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Everything posted by dvoeverie

  1. Novi spot! 'The Abandoning' Sa albuma 'The Unwritten Psalms' 2022 #Niksic #Metal #Mrak
  2. Unwritten Empty pages within me that are laid before me spread to infinity. Pages of unwritten times echoes of countless laments for what do we sell our lives? All the words that had perished long before we were reborn have no place to go, but to find their final rest on the scrolls on which we test our role our final goal. ('Cos we) can't escape that all we have to say. time is nigh for letters to be lain. So - this mission, (so - this) confusing conflict and collision victorious emerge. Empty pages of forgotten dreams times of loss and hours of screams... for what do we live our lives?! For what do we leave our lives? PS: From the hardships do not run, in the struggle you become the writer and the sage. Where prowess steps - fortune follows do not let the concepts swallow you - - drink deep from your rage! Fill each empty page!
  3. Citav album sa odvojenim pjesmama...
  4. From the rivers From the hills From the fens And remote ends From the dells and hidden caves We have gathered - - forward we shall march. ''Oh God, Give me premature death So I shan't see the disaster. Mutual guilts will be washed in blood Not in redemption - - but in a fratricide.'' The horde of the steppes cutting off the loose ends. Wearing blade of justice whirlwind of revenge. Mother river heals us with its water Soil of the steppe has given us the shelter Inborn prowess pulls us ever forward We'll reclaim the holy lands of Poland.
  5. Malo ranije...
  6. Anglia - the land of the dead. Anglia, a chance to survive with your remaining hand. Tarnished shields of the creator soldiers buried deep under the soil. They will remember! Shamefully, you have forgotten glorious history written in blood and suffering... ...for you to breathe! Anglia - isle of the damned. Anglia, people erased, who shall remain? Sold by the pound! Poets forbidden, fathers displaced... Led by the hounds corrupted, rotten, satanic wights. You - once glorious people Kings of renowned, scepters in hands, conquered by slaves of the golden cross, (you) kneel in the mud of oblivion rains... Anglia - realm of broken ties. Anglia, is it too late to arise?!
  7. People Are Lost An empire laid to waste In an infernal, demonic haste In progress, Cloned in dismay. A tsardom turned into ruin. People need People chose A tsardom turned into ruin. People destroy. Losing desire to live Equalized with a logarithm of fate Burnt by mechanical lust Indoctrinated by an artificial hate People create People create... People create People elate People are lost People are the host To a global imperial tumor.
  8. Novi EP 'The Unwritten Psalms' je na bandcampu!!! https://dvoeverie.bandcamp.com/album/the-unwritten-psalms
  9. Naslovi pjesama sa novog EP ' The Unwritten Psalms' koji izlazi prvog oktobra: 1. People are Lost 2. Anglia 3. Decade Spell 4. Mutual Guilts 5. Unwritten 6. The Abandoning
  10. Nova stvar!!! Tekst u opisu videa... EP (6 pjesama) prvog oktobra...
  11. Pjesma 'Sacrificed...' je besplatna za daunloud na bendkampu... https://dvoeverie.bandcamp.com/track/sacrificed
  12. YouTube Plejlista:
  13. (Antigua terra spiritus, Mater terra adoremus.) Here - among the mountains of the world Here I suffer, yet I am not empty. Here's the land inhabited by spirits of times passed - full of meaning. Here life is a marvelous secret, A splendid vision of an infinite thought. Here I hear whisper of the fathers worshiping their Mother Earth. Rest assured - man with no land is a leaf in the wind And know this - exile is a faith worse than death. With all my heart do I kiss cold stone of these ruins - my cradle, my parent.
  14. We'll re-learn the laws of men... with your gracefull help...
  15. Remasterovana verzija singla.
  16. Srecan dan boga Peruna!!!
  17. Recenzija naseg prvijenca na 'Serbian Metal Portal'. Hvala braci!!! https://www.serbian-metal.org/recenzije/30412/dvoeverie-dvoeverie/
  18. Is it a mirror, or a window into a different world...? 'Tis a shelter, or an escape from the inner torment you hold? Showing to a porcelain doll how to lose control How to crawl through this life of unfair strife. ... not to fake and what to take how not to break! Silent cries from weathered walls surround me as darkness falls cruelty of hard existence reflects inside it's warm embrace. Radiance from the angel's face - glimpse of hope in plain disaster subtle sighs from weathered house torture me as days go by. Reluctant tear clutching fast unto the purest of souls A young heart hiding pain within its budding rose.
  19. Sacrificed... (Of late) There's an abyss in your eyes unconnected to anything, or anyone Something fully of your own. Life Deprived Flesh is swollen All is nigh spent. That which lives seems to pray to die. Stepping into the shade there's no turning you now Ghosts of another dream Walk unstopping Will of steel. (Gaze unreal) A suicide constructed A thoughtful self-ruin To dust And to ashes Yours is almost done. Sacrificed we are to the Gods of tar.
  20. Dead Sensations/// Sweet depression, whom I welcome hands open in embrace. Caress of darkness, in which I hide most intimate desire to escape. Relinquished responsibility Amidst depravity Turned to face the face of God. Petrified of destiny Jaded with iniquity yearning to erase it all. Aching coldness, which I cherish - - feeling present and alive. Faint despair, dead sensations, emptiness to which I strive.
  21. Prva stvar sa albuma na YT:
  22. https://dvoeverie.bandcamp.com/album/dvoeverie Poslusajte nas debi album besplatno na bendkampu!!!
  23. Nazalost nije. Bio je pozvan, ali jos nije odgovarao. Moguce u buducnosti...
  24. https://www.serbian-metal.org/vesti/30073/majski-pregled-noviteta-dawn-of-creation-oathbringer-wurmloch-xsus-dvoeverie/ Cekirajte Dvoeverie, ali i druge fenomenalne projekte objavljene ovog mjeseca...
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