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Everything posted by AGGRESSOR55

  1. Meni ti rani albumi uopste ne leze
  2. Ej, aj zajebite St.Anger. Primetio sam da ga pljuju oni sto su ga preslusali do 3. pesme. Poslusajte ceo album i videcete da pesme kao Unnamed Feeling, Shoot Me Again, Invisible Kid... uopste nisu lose
  3. Kali sestro, vidim da ti uporno kukash za taj dobar album. Ajde kazi kakav bi to album trebao da bude (ne prihvatam odgovore tipa ''Kao RTL'' ili ''Thrash album''...)
  4. Ma daj, kao ona cudovista iz mocnih rendzera
  5. Moze i tako da se kaze. Ono kad pogledas svako od njih je hteo i i dalje hoce da bude Metallica osim Roba.
  6. Da brate, ali bilo bi mnogo bolji kad bi vanzemaljci bili autenticniji
  7. I meni je to ok, kazem ne svidjaju mi se oni vanzemaljci
  8. Hangar 18 je raspad od spota. Mislim one lutke brate, kao mocni rendzeri. Inace svidja mi se kad snimaju bend kako benguje
  9. Dakle, kad sam pogledao SKOM sa komentarima clanova tokom filma, shvatio sam da su debili najobicniji. Dakle, nisu pokazali nikakvo postovanje prema Newstedu, a ni Mustaineu posle svega. Stavise, dok su oni pricali James i Lars su izvaljivali takve gluposti da mi je doslo da pojedem televizor. Jason samo sto nije zaplakao covece.
  10. Pre neki dan sam po ko zna koji put gledao Monsters Of Rock iz '91. Koji je to nastup bio... Ono je bio vrhunac njihove karijere. Oni i sad mogu da skupe toliko ljudi, ali nikad vise nece moci da pokazu onu energiju. Stvarno su najveci bend svih vremena
  11. Upravo tako. Bolje nadjimo nesto o cemu nismo do sad razglabali
  12. Hteo sam samo da probudim temu i da ne zaboravimo Dimea
  13. E, ne serite vishe, St.Anger zakon. Sad mi je Shoot Me Again omiljena
  14. Meni fale samo Suffocating Under Words Of Sorrow (What Can I Do) plavi i crveni disk
  15. Ima odredjenih delova koji me nerviraju, konkretno u pesmama The End (the bed we fucked in) i Room 409 je malo sranje, ali sve u svemu textovi su ok
  16. New details about death of DIMEBAG DARRELL ABBOTT revealed On Thursday, the Associated Press released details concerning a new police report on the curcumstances surrounding DAMAGEPLAN/ex-PANTERA guitarist Dimebag Darrell Abbott's tragic murder. The report compiled nearly 300 witness interviews in a 627-page report. According to details of the report during DAMAGEPLAN's concert in Columbus, Ohio, 25-year-old Nathan Gale inflicted a gun shot wound upon the tour manager, Christopher Paluska when Paluska tried to prevent the crazed fan from climbing up on the stage. Paluska was then helped to the side of the stage where he witnessed Abbott get shot in the head three times at close range. Paluska was one of three people shot who survived. Another, stage technician John Brooks, wrestled with Gale who pinned him as a hostage as police moved toward the stage. Officer James Niggemeyer then killed Gale with one shotgun blast while he was holding Brooks hostage. Brooks told investigators although he didn't hear Niggemeyer fire at Gale, he felt Gale's grip weaken and hurried off the stage. Niggermeyer was cleared before a Grand Jury of any wrong doing. An investigation revealed Gale had 35 bullets remaining in his gun. During the ensuing mayhem, drummer Vinnie Paul hid behind amplifiers and lead singer Patrick Lachman jumped and screamed into the microphone for someone to call the police. Winesses say they saw Gale sneak a handgun into the venue before he unleashed a fury of 9mm bullets. Gale previously told both his mother and a former employer that he was diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic before he was discharged from the Marines in October 2003, two years into a four-year stint. Military records do not mention mental illness as the reason for the discharge. Gale was a known obsessed Pantera fan, and was unhappy over the groups split. Reports have it that he claimed the band stole lyrics from him. Date: 2005-10-21 Author: Darren Cowan
  17. Nadjite sobu onda i pozovite ostale lezbo gothicharke
  18. Testament sam gledao u Luxemburgu, kao i The Rasmus. Basista je stvarno dobro pevao. Svirali su i Ghost Busters
  19. U utorak sam video The Rasmus i pre par nedelja Prodigy. Dakle potpuna lista: Metallica Megadeth Diamond Head Morbid Angel Testament Hatesphere Prodigy The Rasmus Zakk Wylde and Black Label Society Deep Purple
  20. Ja sam ih video nekoliko puta na Vivi i kad je izasao EP pricalo se mnogo o njima
  21. Hm, onako, ima odredjenih momenata koji su dobri. Sve u svemu, moze da prodje


    Moje omiljene su Sins Of Omission, Burnt Offerings, The Preacher, Into The Pit i Return To Serenity
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