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Bilo bi odlicno,ja bi sigurno dosao na njihov cert ali ne znam da li bi vise od 200 ljudi doslo,jbg kad se kod nas svi loze na power
Mislim da su se teme izbrisale,sve u svemu odlican bend,mada sto kaze Grant znaju da budu depresivni recimo dark fields of pain mada mi je to mozda i omiljena pesma
E drago mi je da ima jos ljudi koji su ih slusali slazem se stvarno su odlicni
Moja je prava sto posto ajde reci tracklist
Meni je samo St anger sranje album svi ostali su zakon
Nikad ne reci nikad,mozda i dodju,ja mislim da se to nazalost moze desiti samo na exitu,mada bi pre voleo da ih vidim u Beogradu
Novi album mi se jako svidja iako nikad nisam bio neki ljubitelj ovog benda,album je totalno eksperimentalan i zbog toga mi se i jako dopada.Nije mi jasno sto vam se ne dopada pesma Pink Cellphone bas je zanimljiva a i ok je
Pa nemoj jer on po prvi put dolazi kod nas a ovi svi ostali psytrance izvodjaci su vec dolazili ovde po hiljadu puta.Samo mi je glupo sto ce sa Yahelom nastupiti i Nomad koji je u potpuno drugom fazonu,mnogo mi je jako ono sto on pusta,Yahel je bas dosta melodican ali videcemo nasta ce to ispasti
VNV Nation
Misantrophil replied to Vitamin K Experience's topic in Gothic, Electro & Industrial + Neofolk
Nabavio sam par pesama nije lose mada mi nije i nista posebno -
Bend koji dolazi iz Nemacke,i koji je mesavina Industrial metala/Neue Deutsche Härtea i Electrogotha.Iako imam samo album Das 2. Gebot ostao sam odusevljen.Vokal dosta podseca na Tila iz Rammsteina sto je meni samo plus,gitare odlicne,dosta elektronike,puno finih baladica sve u svemu nabavljam i ostale albume.Inace postoje od 1999 godine i do sad su izdali 4 albuma.Jer slusao neko
super,preporucujem ti da ides na Yahela 11 novembra u SKC,nego lepo sto si otvorena za sve takav sam i ja
Pa sve sto si navela je full on,nije Trance samo full on,nemam nista protiv full ona ima stvarno dosta dobrih artista ali vecina novih izdanja koja izlaze su sranje i sve je isto.Nego evo vam lepo lista svih zanrova trancea sa najbitnijim predstavnicima svakog pravca u zagradi da vidite koliko je to raznovrstan pravac Some Sub-Genre Classifications Of Trance ACID TRANCE-An early '90's style. Characterized by the use of a Roland TB-303 bass machine as the lead synth.( Hardfloor, Art of Trance, Union Jack, Eternal Basement, Emmanuel Top, Solar Quest, Kai Tracid ) ANTHEM/UPLIFTING TRANCE-Style of trance that emerged in the wake of progressive trance in the late 90's. Characterized by extended chord progression in all elements (lead synth, bass chords, treble chords), extended breakdowns, and relegation of arpeggiation to the background while bringing wash effects to the fore. (Vincent de Moor, Ronski Speed, Tiësto, System F, 4 Strings, Ayla, Paul van Dyk, Armin van Buuren, ATB, Neo & Farina, Blank & Jones, Marco V, johan gielen) CLASSIC TRANCE-Original form of trance music, said to have originated in the very early 90's. Characterized by less percussion than techno, more melody, arpeggiated melody, and repetitive melodic chords/arpeggios. (Westbam, Dance 2 Trance, Jam and Spoon, Sven Väth, Oliver Lieb, Cosmic Baby) EURO TRANCE-Euro-Trance is a hybrid of hard trance and Eurodance music incorporating hardstyle bass drums and trance elements. The trance synths at times sound like techno hoovers with trancey effects and strings backing it up. The vocals are often pitched up for the most part, but sometimes they can be heard as in normal pitch range. This is often confused as vocal trance because of its use of vocals. The lyrical content is usually pretty simple, containing an introduction to the song with usually no or little drums, and often includes renderings of classic happy hardcore anthems or melodies. Also some of the middle 90's happy hardcore producers