Čornobog uništava
neko napisao u komentarima: It's like if Napalm Death and Deathspell Omega excreted it's child from womb and aborted it's hate out of the depths of abyssal darkness covered in bubbling sores.
odličan opis
Vratih se na The Synarchy of Molten Bones.
Monstruozan album. Parecletus i Drought jesu fantastična izdanja, ali su nekako light u poređenju sa starijim albumima i EP-jevima. TSMB mi zvuči povratak na staru stazu i nadogradnju onoga što su Si Monvemntum i Fas. Bolji mi je od Paracletus-a. Čisto zlo.
opet vrtim
bez blastbitova, bez brzine
neki lik na Arhivama lepo rekao: "In the utmost cold and lifeless manner, Enemy of Man is on full assault mode, relentlessly bringing the end of times throughout"
TWIGGY RAMIREZ Fired From MARILYN MANSON's Band After Ex-Girlfriend's Rape Accusation