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Everything posted by LazaGNR

  1. ...ili je neko tamo glasao po 110 puta
  2. Kako oces Anyway: "MP3s from the Magic Circle Festival Volume 1 DVD now online The Kingdom Of Steel is now exclusively offering all MANOWAR and HOLYHELL MP3s from the upcoming Magic Circle Festival Volume 1 DVD. Click HERE to buy. This double-DVD package includes songs recorded live at their performances on July 6th and 7th of 2007, in Bad Arolsen, Germany and on June 30th, 2007, at the Kaliakra Rock Fest, in Kavarna, Bulgaria. MANOWAR's performance from the German festival includes classic songs such as "Brothers Of Metal," "Kill With Power," "Holy War," "Black Wind, Fire And Steel" as well as newer songs "Gods Of War" and "Hymn Of The Immortal Warriors." The material live from the Kaliakra Rock Fest in Kavarna traverses MANOWAR's entire history, from fan favorites "Kings Of Metal," "Metal Warriors" and "Hail And Kill" to the powerful new anthem "Die For Metal" and MANOWAR's metal version of the Bulgarian National Anthem "Mila Rodino." Magic Circle Festival Volume 1 DVD will be released on November 22nd and will be available for sale on MANOWAR's "True Metal Dealer" promo tour. For more information on the tour please visit http://www.manowar.com" I: "Magic Circle Festival 2008 Ticket Promotion The "True Metal Dealer" promotional tour is set to kick off this Thursday, November 22nd with a release party and a FREE live performance by MANOWAR in Hamburg, Germany. If you haven't bought your ticket for the Magic Circle Festival 2008 through the newly redesigned and improved Kingdom Of Steel Online Store yet, you will have the opportunity to buy it during one of the events listed below. Don't forget: from now until December 31st, everyone who purchases a ticket to the Magic Circle Festival 2008 will receive not only a FREE newly designed Magic Circle Festival t-shirt, but - get ready for this - you will also receive a copy of the new ‘"Magic Circle Festival Volume 1" Double DVD FREE! Director Neil Johnson has recently posted a video about this incredible offer, click HERE to watch. Tickets are available for purchase now via Credit Card or PayPal HERE. Two additional methods of payment are coming soon! Below is the new and updated schedule of the "True Metal Dealer Tour" (please note the new date and location for the release party in Bad Arolsen!): Thursday, November 22, 2007 20:00 FABRIK (release party and live performance) Barnerstr. 36 22765 Hamburg Friday, November 23, 2007 From 16:00 to 18:00 Saturn (signing session) Moenckebergstrasse 1 20095 Hamburg --- 20:00 FABRIK (release party and performance) Barnerstr. 36 22765 Hamburg Saturday, November 24, 2007 From 16:00 to 18:00 Saturn (signing session) Tauentzienstrasse 9 10789 Berlin Monday, November 26, 2007 From 16:00 to 18:00 Saturn (signing session) Königsstrasse 26 70173 Stuttgart Tuesday, November 27, 2007 Doors open 18:00 Twistesee Halle (screening session/release party) Zur Campagne Mühle 34454 Bad Arolsen / Wetterburg Wednesday, November 28, 2007 From 16:00 to 18:00 Saturn (signing session) Vordere Ledergasse 30 90403 Nuremberg Thursday, November 29, 2007 From 16:00 to 18:00 Saturn (signing session) Schwanthalerstr. 115 80339 Munich"
  3. He,onda sam ja jos imao i srece sto sam ih gledao pre par godina dok se nisu raspali Ih,ko ne bi
  4. Aaaaaa,vi svirate u tu subotu tamo? E da,nije 'Pozoriste',vec to kako si napisao - Kulturni Centar I cekaj malo,jel' svira sa vama neki...jebo te kako se zove covek ...Marko (?) iz KI,studira u ZR-u?
  5. :da: Verov'o ti ili ne... Pa eto,imas moj broj (valjda ),pa se javi ako budes kombinovao nesto
  6. OK,polako covece,ima valjda neke nade (da se ne ubijes)
  7. Par postova je izbrisano... Manite se coveka,vidite da je novi na forumu i da se ne snalazi najbolje Ako neko zna taj link nek' mu kaze...ja ne znam.
