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Everything posted by MissionVao

  1. Licno mnogo vise postujem Stari Futhark od ovih novih cuda sa 16 runa, ma koliko (mozda) mocnije bile. Inace imam tekst od 18 strana koji sam prevela na srpski koji opisuje stari, anglo-saksonski i neke novije futharke, a zatim svaku runu ponaosob i citanje tih objasnjenja jednog za drugim jeste svojevrsno putovanje. I ne, to nije iz one glupe "a la tinejdzerski horoskop" knjige sa Platoa nego strani tekst.
  2. Imam Erotica-u, neke uopste ni ne slusam, omiljena- Heart of Lilith, ima jos 3 koje mi se svidjaju, ali to je to. Ne gotivim taj bend toliko. Ali devojka ima glas koji mi se MNOGO svija
  3. jel imaju oni jos neki album sa klavijaturama osim VSM-a?
  4. Ma vece je bilo super, muzika uglavnom dobra (cak odlicna), velika posecenost... bla, bla. Na zalost od ljudi koje poznajem sam videla samo troje, nije mi jasno zasto se ostatku ta vrsta izlaska nije preterano dopala. Nisam se maskirala (na srecu), imala sam nesto nacrtano na licu i standardno blekerski autfit A fora sa lisicama je mogla mnogo bolje da ispadne da mi se raspolozenje nije vuklo po podu.. Da li ce i kada biti u prodaji onaj nakit?
  5. Da, da, hriscani a ceo ovaj album je o borbi protiv hriscanstva
  6. jedino ne znam zasto kada ocigledno hoce da kaze God kao onaj "dobri" bog a ne gomila ovih demona kaze prisvojni pridev "Gods' " kao da se misli da ih ima vise. No, verovatno je greska, ceo tekst ih je pun... nepismeni a rabacuju se tu nekim jakim recima
  7. Astaroth - In Memoriam - Heavenly Creatures Welcome now the new Enigma AVE AVE SATANI In memoriam Heavenly Creatures Nighteyes are looking up to thou, from my deepest ground And try to seduce thy spawn, with a whispering and lovely sound For so thy crosses fall, and all thy shrines we will pervert As I walked through Heaven and saw thy Angels raped and burned and impaled In nomini Sathanas Enoch Leviathan Eschna dewa Lucifer Elohim-We will come Hail to the Demon-Legions of my empire Now you are reborn, and blessed in holy sin My arms gave you eternal peace Gods’ army you will fight for me this final war to win In memoriam – Heavenly creatures This is the essence of all evil Black King you’re called of the real creation We burn Gods’ spawn for Uriels new dark nation Oh Eloi Nemesis We are thy assassins – assassins Army of the Lord – Master Angels of God – Satan Demigod, leading slave We are gathered for Gods’ holy grave A diabolical summoning In memoriam – Heavenly creatures The awakening of hell’s damnation Is satisfied in ritual raptures Then we are the race of thy new generation We are the last souls of your dying sun And then the dawn of your kingdom has begun In memoriam – Heavenly creatures Anno Domini – it never was So welcome now thy worlds new spawn Satanael our work is done – Armageddon is done Astaroth – Enter the Darkside of Eden As I enter tonight – in dark obscure dreams Of enigmatic lights – in atmospheres supreme Lost in mourning skies – Heaven is far beyond Interventional demise – the essence of Meggido’s dominion Innocence is my pure conception Of esoteric dark damnation I’m unseen in grotesque spectrums Arrival of the final constellation Desire is my unknown name – return to pleasure complete in pain Tonight In silence we can hear – your crimson overtures Whispering destruction storms – once again come forth Beyond all shadows (you shall) burn – beyond eternity you fade Cosmic whittered souls – into violent spectral dimensions The last voyage starts (For those we hate) Ass immortal passages pasts (Aura of the unforgiven) Ancient secrets bleed (Frozen ornaments) - In silent romantic memories A forsaken breath I feel (On liquid soil) In Heaven and in space (My kaleidoscope) Fragments fall on earth (Sculptured jealous tears) – Spiritual, monumental storms to uiverse Enter with me the darkside of Eden – Ignoring the mourning stars Enter with me the darkside of Eden – Introducing (spiritual) other sides Into dreams of illusional ecstasy – Endless energy unleashed jealous apathy Supremed illusions, seduced dreaming hearts Brilliant astral peace, velvet obscure eden This is a dream of Gods’ creation – Forced Angels Take my hand, I’ll show you Heaven Their peace is only spawned illusion – Forced Angels Take my hand, I’ll show you Heaven Astaroth - Invisible in Heaven As I visit this place in the sky, there was a flame which burns eternal And Angels fall wounded in my arms, is this thy peace you once prayed infernal And there will be a soul Which united the old Legions Once a warrior of God And now a soldier of mine – Angel of war – UZIEL I saw thy spawn rising their weapons, as forced peace turned to endless hate And jealous souls kills Angels of sadness, as my Legions reached the horizon of fate Frozen and scared beneath the gates Harmonical crimson fear Oh, Lord, dance