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Everything posted by Lotreamon

  1. Pa... Mislim da ste ljudi zaboravili... na najbitniju stvar kod pisanja tekstova... A to je po meni iskrenost... Kasnije ide uklapanje u pesmu... Kada je tekst iskren, on ima dusu... Odnosno, pocinje da zivi da bi preneo emociju ili poruku koju je tekstopisac zeleo da nas prenese... Zbog toga i postoje tekstovi u pesmama... Kada se tekst udalji od prvobitne namene... on prestaje da bude iskren, a to povlaci za sobom jos gomilu sranja... I onda dobijamo bendove tipa Dark Funeral... sa njihovim tekstovima koji su sranje! Ima jos mnogo takvih grupa, ali Mracna Sahrana je za primer... Dalje... Tekstovi od CoF-a su... Pa puni arhaizama... I onda kada ih neko vidi kaze:"uuuuu... ovo mora da poseduje neku poetsku vrednost!" Kurac... Mozda su oni dugacki i kompleksni... Ali su isprazni... JAKO... Ne poseduju nista vredno pomena... Makar meni... Neki od boljih tekstova u black metalu su: Burzum -Erblicket Die Tochter Des Firmaments (Beholding The Daughters Of The Firmament) I wonder how winter will be with a spring that I shall never see I wonder how night will be with a day that I shall never see I wonder how life will be with a light I shall never see I wonder how life will be with a pain that lasts eternally In every night there's a different black in every night I wish that I was back to the time when I rode through the forests of old In every winter there's a different cold in every winter I feel so old so very old as the night so very old as the dreadful cold I wonder how life will be with a death that I shall never see I wonder why life must be a life that lasts eternally I wonder how life will be with a death that I shall never see I wonder why life must be a life that lasts eternally Prosto osecas... kako bol izvire iz svake reci ove pesme.... Dark Throne - Natassia in Eternal Sleep Alcohol is in my veins Tears fall as I think of you The true memory you left me with Is a key to the wine of melancholy I drown myself in the deepest of sorrows As you hurted on that stake they burnt my soul as well Your pure feelings, your pure hate, it was not enough Natassia, my beloved satanic witch The power in your eyes and yourself Worked for the numble in men Pass the bottle, pass the knife Pas me your unholy crafts I shall never forget you, the best of all there is I lick your cold lips, I embrace your coffin as I sigh in woe You never kissed the priest, you never drank the blood of Jesus Weird, they say - well, turn it upside down like you did And they kill, KILL, and they take you away... Now, centuries later, I do yours and my sign You live in me, like you moved in with my soul Your resurrection is the spirit of you - installed in me So now, your thoughts and your pain are my wine And Natassia, I'll get these goddamn angels drunk... Nesto najromanticnije sto sam procitao u zivotu.... I naravno... Emperor - I am the Black Wizards Mightiest am I, but I am not alone in this cosmos of mine. For the black hills consists of black souls, souls that already dies one thousand deaths. Behind the stone walls of centuries they breed their black art. Boiling their spells in cauldrons of black gold. Far up in the mountains, where the rain fall not far, yet the sun cannot reach. The wizards, my servants, summon the souls of macrocosm. No age will escape my wrath. I travel through time and I return to the future. I gather wisdom now lost. I visit again the eternally ancient caves, before a mighty Emperor there upon came. Watching the mortals "discovering" my chronicles, guarded by the old demons, even unknown to me. Once destroyed their souls are being summoned to my timeless prison of hate. It is delightful to feast upon the screaming souls, that was destroyed in my future. How many wizards that serve me with evil. I know not. My empires has no limits. From the never ending mountains black, to the bottomless lakes. I am the ruler and has been for eternity's long. My wizards are many, but their essence is mine. Forever there are in the hills in their stone homes of grief. Because I am the spirit of their existence. I AM THEM... Naravno.... Moc izbija iz ove pesme... Toliko...
