auh kakvo otkriće:
ljudi su portovali na PC Liberty City Stories, igru koja je izašla 2006. godine samo za PSP, PS2 i kasnije za iOS, Android i Fire OS
Set within the fictional Liberty City (loosely based on New York City) in 1998, the game is a prequel Grand Theft Auto III, and follows the exploits of mobster Toni Cipriani, who becomes involved in a power struggle among the city's Mafia families while attempting to rise through the ranks of the Leone crime family and earn the respect of his boss, Salvatore Leone. Upon release, Liberty City Stories received generally positive reviews. Its successor, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, a prequel to Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, was released in October 2006.
skinuo sam i instalirao, radi potpuno normalno
ne znam da li su ovako uradili i Vice City Stories, istražiću kad pređem ovo