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Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by kuruz

  1. Roki >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mesi
  2. brate koji kurac gledaš tog Pantića kad njega svi grobari smatraju imbecilom? lik je u rangu vašeg dezveza, taj kalibar
  3. strašno, bile priče o 14-15 najviše, a sad ovo
  5. kuruz


    može EP
  6. After some years of unsuccessful attempts to get this band reunited, 2019 finally will be the year where one of our biggest festival dreams (or nightmares?!) becomes reality. With the members' experience from Dødheimsgard, Ulver, Aura Noir, Infernö, Arcturus, Cadaver, Satyricon and Virus, this reunion will not be something that anyone with an interest in the Norwegian scene of the 90s should miss! Metal Magic proudly presents the return of VED BUENS ENDE, who will headline the Saturday night at this year's Metal Magic Festival -part XII in the most magical way possible!
  7. kuruz


    https://www.danas.rs/drustvo/druga-strana-kosova/verujemo-da-ljudi-u-sustini-ne-mrze-jedni-druge/ smrdljivi Danas posle Radule lud kad napada ova govna
  8. mnogo je to fensi u poređenju sa Suzanom
  9. jes gadan, al je album za sve ljubitelje Alkaloida
  10. crko majci narkoman odvratni
  11. https://cloud.mail.ru/public/JRGW/UjXYmHeJ1
  12. Misery - diskografija Tragedy - diskografija
  13. kuruz


    nestvarno jebem ti
  14. And I cry, to the alleyway Confess all to the rain But I lie, lie straight to the mirror The one I've broken, to match my face The trash fire is warm But nowhere safe from the storm And I can't bear to see What I've let me be So wicked and worn >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  15. slušao i ja opet pre neki dan otprilike isti utisci, jedino što mi Head of a Pin najzanimljivija
  16. kuruz


    Major naručio dva komada
  17. https://mega.nz/#!KJ5UiYpT!__2YFhgohT_VnzgaEDZn5BPEbWGNHD1mw4HoWa24DG0
  18. https://mega.nz/#!KQxElKAS!Qfh6-9U8iu847KcjI_QXuYGUpnBAk7iv90fNeEiaTcg
  19. kuruz


    https://streamable.com/ppzn5 elem, možda sam ja otišao u kurac i zaboravio pravila, ali kako ovo nije aut za Lejkerse? Rondo je potpuno van terena, sa obe noge na zemlji, a Jokić baca loptu na njega, ne kapiram kako je to lopta za Denver
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