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Everything posted by kuruz

  1. Red Harvest - There's Beauty in the Purity of Sadness Tartarus Horde - Enforcers of Alchemical Evils Vircolac - Veneration Chapel of Disease - Echoes of Light Brodequin - Harbringer of Woe Speaking in Tongues - Speaking in Tongues Metal Church - Blessing in Disguise
  2. biće štogod
  3. da, slabašno zvuči novi, ne znam šta im bi
  4. kuruz

    Judas Priest

    Turno i Ram it Down skandalozno nisko 😄
  5. predgrupe nisam gledao, Incantation olomili sa Decapitateda otišao posle dve pesme jer to đubre ne može da se sluša koje smeće jebem ti Bože majku
  6. kuruz


  7. kuruz


    ma da, razumljiva poslovna i životna odluka
  8. joj što volim ovo
  9. kuruz

    BM noviteti

    užasno propadoše ko SotM
  10. ko likovi iz teretane
  11. umreću od ove epizode, sve me znoj probija od sveopšteg blama SPEKTAKL!!!
  12. regulare Nekrofobik može
  13. puštene rane karte po 2.900 ticket in the pocket
  14. kuruz


    to što je pajser ne menja činjenicu da je vodio Slejer i da ne bi bilo nikakvo iznenađenje da je opet formirao dobar bend i izbacio dobru pesmu
  15. kuruz


  16. kuruz


    ima ima al ne mnogo
  17. kuruz


    with inspiration from such masters of metal as Candlemass, Pentagram, Metallica & early Kreator, with musical nods to early Paradise Lost & Cathedral from the more extreme side of the doom spectrum dobra najava ali pesma naravno dosadna Fenrize zaustavi se
  18. kakav je smeštaj? gledao sam na Bookingu, cene su kao da sajt ima neki bag i da svaki iznos ima višak nula ima li nekih dobrih alternativa? kamp ne dolazi u obzir
  19. kuruz


    I was surprised you had a second guitarist. I thought you would have played all the guitar and bass yourself. I have done that. Not on this, but since the early Nineties I’ve done all the rhythm guitars and all the bass [on Slayer records]. I’ve always done bass because my guy [Tom Araya] really didn’t. wat 😶
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