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Everything posted by DragonHeart
Hey !!! Pheeeeeeeeeeewwwww…. it's been a long fucking year negotiating this deals, not something we've enjoyed too much , it's taken its toll on everything from economi to psyche. BUT now it's finally done and we are extremely curious on what the future has in it's hands for us ! We have made changes in everything surrounding Evergrey , everything from management, record-label to booking and , perhaps most important, changed our own approach to this thing called EVERGREY. It came to a time a while ago where we ALL were tired of everything surrounding this bitch called the music-industry. It affected our whole perception of what and who we were, it most certainly killed everything close to joy and in the end made it feel like a boring 9 - 5 job where you don't like your co-workers and just want to go home. But as I said , we've been through that now and coming out on the other end of this rather dark tunnel are 5 guys who have the same determination, goals and fire to keep this ball spinning for another couple of laps! Below you have the 3rd trailer that I know you have been eagerly awaiting , somethings up with the compression level that makes the pics smaller so those look like shit… but hey …. you're here to h e a r the God-damned thing, right ? It contains all songtitles for the regular edition of this release and the release day is 2nd week of September but , you'll see somethings prolly gonna come up and change that for the 10th time….. I hope you enjoy it and we wish to hear ALL your thoughts , as they are what matter the most to us ! Below is also your new cover , spill your guts about that too.
Power/Prog metal predlozi & noviteti
DragonHeart replied to WindrideR's topic in Power & progressive metal
Jedva sam cekao novi album, bez obzira sto nije vise Jioti u bendu, ali bolje da ga nisam cuo. Nula! Ni cemu ne vrijedi. Njegovim odlaskom, Human Fortress je postao potpuno drugaciji.- 4683 replies
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- rock
(and 8 more)
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Ne zna to ni sam bend, a i nesto me narocito ne zanima, jer sto god budu odlucili da sviraju, mogao bih zmureci da potpisem
Mogli bi smo put Budimpeste nakon Legacy-a
1.juna sviraju u Budimpesti, a predgrupa ce biti To-Mera. Kako ce to biti dobro
password: bunalti.com
French progressive metallers ADAGIO - who recently announced the addition of Finnish singer Christian Palin - have issued the following studio update: "Bass, guitars, drums and vocals lines are recorded. Stephan (Forté - guitar) is executing a gorgeous work on the orchestrations and guitar solos should be done next week. At the same time, Kevin (Codfert) is recording his keyboards solos and pianos parts in his studio. Both of them will begin the mix very soon (next week). The name of the European label will be announced in the upcoming weeks and a French Headline Tour is already in talks for November 2008. Before this tour, some gigs have already been confirmed: June 21: Reunion Island (close to Madagascar) plus Stephan and Eric's (Lebailly - drums) Masterclass. July 3: Castle Festival in Serbia July 25 : Blue Bitch (Beach Festival in Châteauneuf les Martigues (close to Marseille). And last but not least, on June 10th, the band will start shooting the first Adagio clip for the song 'Fear Circus', one of the major song of the upcoming Archangels In Black album."
Memento Smori vise s tim zeljama
Bolje da je veliku ljubav ukazao zeni, pa se mozda ne bi razveo, a ne mackama i konjima
Isti slucaj i kod mene. Sto ga vise slusam, sve mi je bolji. Ako bih morao da izdvojim neku pjesmu, onda bi to bila "Scorpion Flower".
Novi album ne vjerujem da ce izaci prije 2010., zato tisina
Bez pogovora, odlican je novi album! Kao da su na njemu spakovali sve najbolje sa starih albuma, a opet ne zvuce kao da su se ponovili.
@ crusader84: Ne bi me ni to cudilo Bendovi vole da pricaju "bajke" o svojim albumima, tako da sve to kod mene nema neke vaznosti. Pogotovo ona floskula "novi album ce biti nesto najbolje sto smo do sad snimili" i sl.
Nista Tomu ne vjerujem, dok ne preslusam album.
Kako mi "lezi" Attacker, pa to je strasno. Imaju sve sto zelim kod jednog benda ovakve profilacije. Pravi pravcati US Power. Samo neka nastave s radom, pa koji god pjevac da im bude u postavi manje je vazno. Ne ocekujem da u BG ikad zasviraju, ali zato mogu misliti kako pohode Grcku koja ima najveci broj fanova ovog zanra.
"Skini", pa sam donesi zakljucak, ali meni se nije dopao. Od njih samo priznajem "Wildhoney".
14.avgusta sviraju na Sziget festivalu.
Nebitno, jasno mi je sve, ali mi je glupo da se posle svega jednog preslusavanja dijele komentari, sto je ovdje cesto uobicajena praksa. Ne znam koja je svrha toga. No, vratimo se Communic-u Izgleda da je ono shishanje uticalo na Stensland-a, pa je s gubitkom kose, izgubljena i prava kreativnost za novi album
Ako je vjerovati Last FM-u, ti si album samo jednom preslusao, a vec dajes ocjene. Mrs u cosak!
Kao sto vec rekoh, samo da ne odu suvise u atmosfericnost kojoj naginju i nema zime
Znaci, prosjek ili i ispod toga.
Daleko je jesen, ali valjda bude tog koncerta kad ih vec ne mozemo gledati na Legacy festivalu.
Razocaran sam albumom. Pokusavaju da zvuce svjeze, ali to mi je sve nekako na silu. Produkcija dobra kao i uvijek, ali pjesme su za zaborav i nema prakticno jedne koja se istice. Svijetlih momenata ima, ali to je nedovoljno da bi se dao pozitivan utisak, pogotovo kad znamo kako su im dobra ranija izdanja.
Communic - "Payment Of Existence": http://rapidshare.com/files/113557301/co.rar.html
Paradise Lost - "Paradise Lost" (320kbps): http://rapidshare.com/files/19393075/Parad...sxcap.part1.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/19393833/Parad...sxcap.part2.rar Ne znam imas li tu bonus pjesme koje trazis, ali mozda ces i s ovim sto sam ti dao biti zadovoljan