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Everything posted by kuruz

  1. Trazhi da ti skinu.Like Baal.
  2. kuruz


    Nashao sam Ultimate Revenge iz '85.-te,kako je smeshno kad King mlati kosom
  3. DAP pa onda malo po malo svaki dan
  4. Ma nek im svira Jordison.Ionako radi sa gomilom metal bendova
  5. These law enforcement members through their dedication, performed concerts several times a month to the children of Delaware using music to stress the importance of staying drug free and to stay away from violence.” Borba protiv maloletnih Avganistanaca u shkolama Amerike
  6. kuruz


    Nazhalost,samo bio.Odlihna slika u potpisu!
  7. kuruz

    Celtic Frost

    Ne bih rekao konachno,jer se ovome bash i nismo nadali.
  8. kuruz

    Celtic Frost

    ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Seminal avant-garde metal pioneers Celtic Frost announce the completion of their new studio album, tentatively titled "Dark Matter Manifest", their first in 13 years and the culmination of some three and a half years of songwriting and recording work. Although the album was largely produced by the band themselves and financed by their own production company, Celtic Frost enlisted Hypocrisy/Pain mastermind Peter Tägtgren to co-produce with them the final recording and mixing sessions at Horus Sound Studio in Hanover, Germany, in August/September 2005. Negotiations with a variety of labels are currently underway, and the album is scheduled for a release in early 2006. Having declined innumerable reunion show propositions over the years, Celtic Frost once again deemed it essential to manifest themselves creatively with a new album before embarking on the live circuit next year. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Da li je moguce?
  9. METALLICA will be the special guest for THE ROLLING STONES as part of their "A Bigger Bang" world tour at SBC Park in San Francisco on November 13 and November 15. An additional opening act will be announced shortly with times for both concerts being moved up an hour to 6:00 p.m. PST. METALLICA joins a diverse list of top opening acts, including THE BLACK EYED PEAS, MAROON 5, PEARL JAM, JOHN MAYER TRIO, LES TROIS ACCORDS, THE TRAGICALLY HIP, OUR LADY PEACE, TREY ANASTASIO, JOSS STONE and BECK. "Over the course of our career we've been fortunate enough to share the stage with a select few of the bands we grew up on, admired and respected including AC/DC, DEEP PURPLE, GUNS N' ROSES and IRON MAIDEN. The only band that we have never played with but have always wanted to is THE ROLLING STONES," says METALLICA drummer Lars Ulrich. "Having the opportunity to play with them this November in our hometown of San Francisco is both an honor and a privilege. And it's bound to be a lot of fuckin' fun especially since we haven't special guested since 1992! Ne znam da li ste znali ovo.Ono shto me najvishe plashi je:These shows will enable us to recharge our batteries, both creatively and physically, as we prepare for the next phase of METALLICA Nece valjda da rade neshto kao Stonsi...
  10. Zajebavam se,ali Djura je kralj! I zaboravio sam da navedem Rambovu "Sega Mega"
  11. kuruz


    Demo je najjachi,kakva je to produkcija Al' je zato na novom savrshena.
  12. E ta! Zakon pesma. @kolega,znam da nije
  13. Mozhda je mislio na vrtsu muzike
  14. E sad cu i ja da igram ovo novo chudo,mada mi se ne svidja shto je chamuga,al' ok.Dobilo se 512 RAMa na 400
  15. kuruz


    Sredio sam ovo sa zvukom.Ma ovo je ochaj.Nema tu trunke stare Disekcije.
  16. kuruz


    http://www.dissection.nu/temp/DissectionXe...SetRoughmix.mp3 http://www.dissection.nu/temp/DissectionSt...eonRoughmix.mp3 Linkovi za dve nove pesme ovog benda.Nisam ih slushao,poshto me neshto zajebava zvuchna kartica 'Ajde recite mi na shta liche.
  17. Ma bolje da sachekate,pa da vam Rakic lepo uradi album nego da zhurite pa da ispadne sranje. Oksanat bash lepo izgleda.
  18. Nisam video da negde ima naziva pesama.
  19. A Year and a Half In Life of Metallica je jako dobar film. Snimljen je u vreme izlaska Black albuma i mozhete da vidite neke nastupe,scenu kad Hetfield gori,fanove kako opsedaju prodavnice plocha,Hetfield-a u lovu ( )...
  20. BLIND GUARDIAN recently replaced drummer Thomen Stauch, who left the band in April after 20 years. The new man behind the kit is fellow German Frederik Ehmke, who is said to be "fairly unknown in the world of metal." The production of BLIND GUARDIAN's debut album for Nuclear Blast Records will start soon with the help of producer Charlie Bauerfeind. No album title has been set as of yet, but it looks like the CD will contain a total of ten songs. Working songtitles include "Carry the Blessed Home", "The Edge", "In Search for the Lionheart", "Market Square", "Another Stranger Me", and "Otherland".
  21. kuruz


    O brate..lik je napisao jer umesto je l'...
  22. Ima ih mnogo,ali uglavnom nisu metal..na primer Djura i Mornari ima neku pesmu shto se vrti na MTS-u,uvek zaboravim kako se zove,spot sa dosta riba i nekim insertima iz filma u kojem "mornari nece da jedu borshch" Onda Rambove pesme,pa SMF... Od metal bendova,Nomicon imaju jako lude pesme,kao i Ephel Duath.
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