started to produce tracks in this style. (Jan Wayne, Rob Mayth, Special D, Starsplash, Mark'Oh, Pulsedriver) GOA TRANCE-A complexly melodic form of trance named for Goa, India, and originating in the early 90's. Often uses the Raga. (The Infinity Project, Transwave, S.U.N. Project, Man With No Name, Astral Projection, Juno Reactor, MFG) HARD TRANCE-Aggressive and faster trance sounding, Originating in Frankfurt, includes influences from hardcore. The style has first's tracks in 1993 and decline in the late 90's. (Pascal F.E.O.S., Resistance D, Legend B, Nostrum, Gary D, Genetic Line, The Hooligan, Flutlicht, Mat Silver & Tony Burt, Jones & Stephenson, Yves Deruyter, Cosmic Gate, S.H.O.K.K., Mauro Picotto) HARDSTYLE-Closely related to nu style gabber and hard trance. Its sound is usually characterized by a mix of gabber and hardcore like kick/bass sounds, trance like synth stabs and sweeps and miscellaneous samples. However, Hardstyle usually has a lot slower BPM (between 140 and 150). (Lady Dana, DJ Luna, Trance Generators, DJ Isaac,the prophet) PROGRESSIVE TRANCE-Style of trance that originated in the early-mid 90's. Differentiated from the then "regular" trance by breakdowns, less acid-like sound & bass chord changes that gave the repeating lead synth a feeling of "progression". (BT, Humate, Sasha, John Digweed, Sander Kleinenberg, Slacker, Breeder, Narcotik) PSYCHEDELIC TRANCE OR FULL ON-Better known as psytrance; ambiguously synonymous with Goa trance, less melodic (also focuses less on eastern melodies) more abstract, metallick and futuristic. Also while goa tracks can be even slow as 130 bpm, psytrance tracks' speed rarely goes under 140bpm (except Progressive Psytrance tracks). (Etnica, Infected Mushroom,Yahel(mada je on dosta i anthem trance), Astrix, Absolum, Total Eclipse, Hallucinogen,Talamasca) PROGRESSIVE PSYTRANCE-Emerged from both progressive house and psytrance. Identified by slower BPM range (roughly between 125 and 138), deep, low bass line, similarities to house in percussion, track structure and other things as well as psychedelic trance depth and relative musical unpredictability. (Magnetrixx, Ticon, Phony Orphants, Son Kite, Atmos,vibrasphere,Tegma) TRIBAL-A trance derivative that took classic trance and overlaid it with polyrhythmic percussive beats, ethnic samples, bongo sounds. It emphasizes the rhythmic core of trance. It shares many things with early Goa trance and Balearic House. Tribal can also be understood not so much as a style in itself, but as a component of any other trance style that has a bongo polyrhythm to it. (Enigma, Tarentella, Etnoscope) VOCAL TRANCE/EPIC TRANCE-Broad term referring to trance with a full set of lyrics, which may or may not be any of the above genres. Oftentimes an artist will borrow a singer's talents as opposed to the singer himself or herself (vocalists are typically female), or sample from/remix more traditional pop music.(4 Strings, Lange, Ian Van Dahl, Above & Beyond, Fragma, Lost Witness, Armin Van Buuren, Oceanlab, Chicane, Lasgo.) ELECTRO TRANCE-This Trance style has influenced by electroclash and take some elements to Uplifting Trance. Originated around 2004. (Ferry Corsten, Elevation, Marcel Woods, Gabriel & Dresden) IBIZA TRANCE/CHILL TRANCE/AMBIENT TRANCE -This style has been influenced by various relaxed music genres, especially linked to Ibiza's ( Spain ) chill-out style of life parallel with the huge rave scene that is present in the islands. Very melodic and mellow, sometimes with ethnic features, it often samples seaside elements like seagulls and ocean waves. Also known as balearic house.