ladno su knot neki likovi isprozivali da kopiraju korn, pa je na tu temu odgovoreno sledece:
Ok if you don't buy the CD listen to the MP3's,Slipknot is yes one of the
heavy bands out in this day and time,oh shit I forgot KORN ISNT HEAVY
ANYMORE,how can we compare Slipknot to Special Effects RAP,or ICE CUBE
(korn)? Find ONE korn song that sounds anything like Liberate or Purity (on
the old cd's). Tatterd & Torn,its physically impossible for Slipknot to be
korn wanna be's,korn doesnt have a sampler,2 extra custom percussionists,and
a dj.Slipknot isnt ripping Korn off,how can ya rip a band that has 300
pictures in every magazine and models for calvin kline and gets paid to wear
clothes by puma? Korn is ripping them selves off if anything,changing their
fucking music,I threw away all my korn shirts when Issues came out,korn said
it was supposed to be like their old good shit,sounds nothing like it.FTL
was bad enough,than issues came and made korn suck worse. Korn is ready to
fall out.They got their 2 years of fame,and they will probably in the next 2
years burn out,maybe release another CD,but I doubt they will stay in.
Slipknot is focus'd on making their next CD even more heavier and darker.See
a bands first CD usually kicks the most ass,why? BECAUSE THE BAND SPENT
THEIR ENTIRE FUCKING LIFE MAKING IT. Slipknot wants to make it even
heavier,which is hard. I personally would call Coal Chamber a big rip off
of Korn,but not Slipknot.Coal Chamber does rule. Slipknot isnt anything like
Slipknot wears 1 piece black or red suits,with masks,why might you ask? WELL
korn.Korn doesnt beat them selves up and their instruments up during
concerts,like slipknot.
Korn and Limp Bizkit has sorta set the "metal" standard for a while,and
taking over this standard I think is Coal Chamber and Slipknot,and Machine
Head too if they get their ass's up and promote themselve's more.
oko za oko, zub za zub...ispljuvashe ih braca maggoti kako valja...