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Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by DragonHeart

  1. Sve nade drzimo za njihov ponovni koncert
  2. Novi album nece prije iduce godine.
  3. I da su nas culi ne bi je svirali.
  4. Ona je tu da malo uljepsa spot
  5. Nema linkova.
  6. "Communion" je jedan od najboljih albuma koje sam cuo ove godine
  7. Spot je snimljen za pjesmu "Scorpion Flower".
  8. Nigdje se ne pominje njihov dolazak.
  9. Slazem se. "Prevail" je njihov najgori album.
  10. Jeste da je Jioti (ex Human Fortress, Hydrotoxin) sjajan pjevac, ali to je nedovoljno da utisak o albumu bude pozitivan.
  11. I ti ih znaci tako nazivas
  12. Rijetkost je naici na nepodijeljena misljenja o necemu na ovom forumu, a to je slucaj s novim albumom Opeth-a
  13. Blad se vratio na albumu "Northwind"
  14. Nema frke, bratac, tebi je sve oprosteno Bilo nam je extra
  15. Jednu je bacio, pa sam je uhvatio, a drugu mi je dao nakon koncerta.
  16. Bob je imao mnogo dobru majicu Faca je Gus koji je kad sam ga pitao za fotografisanje rekao: "Ajde"
  17. Firewind je sinoc pokazao "nevjernim Tomama" ko su i koliko vrijede. Imali su extra nastup i licno se ne bih bunio da su svirali koliko i Kamelot Gus G. je prepun hvale na nas racun, sto sam imao prilike licno da cujem dok smo se fotografisali.
  18. Evo set liste koju mi je dao Roy Khan:
  19. Death Connection (bonus track)
  20. California power metallers AGENT STEEL have issued the following update: "We just loaded in our gear this week into our new rehearsal studio in Los Angeles and started working on new song ideas; and also revisiting the 'Steel' catalog. We've begun to kick around guitar riff ideas in attempt to write new songs for the follow up to Alienigma. Bernie has been contributing via email, and his guitar riffs are solid and totally in the same style as the rest of us. We have some kick ass shows coming up in May starting in Guadalajara, Mexico on Friday the 16th, and also Saturday the 17th in Toluca; these will be some fun live shows! It's been difficult to compile a 'fresh' set list of material into only 45 minutes! compiling a set list is an art-form in itself; and some heated debates on what songs we should play and what songs we should leave out have occurred! (Email us and let us know what songs you would like to hear us play live [email protected]. We will be in San Francisco on May 23rd with our good friends IMAGIKA and ANGER AS ART at a place called Fat City; this will be our first show in the area since the Thrash for Cancer Benefit show a few years back at the S.F. Pound on a bill that also included TESTAMENT, HIRAX, LAAZ ROCKIT and others. AGENT STEEL will also be performing in Los Angeles on Saturday, June 7th at the Black Castle with DEATHRIDERS (featuring Neil Turbin), in addition to some killer up-and-coming local L.A. bands (come out and support our Local L.A. Scene!). We are also looking forward to returning to Europe for the Bang Your Head Festival with QUEENSRŸCHE, ICED EARTH and others on Friday, June 27th (We hit the stage early: 11:50AM). The GRASPOP METAL MEETING w/KISS, CAVALERA CONSPIRACY, HELMET and others on Saturday, June 28th (set time: 4:20PM) in Belgium these will be some amazing shows for sure!"
  21. Mozda bude situacija kao s Astral Doors, kad smo vise pjevali uz njih nego uz Blind Guardian
  22. Ziva istina Kako ko
  23. Ti ne bi, ali ih ima koliko hoces koji bi dali. Shvatas li, bitno je biti vidjen i da se kasnije prica kako se ide na koncerte i sl. Znam takve kretene i zato ovo pricam. Metal je pun pozeraja.
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