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Enemies of Reality (REMIXED) Europe: March 21 2005
Izlazak live cd-a je najavljen za 14.03., a dvd-a za 23.05.
Century Media have confirmed that NEVERMORE’s forthcoming new album will be called This Godless Endeavor. The album is due out sometime in summer 2005. As previously reported, the band are currently recording at England’s Backstage Studios with producer Andy Sneap (ARCH ENEMY, OPETH). Tracks to appear on the release include: ‘This Godless Endeavor’, ‘The Psalm Of Lydia’, ‘Killing Time For The Pretty Ones’, ‘Sell My Heart For Stones’, ‘Sentient 6 (The Learning Part 2)’ and ‘Bittersweet Feast’. More details as they become available.
The Seattle-based quintet NEVERMORE are currently wrapping up the songwriting process for their highly anticipated new album, set for a summer release. In February, the group will head to Backstage Studios in England to begin recording with legendary producer Andy Sneap (ARCH ENEMY, OPETH). This will mark the group’s first recording with guitarist Steve Smyth (ex-TESTAMENT). The band will proceed to debut some new material on a short European tour in March. In other news, due to overwhelming demand, the group’s critically acclaimed 2003 album, Enemies of Reality, is currently being remixed by Sneap and will be repackaged with altered cover artwork, two promotional video clips (the title track and 'I, Voyager') and a live video of the title track performed at Germany’s Wacken Open Air festival this past summer. The remixed Enemies of Reality will replace the existing version of the album in stores beginning in March. Fans who have already purchased the record and want to hear the new edition can special order it from the CenturyMedia.com web shop, where the CD itself will be sold individually (i.e., without jewel case and artwork) for $5, including shipping. The disc will be mailed in a CD sleeve; a link to a special website containing the downloadable revised artwork will be included in order confirmation e-mails. Frontman Warrel Dane further describes his excitement over the album being remastered, “We're glad that we can all finally hear Enemies of Reality the way it should have sounded in the first place. Andy's mixes sound brutal, and the infamous blanket of mud is gone. We're hard at work getting ready for the studio. The new material is shaping up to be some of our best work yet. We’re psyched to get in the studio with Andy and tear it up again.”
Sudeci po onome sto si rekao, radovacu se sasvim sigurno! Znate ti i "Eternal Flame" sto ja volim Cekacu zvanican izlazak albuma, i onda cu ga nabaviti.
Novi album izlazi 29.03.
22.03. izlazi novi album.
Hoces reci Tom S. Englund Drago mi je vidjeti da sve vise ima ljudi koji vole EVERGREY 15.03. izlazi live cd "A Night To Remember", dok ce se dvd pojaviti u prodaji krajem aprila
Pretpostavljam da si review procitao na sljedecem linku: http://www.metal-rules.com/zine/index.php?...id=69&Itemid=28
Novi album "RELIXIV" izlazi 2005.godine,ali za sada nema zvanicne informacije kada ce se naci u prodaji, mada postoje indicije da to moze biti vec u februaru. Evo naslova pjesama: Within Your Eyes Love Loaded Rack Bats In the Belfry A Pound Of Flesh Keeper Wheelz The Mark Play The Ace Old School
German power metallers RUNNING WILD have finalized the track listing for their new album, "Rogues En Vogue", due on February 28, 2005 through G.U.N./ BMG Ariola. It is as follows: 01. Draw the Line 02. Angel of Mercy 03. Skeleton Dance 04. Skulls & Bones 05. Born Dead, Dying Worse 06. Black Gold 07. Soul Vampires 08. Rogues en Vogue 09. Winged & Feathered 10. Dead Man's Road 11. The War
Candlemass posted the following update: “Hello again fans of Doom!! Things are now happening fast in the C-mass camp! Messiah, Leif, Lars, Jan and Mappe are in the studio right now to record a motherfucker of a record, the first one in 15 years!! Last time the classic line-up was in the studio together was for the Tales Of Creation album, and from what I have heard so far, this one will be even better. This is classic Candlemass doing what they do best: Epic, Doom, Metal!!! If you are curious how it goes.... check out the studio report with Leifs personal notes and pictures. You find it on the main page.”
Nadajmo se da ce se brzo u potpunosti oporaviti, i da ce poceti snimanje dugo ocekivanog albuma PARADOX-a.
Vjerujem da ce Andy Sneap sve srediti kako treba,znajuci da je on jedan od najboljih producenata.
