah,Opeth,DEP,The Gathering...Mrzi me da kucam.Lista je poprilicno duga.
  3. Bas bi bilo fino ali mislim da od toga nema nista.
  4. Widow's Weeds ili Beyond the Veil.
  5. A u recenziji za neki bend(ne secam se koji) da lice na In Flames(dok su svirali metal).Pa sta onda sada sviraju,mogao bi da nam pojasni malo?
  6. Konacno i to da se pojavi u prodaji.Valjda ce se ovoliko cekanje isplatiti.
  7. Slazem se sa tobom. 1.Moonshield 2.Behind Space 3.Jotun 4.Dialogue With The Stars 5.Cloud Connected
  8. Mislim da ce sledeci album biti losiji od prethodnika ali ce ih po broju prodatih kopija premasiti.Videcete!Da se razumemo,veliki sam fan ovog benda ali su me malo razocarali sa Coma Lies tako da...
  9. Alternative 4.
  10. Ne volim singlove jer su obicno uzimanje para.Sacekacu da izadje album.
  11. Super.Jedva cekam da izadje novi album(a i ovaj EP).3.2.2005 sviraju sa Kreator-om u Zagrebu a 4.2.2005. u Budimpesti(takodje sa Kreator-om).
  12. Sasvim slucajno sam nabavio vas demo i mogu reci da je odlican. Nadamo se da cete svirati u Cacku .Cheers!!!
  13. To ce morati da se vidi.Posle Cannibala se vracam u Cacak tako da cu biti tamo.
  14. Sons of satan Praise the lord nije live album vec album sa obradama od kojih je vecina objavljena na raznoraznim verzijama prethodnih albuma.Obradjivali su S.O.D.,Repulsion,Twisted Sister,Bob Dylan-a,Venom,Black Sabbath...
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