with me on the clouds Enjoy this sleep to dream upon Blinded Angels, soulless eyes Killing act in paradise Closed for spirits like a shell This is Heaven and not Hell And I am invisible in Heaven To ruins, I lay your place to dust I’ll introduce you pleagues which are seven Hatefull and frozen, I’ll burn thy peace until dusk And there will be a soul… (repeat) And as the Angels fight eye for an eye A second war starts in the sky Your obscene world in my eyes, is a circle of loneliness The new spectrum of paradise Out of the dark we shall rule again Thy endless sleep, my volition shall reign Frozen and scared beneath the gates… (repeat) Jealous Angels, blinded eyes Satan shall burn this paradise Forsaken Angels suffer well In a holy war to die for Hell Astaroth - The Millennium (Embodiment Forsaken) Icon of senseless peace, 2000 years are enough Greetings to spirits to thy saints, prepare thy aura for their last pain (Confusion) You’ll stand confused in epic shadows Beyond these velvet tears we will wait Total eclipse is rising To mourn with pleasure to my heart Once we all were united Once we all were hostages of God Embraced beyond thy grave No whisper ever shall escape A perfect winged asylum For weak, depressive, tortured entities On blazing moon, in darkness we exist When the horizon invites the sun Shadows dancing, a designed Odium (Monumental anthems) – Millennium Apathic, phlegmatic Angels So silent in thy place of peace Without delicious pleasure Forced sacred to souls of disease (Educated tragedies of wrath) Forever independent – Forever special hate to thou On the day we lost our souls Covers the time when we will come to rule Forlorn, forsaken and unrest fallen silence An ancient sphere shall die in the scars of Heaven The tainted moon so cold is waiting in harmonic twilight Maybe soon oh my Lord we are thy special gathered end Thy finishing move Out of the depths, not Heaven sent we come to celebrate our glory In revolving honor we will spread our wings and fly away MILLENNIUM (Once you were the first of us) With fear Gods’ tears are flowing When all our banners reached the sky Imagine we all were so human Before his light came down to heal With strength we seek the hunted Oh spirit of the night, we shall promise revenge by your sign Darkness, in darkness we shall be- And Hell shall open for thy fall Astaroth - Resistance (The Rebellion) We are the fallen ones Begin the resistance The moon has changed day into darkness As we are kissed by funeral winds Marching toward the horizon In fragmantic grim atmospeheres When the mysterious touch of darkness whispers And hidden we will spread our wings (So) may the night carry our minds to revenge (We) seeking the path to end up in glory In the shimmering and burning firmament Summoned we stand with dying feelings in our hearts Prepared to start the dance of pure violence Frozen silhouettes, beyond thy firmament, awaits those who cannot win Across the ocean of clouds we arise like a storm of everflowing tears Preludium of the forsaken, the tragical horizon of peace Oh crimson beauty – dark sculptured entity Embraced in silence – eternal apathy Oh crimson beauty – fortress to bury me Welcome my glory – Angels of jealousy So outside the gate we stand to enter once again the halls of false eternity A supreme shimmering spectrum offers, tormented cosmic chaos Enchanted symphonies of dawn lurk beyond, thy profane cryptic soulentrance Thou darkest dreams an astral solution Welcome rebellion the nocturnal resistance Oh crimson beauty – sponsored so heavenly Night’s protecting me – of angelic apathy Oh crimson beauty – I’m introducing me Create obscurity – Heaven thy destiny Seduced in solitary dreams in harmless romantic forced whispers Return to the pure sound of innocence the power of the night Oh solution The second storm rebellion, the profane resistance This time thy delirious Heaven shall be mine forced gentle to kiss my profane mind And all stars shall shine on velvet streamed illusions to the glimmering blaze of glory Look at the Heaven, the angelic forsaken sky of bitterness Come forth, far beyond, to the astral grave (To the abyss millennium asylum of peaceful tyranny) Oh crimson beauty – of sculptured memory Forsaken centuries – your ancient symphonies Oh supreme Angels – of tortured agony I’ll bury peace – for perfect harmony
  8. jel interesuju nekoga textovi sa Violent-a? posto ih nema na netu a nije mi problem da ih prekucam ovde
  9. ja obozavam behemoth i nisam nista lose rekla za njih i njihovu muziku. Imala sam primedbe na to kako je spot uradjen. Znam sta cini tu "sarenu pozadinu" i ko se pojavljuje ali mogli su to bolje da urade. I vokal jeste zakon. Razmisli pa reci ubuduce
  10. stalno se vracam albumu ATHOW
  11. potpuno se slazem za Sleep da je dobar. Mada nesto ne nailazim na podrsku u tome. Svi kazu da im je to najgori :? :?