  8. Samo jos da spomenem to da oni koji su ovaj koncert propustili zbog,ne znam,cene karte da mogu da se ubiju Ladno je jedan lik (nije tapkaros) pre koncerta prodavao 2 karte po 1000 din. A onaj ko je zbog 1000 din. propustio ovakav dogadjaj - moze da se ubije
  9. Cak sta vise,bice dzabe ...ako mislis na tu svirku na Trgu (kazem,bio sam tamo za proslu Novu godinu). A ako mislis na to put+smestaj do Kavarne - OK,to ce naravno kostati (nece biti dzabe )
  10. Ne verujem,jer sam ga vidjao do sad samo na da kazem "zescim" svirkama,a cenim da Therion nisu u njegovom domenu interesovanja Mada,ko ce ga znati,ne poznajem ga...
  11. Ha,ladno mi je javljeno ovo: Prvo ce 1. decembra Manowar doci u Bugarsku n apromociji DVD-a iz Kavarne (http://www.zrockbg.com/news_title.php?nid=324" target="_blank">http://www.zrockbg.com/news_title.php?nid=324</a>),a zatim ce i 31. decembra (za docek Nove godine!) Joey DeMaio i Eric Adams gosotvati u Kavarni!! :rockdevil: Pored njih bice tu jos i Saxon i Holy Hell i bugarski bend BTR http://zrockbg.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=9...c&start=825" target="_blank">http://zrockbg.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=9...c&start=825</a> EDIT:as translated by angels deserve to die (hvala na prevodu ): "Basista i pevach legendarne grupe Manowar dolaze 1. decembra kod nas da promovishu dugo ochekivani DVD 'Live in Kavarna". DVD sadrzi njihov koncert od 30. juna u Kavarni kao i koncertne kadre sa metal festvala "Bad Arolsen" odrzanog u Nemachkoj. Takodje, DVD sadrzi i chetiri pesme ruske metal grupe SIXTH SENSE, nama poznate sa ovogodishnjeg Kaliakra rock festa, gde su nastupili kao predgrupa "dinosaurusima". Ova grupa ce takodje prisustvovati promociji DVD-ja prvog decembra, a kompliment za njih predstavlja to shto ih je grupa Manowar izabrala da budu njihova predgrupa i na sledecim koncertima. Shto se tiche vesti za Novu Godinu: Po prethodno dobijenoj informaciji Joey DeMaio i Eric Adams dolzae 31. decembra u Kavarnu da tu dochekaju Novu godinu. Predvidjeno da u praznichnoj noci nastupe Holy Hell , Saxon и B.T.R. Posle ponoci za dobro raspolozenje stanovnika i gostiju gvrada pobrinuce ce poznata zvezda narodne muzike (da te ne zbuni ono "folk"!!!) Ilija Lukov i ansambl "Pirina". Mesec dana ranije Joey DeMaio ce posetiti Kavarnu radi promocije dugo ochekivanog DVD-ja. "
  12. Jebote,sve me jos zivo boli od ovog koncerta kol'ko je bilo dobro OK,sem glave (bar to da me prodje od drinkovanja sinoc )...
  13. [quote name='Miroslav Radošević' date='18. 11. 2007, 23:28' post=ali kak'e koznjake ima ovaj Andi sunce ti ccc..... Aha,bas mu je dobra ona kozna Helloween jakna
  14. @vegeta: pa da je bila,valjda bi nesto i komentarisala
  15. Haha 23 User(s) are reading this topic (6 Guests and 3 Anonymous Users) 14 Members: LazaGNR, Vangel|s, enemy of god, vladream, Sandman, -powerslave-, Miroslav Radošević, Yog Sothoth, apocalypsetb, Killing Floor, Moody, vegeta, VladT, Zoll Uglavnom,ako ce da dodju i sledece godine u Srbiju idem obavezno
  16. Skoro svi oko njega (koji su stajali) su hteli da ga sibaju...
  17. Meni licno je ovaj koncert bio bolji od Maiden-a i u tom smislu se slazem sa tim sto je apocalypsetb rekao
  18. OK,cisto da jos jednom kazem da mi je ovaj koncert Helooween-a bio bolji (i to mnooogo bolji) od onda kad sam ih gledao pre valjda 2 godine u Bugarskoj
  19. A jebi ga,kako da se naviknes na to kad ti lik stoji za vratom,gazi te,ujeda,udara,pritiska (svojom masom)...?Jebi ga...