  2. Black sam poceo da slusam... ne tako davno... Ima tome jedno pet godina... Razlozi? Pa... veoma su povezani sa mojom ljubavlju prema delima izvesnog oksfordskog profesora... i mitskom svetu koji je stvorio... Tada jos ne slusah nista... A onda sam krenuo sa uobicajnom ekipom... Znate, Maiden, Metallica... and stuff, mrzi me da nabrajam... Ali sa njima sam brzo prestao... JAKO BRZO... ne znam... nisu ispunjavali kriterijume Onda sam presao na power... I opet nisam bio zadovoljan... Iz prostog razloga... Atmosfera je donekle bila u redu... Muzika odlicna... Narucito klavijature (Rhapsody!)... ali... Vokali su uzasno ocajni! (opet Rhapsody!) Pa sam se manuo toga... Onda... svi znate za onu: "Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul ash nazg thrakatulûk, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul!" ... Obratite paznju na ono burzum! Slucajno sam prelistavo katolog nekog lika... I vidim burzum... I narucim... Taj dan kada sam stavio taj mp3 u moj cd-rom... je promenio moj zivot! Iskreno... Da ne davim... Od tada slusam samo black (od metala)... Pronasao sam sebe u blacku, moglu bi se reci... Atmosfera je odlicna... Tekstovi su odlicni (mada neke grupe imaju ocajne tekstove!)... Jednostavno, osecaj koji imam u sebi kada slusam black mi jako odgovara... I tesko se moze recima opisati... Toliko...
  3. Lotreamon


    Summoning... Uh... Uzasno sam se napatio dok nisam nasao vecinu njihovih albuma na mp3 formatu... Ali! mi nije zao uopste... Ljudi su umetnici... Ne znam zasto vecina ljudi pljuje po ranijim radovima... Meni je logicno da su raniji radovi losiji u odnosu na novije... Bolje tako nego kada je situacija obrnuta... (kao recimo, Dimmu Borgir... Prva dva albuma... Jedni od boljih BM albuma koje sam preslusao... A za kasnije... Nemam reci...NO! da se vratim na Summoning...) Mislim, ljudi su dobili ideju i onda su je razradjivali... I to je ok... Zasto bi ikome bilo smesno sto na Upon the Viking Stallion postoji pesma In The Name Of The Holy Penis-God... Jednostavno treba reci... Pocetak... Meni omiljeni album je svakako Minas Morgul... Prvo zbog naziva... (Kula Crne Magije... BUHAHAH!) a onda zbog pesama... Svaka pesma je remek delo! Ni na jednu se ne mogu pozaliti.... Ali treba izdvojiti Lugburz... Onda Morthond... I naravno Legend of the Master Ring... Fenomenalno... Klavirske deonice na Legend... Uf... Ne znam... Ako neko kaze da u BM-u nema kreativnosti i da svi Ug bendovi zvuce potpuno identicno... Neka poslusa Summonig a ako mu se ne svidi... Neka pomogne sebi neka, se ubije....! E da... Jedna primedba... Ljudi se tokom celog svog postojanja bave svetom koji je cika Tolkin kreirao... I kada su snimali film(ove...) mogli su da se sete njih i da ih pozovu da urade muziku... Ili makar jednu pesmu.... ALI NE! Ona svinja od Pitera Dzeksona.... Nije mogla to da uradi... kreten... e da... FILMOVI SU SRANJE! Cold be hand and heart and bone, and cold be sleep under stone: never more to wake on stony bed, never, till the sun fails and the moon is dead. In the black wind the stars shall die, and still on gold here let them lie, till the dark lord lifts his hand over dead sea and withered land When the winter first begins to bite and stones crack in the frosty night, when pools are black and trees are bare, it is evil in the wild to fare. To lay down my will upon the Land, Lugburz No sound disturbs this place of blackened souls This winter walls of stone and ice behold thy might Again I'm kneeling down to hear these strange tunes of war Night, oh beloved night, your wisdom floats into my mind and forms my thoughts of Middle-Earth to build up a new mighty empire P.S. Imate nesto o Summoning-u u nekom od Mex-ova... Pa ako vas zanima trazite...
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