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Everything posted by Leona
@ Telecontar - Nije ni chudo, smucili im se nastupi, vec 2 godine su na turneji...
Pa nije kao da nema nove stvari. Ima dosta obrada i radi nove pesme.
Pa i nije previshe. Dolaze bendovi po par puta godisnje Ja bih isla, naravno. I jos kilo ljudi sa mnom. I ovi sto je nisu videli prosli put.
Ljudi stvarno, dovodite je... Ne vidim zasto se ne bi isplatilo..
FantasMic... Na Britninom koncertu... Brate... Brate!!!
Ima dovoljno tih diskusija na youtube-u...
2009.07.08. *SKC, Beograd* C Y N I C
Leona replied to FRUBI_ZMIJA_GADAFI's topic in Arhiva koncerata
Jesam ja Izvinjavam se za kvalitet, izvukla sam koliko sam mogla da se bolje vidi: -
2009.07.08. *SKC, Beograd* C Y N I C
Leona replied to FRUBI_ZMIJA_GADAFI's topic in Arhiva koncerata
2009.07.08. *SKC, Beograd* C Y N I C
Leona replied to FRUBI_ZMIJA_GADAFI's topic in Arhiva koncerata
Super je bio cert, stvarno.. Fenomenalno... Ja imam gomilu slika i snimaka al nznm dal cu danas stici sve da uploadujem. Do tada...: -
Ma... Ona je i dalje Evanescence, novi album je najavljen za 2010. godinu. Meni zhao.
We Are The Fallen Rises From Evanescence's Ashes We Are The Fallen features former Evanescence members with "American Idol" Season 7 finalist Carly Smithson on vocals. June 24, 2009 08:02 AM ET Gary Graff, Detroit Ben Moody predicts that his just-unveiled new band, We Are The Fallen, will enjoy a peaceful co-existence rather than mortal combat with his old group, Evanescence. "We wish them the best," Moody, who co-founded Evanescence with singer Amy Lee in 1995 and left the band 2003 after co-writing its multi-platinum debut, "Fallen," tells Billboard.com. He formed We Are The Fallen earlier this year with original Evanescence members John LeCompt on guitar and Rocky Gray on drums, adding bassist Marty O'Brien and "American Idol" Season 7 finalist Carly Smithson on vocals. "There's not really an Evanescence now," Moody adds. "It's Amy Lee playing as Evanescence with a bunch of other guys hired to play our parts. And she's amazing -- an incredible front person, a great songwriter, an incredible singer. There's no reason we can't both exist in the world. Musically, we're going in completely different directions; 'The Open Door' (Evanescence's 2006 album) sounds nothing like We Are The Fallen." After We Are The Fallen was unveiled, Lee issued a statement saying that "there's some pretty weird stuff flying around right now" and that Evanescence is "working on new material that I'm extremely excited about...Look out for new music next year." Moody feels the statement "kind of validates my point. I don't really think she's at all threatened by us. She said, 'Don't worry, you'll have your music next year.' But people might want something to listen to before then. That's what we're here for." We Are The Fallen has released its first song, "Bury Me Alive," on its official web site, WeAreTheFallen.com. Rather than bring out an album, Moody says the group plans to release new material sporadically via the Internet; another track is due out in September before the quintet hits the road and then the band will release two songs every eight weeks. Moody says We Are The Fallen is considering a terrestrial CD for 2010 that may contain extended versions of the songs as well as orchestral interludes and perhaps even live recordings and footage from the tour. "I just think we live in an instant gratification world where bands need to hit quicker," Moody explains. "The great thing about 'Bury Me Alive' is it was mastered on a Friday and released on a Monday. We're not tired of listening to it in our cars yet. And as far as fans go, you won't see us disappear for a year and a half or sometimes three years so we can write and record an album. You're gonna get the absolute heart and soul of our creativity, and you're going to get that immediately. That way every song matters, and I think the music will be better that way." Besides its new material, We Are The Fallen does plan to play songs from "Fallen" on tour; the group even played that album's "Going Under" at a press conference on Monday in Los Angeles Intervju sa Le Comptom i Carly - Bury Me Alive (prvi singl) live - Sto se mene tiche... Drago mi je da se stari Evanescence nastavlja i to sa starom postavom, al jbga sto je bez Amy, ipak je ona nezamenljiva... Ova je ok, super peva uzivo itd... Mislim nznm... Opet mi je nekako glup naziv We are the Fallen, toliko asocira na Evanescence... Ali opet, sadasnji Evanescence nije ni nalik onom starom... Tako da... I dalje sam confused. I da, Rocky izgleda kao zhena sa ovom dugom kosom XD
Aham (: Hvala! Nije slika, fotomanipulacija sa digital paintingom
Biserka, znas vec koliko mi se svidjaju tvoji crtezi... Sve pohvale i ovde Evo nesto moje: I neka beda... Mada sad mnogo vishe crtam pa ce biti i malo ozbiljnijih radova:
Pa moglo bi, stvarno... Taman da padne godisnjica
Opa... Pa dokazala je da moze da peva i nesto sto nije opera (:
2009.07.08. *SKC, Beograd* C Y N I C
Leona replied to FRUBI_ZMIJA_GADAFI's topic in Arhiva koncerata
Sta, pre zamene nece biti lepih karata? Piiih... -
Hahahaha... A dobro je proslo sve...
Auuu, odlicno je otpevala 0.0
Wow, ovo je extra
Pocivajte u miru... Tuga... Najbolji odlaze prvi...
Jel ima neki poseban program za montiranje makete or what? Super je.
Jbg, morao je neko
Nije pogresna ucionica, kako zakorachis na sprat - dimcuga... A spat je dugacak jedno 500m.
Hm... Kod mene u skoli su wc-i redovno puni pushaca, dim se provlaci na pola hodnika, izmaglica... Par mojih drugarica je medju njima i ne umeju da izadju napolje pa da pushe nego moraju bas tamo gde je koncentracioni logor, tako da se manje druzimo dok smo u skoli, eto toliko o cigarama... Ja inache imam dosta problema ako samo jedna osoba pored mene zapali cigaru, par sati kasnije krece gushenje itd... A ako neko stvarno ne moze toliko da se suzdrzi od cigara onda je zavisnik, i neka plati kaznu, i treba. Dosta ljudi pati zbog toga, da ne spominjem kako je deci kojoj su svi ukucani pushaci. Secam se u osnovnoj, bila je jedna devojcica (da...), koja je imala jako jako grum glas, bukvalno growl, a sve to zato sto od njenih niko ne ume da ugasi jebenu cigaru...
Pa jel vidis datum? Potrazi drugu verziju, jbt. Uhvatili se ljudi za jednu verziju pesme gde je mozda bila bolesna il sta god i idemooo.