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Everything posted by kuruz

  1. kuruz


    Zagorac je počeo da se druži s onom budalom koja vodi GTR i sad je umislio da je neko više biće verovatno malo hipsterske ribe, malo alternativni klabing i to onda izgleda ovako Dangubiću poštovanje, normalan dečko
  2. hahahahahahahaha
  3. kuruz


  4. kuruz

    BM noviteti

    ajme koliko dugo nisam čuo ovo ime haha
  5. https://secretchiefsthree.bandcamp.com/album/horrorthon So much happening in 2020 and hardly a peep from Secret Chiefs 3! Where to begin... after our home studio, Forking Paths, narrowly escaped oblivion in the CZU Lightning Complex fire in August, we relocated it to the desert, where else? We're building it anew -- bigger, better. So much better. Many know we've been working on TWO Holy Vehm albums over the last three years. Notwithstanding some welcome interruptions from other recent metal happenings, those records are getting close (next up, we have to figure out how to record choir parts during a pandemic). In the mean time, with all the madness in the air, we decided to take it over the edge by putting together a HORRORTHON. It's a playlist of horror-themed music from Secret Chiefs 3 over the years, re-imagined, re-mastered and re-contextualized. It'll put you inside the Silver Shamrock Factories of today's psychic claustropolis. The "Horrorthon"... our version of a supercharged soundtrack to your isolated Halloween. We took a curator's liberties with this music, the mastering, and added film dialogue interludes & other goodies. Fresh twists on familiar threads... something to rot your teeth on while waiting like skeletons for the next phase of Secret Chiefs 3 to emerge!
  6. šta drugo može da se očekuje od lika sa takvim avatarom na tjubu
  7. Mutoid Man stara Jobarina preporuka, nisam fan nije loš Eagle Twin Acid Witch zabavan, poslušaće se al samo prva pesma, druga nije nešto
  8. Iza horizonta >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  9. nije to to, tu ima previše rokenrola 😄 sve treba da zvuči kao Ufomammut - God sa Snailkinga, to je ideal
  10. to sam davno slušao, ali mi se nije ovako dopalo koliko se sećam, više vuče na hard rok, bar te pesme koje sam tada čuo, dok su Acid King dumeri gledam sad na Arhivama, dotični Boris ima jedno 60 izdanja, ko će to da sluša https://www.abqjournal.com/1373722/dash-of-doom-acid-king-frontwoman-calls-bands-style-punchinthegut-music.html “I think it’s very organic and it’s not complicated,” Lori S. said. “It’s easy to relate too. We’re not doing anything that’s overly technical. It’s simple, like punch-in-the-gut music. It’s just a heaviness that takes over your body, and I think it has a connection to people. It’s not like just watching somebody shred on the guitar. It’s the whole package that goes with it, and I think that really resonates with people.” duvajte ga, progeri
  11. kuruz

    Armored Saint

    ma jasno, samo primećujem da ga apsolutno svuda ima 😄
  12. malo sam pretraživao forum i vidim da ovi gotovo nikada nisu pominjani, nema teme, najava o novim albumima, priče o starim... veliki propust
  13. ladno se povukao
  14. kuruz

    Armored Saint

    izgleda da je nemoguće snimiti metal dokumentarac bez Scotta Iana
  15. Buff je sigurica, jedan od najboljih streaming sajtova edit: a to nije taj Buff mislio sam na ovog http://buffstreamz.com/watch/mma-2
  16. kuruz

    Tema za ekipu

  17. + komentari
  18. kuruz


    mnogo je dobar Pentagrammaton
  19. kuruz


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