  12. Trenutno Mefisto i Zlatokosa. Volela bih da procitam verziju na engleskom.
  13. posebno vokal Ne slusam ih, videla sam 3,4 spota i ne bih mogla ono da slusam. Previse opusteno.
  14. e, upravo. Isti odgovor.
  15. Skinula sam pre par dana spot Decade of Therion i ono... bolje nemojte. Samo snimaju vokala, iza njega neka sarena pozadina, veoma lose uradjen playback (tj nije dobar tajming), grimase su mu da umres... Jedino dobro je muzika (koju volim) i to sto je on go do struka u koznim pantalonama Znaci, spot za lozenje A telo.... telo... mmm....
  16. 'si ti siguran da to nije VSM?
  17. Ja dajem vise!!! Imam 3 samo za tebe! pa zar nemaju samo 2 pored VSM (Sklavengott i Christenfeind) :?
  18. pa dobro i ko ce meni na kraju dati ta 2 albuma Astarotha?? Jel treba da molim?
  19. dobices Hvala vam! Marina, Ivane... Cekam vas! pa ti lepo reci sta jos hoces od CDova pa da se nadjemo. Do tad cu i ja videti Sto je dobar ovaj Graveworm koji si ti lik
  20. dobices Hvala vam! Marina, Ivane... Cekam vas! pa ti lepo reci sta jos hoces od CDova pa da se nadjemo. Do tad cu i ja videti
  21. Omiljen mi je At the Heart... pa Sons i onda ovi ostali. Inace stvarno imaju odlicne rifove, znam jer sam naucila da sviram Withstand, At the Heart i Where Dark and Light Don't Differ i to nije moglo bas "iz prve". Oni i Dimmu Borgir su najbolji za sviranje (tj najzanimljiviji).
  22. MissionVao


    zaista odlican bend. Imam skoro sve od njih- Channeling the Quintessence of Satan,Nachthymnen, Orkblut, Satanized, Supreme Immortal Art i Verwuestung. Nisam ih odavno slusala tako da ne bih mogla da dam neki detaljniji komentar (necu po secanju). Fali mi samo 1 album, cini mi se.
  23. sad bi kao trebalo da ti kenjam sto kvaris temu necu, samo slobodno. Nadam se da se zezas to za Astaroth, posto su stvarno do jaja bend P.S. Nesto nema Danila u zadnje vreme (ili se to meni cini)? :?
  24. c,c,c koja internet nesnalazljivost- odes na yahoo.com i ukucas "estatic fear lyrics". Evo ti 1. link koji iskoci: http://overman666.tripod.com/Fear.html nadji na slicnu foru i ostale Ti si moja najveca ljubav!!! Ja iskljuchivo koristim google kao pretrazivach [poshto je on za sada najbolji] i nisam nishta nashao ja google koristim samo kad trazim porno sajtove za porno sajtove pogledaj www.wickedgals.com, ako ti dosadi, znaci da je ovaj svet premalo perverzan za tebe. ulepsao si mi dan stvarno odlican sajt. A sad, NAZAD NA ASTAROTH, NEMOJ DA VAS NATERAM
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