(Chicane, Solar Stone, Chiller Twist, York, Miro, Salt Tank) DEEPTECH TRANCE-This style has been influenced majorly by breakbeat. It is a chilled out blend of reggae beat matching and more notably the use of excessive synth pads, blended to create an almost euphoric state of relaxation (Chicane, Shifted Phases) DARK PSYTRANCE(ALSO NIGHT TRANCE,HORROR TRANCE,NEOFULLON)- is a darker and distorted form of psychedelic trance music that is made mostly in Russia and Germany, as well as other countries worldwide. The music is considered to be less popular than mainstream melodic psytrance. Unlike trance genres that are considered to be "commercial", dark psytrance does not generally use vocals, though there is use of sampling. The atmosphere and theme of the tracks often resemble genres like darkcore and cybergrind, and generally draw its influences from the heavy metal culture, and from Musique concrète (especially the Russian artists). There are also artists who focus more on creating a horror movie like atmosphere, for example Xenomorph and Para Halu. (Kindzadza,xenomorph,Penta,Derango,Para Halu,Dark Soho) Inace kod nas su najpopularniji psytrance i progressive psytrance.Inace psytrance je najpopularniji kod nas,Izraelu,Brazilu,Meksiku,Japanu,Rusiji i to je to.U evropi je psytrance uglavnom underground,u Engleskoj,Holandiji,Nemackoj,Poljskoj,Madjarskoj,Spaniji,Americi je najpopularniji Uplifting i epic trance.Goa se nazalost vise nigde ne slusa pocela je da odumire.
Novi album je bas dobar,mnogo mi se svidja
Front Line Assembly
Misantrophil replied to Alice in Acidland's topic in Gothic, Electro & Industrial + Neofolk
Dobar electro industrial bend.Ovaj poslednji artificial soldier nije nesto ali ga nisam ni puno slusao -
11.11.2006@SKC YAHEL & Nomad +GoaSapiens DJ's Ladies and Gentlemen, the Number 45 ranked DJ in the world, DJ Yahel. A versatile artist with influences and techniques ranging throughout the Trance spectrum, Yahel’s music resides in a lush synthesis of Club effects, Deep Trance beats, and psychedelia from the Goa scene. As evident from his newly appointed number on the DJ List his fans world wide came through in voting for him, and Yahel knows just how much that means. After producing six artist albums, mixing three compilations, and releasing dozens of vinyls. Yahel has estblished himself as one of the most popular and talented producers/Dj’s to have come from the Israeli Electronic scene. The same scene that gave the world groups like Astral Projection, Infected Mushroom, and Atomic Pulse. Yahel has bridged all these groups with his music bringing ravers and clubbers together under his musical banner. Yahel is widely respected, and has found success with major labels like Sony/BMG. He has also collaborated with Konami and Namco liscensing his music for a variety of their video games. Recently Yahel’s music took to the air literally as El-Al began offering his DJ set on the in flight entertainment. Some of the other labels he has been involved with are Black Hole, Cyber, Tsunami, and Fundamental (with many more to follow.) His music has also found its way into the records of such notable Djs as; Tiesto, PVD, Armin Van Buuren, Ferry Corsten and many more. Yahel’s Voyage is considered to be one of Tiestos classic tracks and is a staple in his live sets. Playing all over the globe Yahel is always traveling, always working, and always making time for his fans and family.
Konacno sam nabavio novi album Every Red Heart Shines Toward the Red Sun i mogu da kazem samo da mi je vec na prvo slusanje odlican,cak i bolji od prvog
Ma idi bezi,smucili su mi se vise,sad na beer festu su zvucali dosadno barem meni,sve vise me smaraju
Meni bolji od Neurosisa mada da njih nije bilo ne bi bilo ni Isisa
To su veoma stare pesme jos pre synthetic generationa
Nije problem sto je blag nego nema neku tu atmosferu ko animatronic
Ovo sa pterodaktilima je vrh umro sam
Sad mi lakse sto nisam bio,a i imao sam neki osecaj da ce biti tesko sranje
a u kojoj sali je bilo