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Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by kuruz

  1. kuruz


    taj snimak ima jedno 4 godine
  2. kuruz


    kolko je bedan
  3. kuruz


    Partizan nema nijednog pametnog košarkaša
  4. do jaja je novi EP dosta godfleshast, obrade baš ubili
  5. kuruz


    opet si pomešao profile
  6. kuruz

    BM noviteti

    jebeš Watain, slušajte novi Faruln
  7. kuruz

    BM noviteti

  8. https://nuclearwarnowproductions.bandcamp.com/album/demiurge
  9. kuruz

    Mercyful Fate

    pominjao je neko da su drugari
  10. mnogo dobar novi
  11. koje đubre
  12. kuruz

    Tema za ekipu

    al zato sad lupetaju
  13. jeste, Junajted izborio Ligu Evrope 😎
  14. kuruz

    Tema za ekipu

    kako ne zvučiš ko ona dva pacijenta Danilović i Đorđević
  15. kuruz

    Tema za ekipu

  16. kuruz


    "So, last Saturday I visited the Satyricon & Munch exhibition in Oslo and got to hear what will be the new Satyricon album in a dark room lit only by a selection of Munch's paintings at the 10th floor of the Munch museum. The music lasts for 56 minutes and has very little metal elements; I would call the music mostly dark ambient/classical with a tinge of black metal; as Snorre Ruch put it in his interview with Mork it's essentially 'Satyricon LTD'. The music was rich, dark, and brooding and complemented the paintings very well. It's quite different that I believe that it would be suited better as a Wongraven release but nevetheless what I heard was nicely crafted. There were some parts that seemed like sketches, as there were little repetitions and generally a very free-form structure, which is expected in ambient music of course. A friend of mine commented that it still had the essence of a 'rock band' so the music could not expand more to its full potential but I failed to hear that to be honest".
  17. Goodfellas keva al najveći rad mu je Tommy Vercetti
  18. da da jebeš solažu oćemo i Sweet Amber
  19. popio sam osam ili devet piva, zato sam se i dernjao ko mahnit inače jedna slika samo za ovaj forum nisam video šta je napred, tj. da li nosi majicu sa sopstvenim likom
  20. https://www.danas.rs/vesti/drustvo/penzioneri-iz-paracina-puni-utiska-nakon-koncerta-ajron-mejden-je-grupa-nase-mladosti/
  21. +1
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