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Everything posted by AGGRESSOR55

  1. Ipak je Burtona udarila struja. U istom trenutku je jedan stage diver pao ispred mene a ja sam sve vreme bio u prvom redu. setlista: 540.000 degress fahrenheit trangression slave labor drones demanufature self bias resitator zero signal shock edgecrusher descent martyr pisschrst contagion linchpin acres of skin cyberwaste archetype (pred kraj udarila burtona struja) replica (nisu svirali) timlessness (nisu svirali)
  2. Koncert bio izvanredan, sad nemam snage da vam opisujem. samo pred kraj pao burton u nesvest jer ga je neki sage diver sutnuo u lice
  3. Uskoro novi singl. Na cd-u ce se naci 1 nova pesma i jedna Kotizmay obrada
  4. Bolje bi bilo da skinete pesmu mog druga pa da procenite
  5. ne rekla je da ce da vidi, zaboravio sam da prevedem. inace djevojka je bosanka, brat joj peva u jednom death metal bandu
  6. tipicno za njega, ciganski osmeh
  7. trenutno pregovaram sa jednom pevacicom da se prikljuci bendu evo kako teche konverzacija AGGRESSOR a.k.a. METALLIVLAD *ORION* Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen. says: pocheo sam da pravim muziku AGGRESSOR a.k.a. METALLIVLAD *ORION* Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen. says: novi pravac: midi metal The True Nemesis© | All in me is poisoned love ... | We are the Atom StahlStürmer ... Vlad, Pino, Naïma says: gail AGGRESSOR a.k.a. METALLIVLAD *ORION* Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen. says: ech hun schon 4 lieder AGGRESSOR a.k.a. METALLIVLAD *ORION* Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen. says: treba mi jos neko da peva AGGRESSOR a.k.a. METALLIVLAD *ORION* Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen. says: also AGGRESSOR a.k.a. METALLIVLAD *ORION* Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen. says: band as gtsa genannt The True Nemesis© | All in me is poisoned love ... | We are the Atom StahlStürmer ... Vlad, Pino, Naïma says: gtsa? The True Nemesis© | All in me is poisoned love ... | We are the Atom StahlStürmer ... Vlad, Pino, Naïma says: an wat bedait dat? AGGRESSOR a.k.a. METALLIVLAD *ORION* Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen. says: global thermonuclear sexual annihilator The True Nemesis© | All in me is poisoned love ... | We are the Atom StahlStürmer ... Vlad, Pino, Naïma says: yeahhh oh wi gail AGGRESSOR a.k.a. METALLIVLAD *ORION* Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen. says: hahah AGGRESSOR a.k.a. METALLIVLAD *ORION* Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen. says: wellste sangen? The True Nemesis© | All in me is poisoned love ... | We are the Atom StahlStürmer ... Vlad, Pino, Naïma says: ech kann ne dgudd sangen The True Nemesis© | All in me is poisoned love ... | We are the Atom StahlStürmer ... Vlad, Pino, Naïma says: *ned AGGRESSOR a.k.a. METALLIVLAD *ORION* Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen. says: t'ass dach egal The True Nemesis© | All in me is poisoned love ... | We are the Atom StahlStürmer ... Vlad, Pino, Naïma says: also momentan üben ech nach AGGRESSOR a.k.a. METALLIVLAD *ORION* Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen. says: je schlimmer desto besser The True Nemesis© | All in me is poisoned love ... | We are the Atom StahlStürmer ... Vlad, Pino, Naïma says: ech kréien no 10 min screams halswéi AGGRESSOR a.k.a. METALLIVLAD *ORION* Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen. says: wow AGGRESSOR a.k.a. METALLIVLAD *ORION* Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen. says: voll underground The True Nemesis© | All in me is poisoned love ... | We are the Atom StahlStürmer ... Vlad, Pino, Naïma says: majo AGGRESSOR a.k.a. METALLIVLAD *ORION* Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen. says: du bass akzepteiert AGGRESSOR a.k.a. METALLIVLAD *ORION* Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen. says: midi metal scena je jaka AGGRESSOR a.k.a. METALLIVLAD *ORION* Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen. says: ima vec 3 benda AGGRESSOR a.k.a. METALLIVLAD *ORION* Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen. says: gtsa The True Nemesis© | All in me is poisoned love ... | We are the Atom StahlStürmer ... Vlad, Pino, Naïma says: lol moment mai jong, ech sot ned jo AGGRESSOR a.k.a. METALLIVLAD *ORION* Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen. says: inhalator AGGRESSOR a.k.a. METALLIVLAD *ORION* Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen. says: i AGGRESSOR a.k.a. METALLIVLAD *ORION* Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen. says: kotizmay The True Nemesis© | All in me is poisoned love ... | We are the Atom StahlStürmer ... Vlad, Pino, Naïma says: wtf? AGGRESSOR a.k.a. METALLIVLAD *ORION* Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for. Amen. says: http://www.yumetal.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=25657&st=0
  8. Fruity Loops je program. nadji na emule
  9. Ajde postovaoci pravog hip-hop-a, ocenite mi ovu pesmu: http://rapidshare.de/files/19249124/Lay-Z_...ot_va_.mp3.html Lay-Z je moj dobar drug
  10. i ja. reko vidi ova koliko je mala, nisu joj ni sise porasle
  11. Pesme za inhalator pravi jedan moj drug poznatiji u juznoj srbiji kao Dushan Reper jer je reper.lol A inace u bendu su dvojica i zajedno pevaju, a pesme rade u istom programu u kojem ih ja radim
  12. Evo vam link za inhalator pesmu zvanu brutality http://rapidshare.de/files/19186578/Inhala...tality.mp3.html
  13. moze, moze. imamo za sad 3 benda
  14. eh da, postoji jos jedan midi bend, inhalator, takodje iz srbije. skoro cu da okacim pesmu
  15. ali da bude lezbos i da pije pivo i podriguje
  16. block out fazon, moze da prodje
  17. Evo, tema je sad na nu metalu koliko vidim. sad ocekujem da dodje neko i da sere kako oni ne pripadaju ovde
  18. e sad, zbog tebe sam pocheo da se bavim ovom muzikom
  19. avantgardno das habe ich nicht von dir erwartet
  20. mogao bih valjda uradicu cover verziju neke od pesama
  21. samo ti napisi jos koju pesmu, ulepsaj mi dan
  22. a gde je tu poenta? lol pa zasto pises nesto sto nema svrhe? da bi vezbala daktilografiju? da nam oduzimas dragoceno vreme? e deco, deco, mnogo se vi zezate
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