  20. Pa strpi se malo covece :) :) :) U principu - da. Na balkonu su ljudi sa akreditacijama...
  21. Naisao sam na ovaj intervju (kad sam proveravao mail na hotmail-u): "Getting the Led Out Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones on Led Zeppelin's historic reunion By Alan Light Special to MSN Music It is a rock 'n' roll fantasy that most people had abandoned. On Dec. 10 at London's O2 Arena, the three surviving members of Led Zeppelin -- Robert Plant, Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones -- will take the stage accompanied by Jason Bonham, the son of their late drummer, John Bonham. The concert marks the first time Led Zeppelin has performed together in almost 20 years, and only the third time the lineup has appeared since Bonham's death in 1980. Listen to a "Mothership" sampler | Watch videos Click here for a chance to win tickets to the Led Zeppelin reunion! Anticipation for the event has spurred an avalanche of ticket requests, followed by fresh suspense when the group was forced to reschedule from the original concert date of Nov. 26. Guitarist Page reportedly fractured his finger, prompting the delay. The concert is a benefit supporting a scholarship fund created by Atlantic Records co-founder Ahmet Ertegun, who passed away last year. When the show was announced, the Web site on which tickets were being sold was so overloaded that it crashed. In the end, 20 million people around the world entered the lottery for the arena's 18,000 tickets. The response was incredible, but not shocking: Led Zeppelin is one of only two bands to sell more than 100 million records in the United States (the Beatles, of course, are the other, while Elvis Presley and Garth Brooks are the only solo artists to hit that number). The aura surrounding their majestic recordings -- eight studio albums released between 1969 and 1979 -- seems only to have grown over the years. Speaking on the phone from London's Landmark Hotel a few days before beginning rehearsals for the reunion show, guitarist Page and bass/mandolin/keyboard player Jones made it clear that they're not taking this event lightly. "This is a really serious commitment," says Jones. "We need to get so familiar with this material again that we're not just re-creating a show, but doing something that's genuinely good." The O2 performance will follow directly on the heels of several new Zeppelin projects. In October, the band announced that its music finally would be available for digital download, ending one of music's highest-profile holdouts. A new two-CD "best-of" compilation titled "Mothership" is being released Nov. 13, followed the next week by a remixed and remastered version of their 1976 concert film and soundtrack "The Song Remains the Same," with six previously unreleased tracks (including such skull-crushers as "Black Dog," "Misty Mountain Hop" and "Heartbreaker"). "Song," which was recorded over three nights at New York's Madison Square Garden in 1973, isn't generally considered a first-rate document of live Zeppelin; the "Rolling Stone Album Guide" dismisses it as "desultory." But the remastering is a revelation, the DVD includes such extras as news coverage of the famous robbery that took place at the band's Manhattan hotel during one of the shows, and the sheer scarcity of material from these towering rock superheroes makes any new recordings significant. The future of the 21st century Led Zeppelin seems very much up in the air: Plant has said that he considers the O2 show a one-time thing, while Page has left the door open for more work going forward. For now, though, Page and Jones sound genuinely excited about the band's return to the stage, raving about a secret rehearsal they did in late spring to test the waters. "We're right on the brink," says Page. "Next week we start, and I'm really looking forward to it. If it's anything like the little things that we've done, then this is going to be a terrific journey." MSN Music: How does it feel to be playing together again? Jimmy Page: Well, earlier this year we had this clandestine get-together. There had been a bit of a rift between us, so we had to find out if it could work, or was there too much water under the bridge? And that session felt absolutely fantastic -- it was urgent, vibrant, everything you might have hoped for and then even a bit extra, a bit more than that. When the Ahmet thing came up, it was a call to arms. It gave us the opportunity to come together. John Paul, I saw you this past June at the Bonnaroo festival, and you were having a blast sitting in and jamming with everyone. Have you been able to bring that spirit and enthusiasm into these rehearsals? John Paul Jones: To be honest, though, it went the other way as well. We had done this few days' rehearsal with Jason Bonham just before then, to see how it went. It felt really, really great playing with Jason, and with the others, really satisfying. It clicked immediately, it