Producer Andy Sneap (MACHINE HEAD, ARCH ENEMY, SKINLAB, MASTERPLAN) is remixing NEVERMORE's "Enemies of Reality" album for re-release via the Century Media label in early 2005. "Enemies of Reality" (2003) was originally recorded in Seattle with producer Kelly Gray (QUEENSRŸCHE, SLAVE TO THE SYSTEM, DOKKEN) and was widely criticized for its muddy, inferior production compared to that of its predecessor, 2000's "Dead Heart in a Dead World", which was produced by Sneap. NEVERMORE are expected to enter the studio with Sneap in February 2005 to begin recording their follow-up to "Enemies Of Reality", tentatively due late summer/early fall via Century Media.
Novi album "8 Deadly Sins" je odlican,i apsolutno ga preporucujem svakome ko je volio njihove ranije radove.Ovaj bend je definitivno jedan od onih na koje se ne zasluzeno obraca mala paznja.Svako ko voli agresivni power na ivici sa thrash Metalom,jednostavno mora voljeti ove Dance. P.S. Molim moderatora da napise pravilno naziv benda u naslovu ove teme. Sve najbolje !!!
It's finished!!!! The highly anticipated record #2 is finally mixed and on it's way to AFM Records Germany. Produced by Zak Stevens and Co Produced by "The Master" Jim Morris. Once again Zak Stevens, Jon Oliva and Chris Caffery have joined forces in writing this remarkable CD. Also contributing 2 songs is new song writing partner Bernd Aufferman. Zak would like to thank the CIIC band for helping to make a GREAT RECORD!!! Paul Micheal Stewart ( Bass / Vocals) Tom Drennan ( Drums / Vocals) Evan Christopher ( Guitars / Vocals) Andrew Lee (Guitars / Vocals) Special appearances include Matt La Porte and Robert Wolf. A very special thanks to Andreas Allendorfer @ AFM for giving CIIC a place to call home. And a very special thanks to Dirk Lehberger for helping keep CIIC "Live In Europe". The CD it is titled "The Middle Of Nowhere" and contains 10 Tracks with 56 plus minutes of modern, cutting edge heavy metal. "The Middle Of Nowhere" is a work of art that was pains takenly constructed over a 10 month period of recording seclusion, devastating hurricanes, and many of life's trials and tribulations. A very important and "must have record" for 2005! Song titles include: In This Life All That Remains Open Season Holding On Cynical Ride Hollow Strung Out Faces In The Dark The Middle Of Nowhere Lost The release date is scheduled for the end of Feb. 2005 and will be followed by an very special Co-headline World Tour with several of the absolute best new bands found anywhere on earth! 2005 will without question be a huge breakout year for Circle II Circle!! FEEL THE HEAT! - CATCH THE FEVER !!!
"Evil Star" je odlican,i nije ni cudo sto je u mnogim casopisima po izlasku proglasen albumom mjeseca.Svima koji vole "Black Wings" sigurno ce se dopasti i ovaj album.Za fanove SLAYER-a valja reci da su uradili obradu njihove pjesme "Die By The Sword",i ona dolazi kao bonustrack.Sve u svemu,ovaj bend zasluzuje veliku paznju svakog ko voli pravi heavy Metal.
Odlicnu produkciju na novom albumu uradio je,ko bi drugi do - ANDY SNEAP!
"Tempo Of The Damned" je odlican album,i siguran sam da ce se svim ljubiteljima thrash-a dopasti.Come back je apsolutno vrijedio,jer su napravili album pun energije,cistih rifova,dobrih solaza,a i produkcija je na nivou.Inace vidim da se mnogima ne dopada glas Souza-e,ali meni je on ok,i dosta podsjeca na Elsworth-a iz OVERKILL-a.
Eh,samo da dodju u februaru u BG,jer bi to bilo nesto fenomenalno!Nadam se da je "Blondie" dobila neku provjerenu informaciju,jer vjerujem da ne bi sirila dezinformacije,posto znamo koliko voli MEGADETH.
Novi album "Hellfire Club" je odlican,i nekako melodijama mi je najblizi ipak neprevazidjenom "Mandrake"-u.Glas Tobbias Sammet-a je izuzetno napredovao,i to je odmah uocljivo prlikom slusanja prve pjesme na albumu "Mysteria".
Evo da se pridruzim hvalospjevima na racun prvijenca benda PHARAOH Odlican album,cisti heavy,sa pomalo power-a,produkcija na nivou,i naravno ono sto cini ovaj album posebnim je fenomenalan vokal Tim Aymar-a!Jedva cekam njihovo novo izdanje.Puna preporuka za sve ljubitelje ovog pravca!
Nazalost,prvi album imam samo u mp3 formatu,a originalni disk nigdje ne mogu naci,jer je uradjen u svega 1000 primjeraka