sounded tight -- I was surprised how many of the keys we remembered! So I was there at Bonnaroo fresh from the excitement of that. How did the timing come together? Was it planned that the "Song Remains the Same" reissue, the "Mothership" collection and the digital catalog announcement would all happen leading up to the show? Jones: The timing just kind of fell into place. We'd been working on the "Song Remains the Same" 5.1 mix for quite a long time, and we'd gotten lots of requests from the record company for a good compilation. We were never really happy with (the 1999-2000 collections) "Early Days" and "Latter Days," and this will replace those. It's really kind of a chronological sampler -- there are songs from every one of the studio albums, so that's kind of cool. The online stuff we started talking about not so long ago, and the O2 show was just decided on, quite late -- and that's part of it, we were having so many meetings about everything else, this just got on the agenda and then started to receive more serious talk. The time seemed right to do it. But why was this the right time? Jones: I don't know why! It seemed sort of organic. These things appear at the right time. The last time it came up was quite some time ago, and then it didn't seem right. This time it came up and everyone said, "Well, why not?" That's kind of how it's always been with Led Zeppelin. There never has been any great strategy or great planning. How is it being under so much media scrutiny for this show? When Led Zeppelin was actually making records, you never really received that much attention or mainstream exposure. Page: I don't really want to give the media the benefit of the doubt, but each of our albums is so radically different, I just think that the reviewers didn't have a clue as to what we were doing. They were totally perplexed and bewildered. The passage of time, though, has shown what it was that the fans could connect and relate to. In the late '60s and early '70s, there were other bands that had virtuoso players within them, but to have four virtuosos who could truly play as a band -- that was the important thing. So we had four guys on top of their game, straightaway, and then those four combined to make a fifth element, which took them even further. The level of playing is so fine, it travels across so many musical landscapes. Anyone who wants to play an instrument inevitably comes to Led Zeppelin because it is such a remarkable textbook, it's a diamond with so many facets. And the spirit and the honesty of the playing translates across generations. Jones: It's very nice that everybody is so interested. It's astonishing, overwhelming, to get 125 million hits or whatever for the tickets. But the music is what it's all about, and we have to just get to that. Do you think that the media's lack of interest worked to the band's advantage in the end? Certainly no one could ever say that Led Zeppelin was overexposed. Page: We were always underplayed in press, to the point of annihilation, really negative press. But each tour, we couldn't meet the demand for people in each city. If we sold as many tickets as we could, we could have kept touring forever. So because of being so underplayed, it really relied on people's spirit coming to it, to access Led Zeppelin through the records. And like anything that's any good, it spread by word of mouth. Is that why there's still such reverence for the music? Why do you think the allure is still so strong for younger listeners? Jones: I'm not entirely sure. We made the records in the '70s, but they're not really of the '70s. It was a pretty unique band, it didn't really fit into any categories. Which is part of why the press didn't really get what we were doing, which was really their problem -- it certainly wasn't a problem for the fans who were buying the records or coming to the shows. So I think the records aren't dated because they weren't of their time in the first place. Young kids, especially young musicians, really recognize the truth and the integrity of the music. So many people tell me, "My son or daughter has taken up an instrument and they want to play like you." It's nice to be an inspiration. I was certainly inspired by my heroes, and it's nice to pass that along. "The Song Remains the Same" isn't generally considered to be an example of Zeppelin at its live peak. What do you think of that reputation -- do you think it gets a bad rap? Page: Listen to (the 2003 live album) "How the West Was Won" -- that was done a year earlier and we were really firing on all cylinders, but, you know, I could be critical of those performances, too. ("Song") is taken from across a couple of nights, at the end of a long tour. It was pretty happening, really happening. It wasn't the best shows we did on that tour, but I don't know which ones were. Jones: I never thought it had a bad reputation. I always thought it was a good gig, but now it sounds bloody good as well. I think the record companies, as they will do, when they put the film on VHS and on DVD, they just did the transfer directly, straight to video, with no consultation with us. Everything we've ever done was a statement of where the band was at the time. It was the end of a tour, the New York crowds were always very responsive. I'm sure I saw the same faces in the first rows from night to night. I think we played well -- I don't know how it came across, but I have no hesitation saying that. Was there anything that surprised you in the performances while you were doing the remixing and remastering? Page: The remix was related to having up-to-the-minute 5.1 surround mix on the film. But we couldn't change a frame on the film once it was copyrighted. So unlike the (2003 live retrospective) DVD, where we could overlay visuals to the sound, the exercise was that the film was out of sync and we had to actually adjust the music. We couldn't just go slow motion on the film. With the aid of ProTools, (engineer) Kevin Shirley did a fantastic job with that. And everything just sounds so much better. You have techniques today that weren't dreamt of back then. Also, the whole of the set is included now. It goes in the way we envisioned it, how we would really pace a show. The only addition was "The Ocean" -- that was the encore, but we put it into the set. John Paul, what stands out to you when you go back and listen? Jones: How good it all was. I hadn't played the records much since those days -- or even in those days. As soon as one was finished, we would start work on the next record or the next tour or whatever. Now I hear them and think, "Oh, I forgot -- that was really good!" What is it like to watch the movie's famous "fantasy sequences" now? Jones: Well, we did look young! It was supposed to be a concert film, but when we went through it, there were these holes in the film, when they were changing reels or something. So then there was a bit of panic. I don't know whose idea it was to do the fantasy sequences -- but Jimmy and I were just talking about it, and we realized that Bonzo's wasn't actually a fantasy sequence, it was a reality sequence! It was all fun, but in the end, not to sound like a broken record, it still comes down to the music. There were some embarrassing moments, but some good fun, too. Page: We all went off our own merry ways, but Bonham just carried on in his usual way while we did these weird depictions of whatever. It was very much for the time and of the time. It was courageous, on one hand -- on the other hand, we managed to be Spinal Tap (laughs). But we did it first! What is the biggest misconception about Led Zeppelin? Jones: A lot is made of the salacious reputation of the band, which always detracted from the music. That was always disappointing -- especially newspapers, they would always start talking about sharks or whatever, and I would always think, "Oh, God, why does nobody mention how good the band was?" Page: The biggest misunderstanding (long pause) ... I could be trite and say that people think the robbery in the movie was a fake, that we did that to add drama to the film. But now, by including the local coverage from the New York news (in the "Song" DVD's bonus footage), you can see that it was very real. I don't know -- I don't care what they think about the band, or about me, or whatever. That will all be eradicated by listening to the music. If you really listen closely and hear what it was that we were doing, all the rest goes away. Alan Light is the former editor-in-chief of Spin, Vibe and Tracks magazines and a former senior writer at Rolling Stone. His writing has also appeared in the New York Times, the New Yorker, GQ and Entertainment Weekly. His book "The Skills to Pay the Bills: The Story of the Beastie Boys" was published in 2006. Alan is a two-time winner of the ASCAP-Deems Taylor Award for excellence in music writing.
  22. N' da,i ja sam ga video posle koncerta sa masnicom ispod desnog oka... U jebote,onda sam ja jos imao i srece A znam da su ljudi iza mene (jer je taj meda bio tacno iza mene i davio i gnjavio ljude) prilicno pizdeli na njega... Inace,organizatorima svaka cast - jedan od najboljih koncerata na kojem sam bio ove godine (posle Manowar-a u Nemackoj i Bugarskoj mozda i najbolji)
  23. 19 User(s) are reading this topic (6 Guests and 2 Anonymous Users) 11 Members: vegeta, Killing Floor, enemy of god, MREžAsTI MEn, metallicus, BruceBruce, the black platt, LazaGNR, CaNcErX, Elvis, Totamealand Bilo veselo sinoc u svakom slucaju A slazem se za onog gmaza...ladno me je lik prvo zagrlio,a onda i ujeo
  24. 12 User(s) are reading this topic (5 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users) 7 Members: LazaGNR, Sreta, ThePowerhead, Moody, DBraveZ, Wise Owl, the black platt Poraslo interesovanje za ovu temu
  25. Bruko jedna @crusader:svaka cast Slobo (bar na entuzijazmu )
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