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Everything posted by Angelystor

  1. Tebe treba banovati tako da imaš pristup samo Sportu
  2. "If don't play this song, it'd be like Toto not playing Africa" On a more serious note, kako mi je neopisivo očajan growl njegov.
  3. Ovo rerecord ili kao nastavak? Sad gledam progarhive, ja samo 2. i 3. album slušao od njih. Odličan RPI.
  4. Jeff Plate bubnjar, druga gitara i bas jes neki nepoznati, ali su tu već neko vreme.
  5. Točeni, priznajem, nisam probao, aj to bih se možda usudio :]
  6. Meni je ono kao da pijem gorku vodu, plus miris kao neki deterdžent od zove. Baš ne bih nikome preporučio, pogotovo ne nekome ko nikad neki IPA nije probao. Jedino što mi se od tih Brewdogova činilo pristojno je onaj porter njihov, ne sećam se imena.
  7. Meni je to najgori IPA koji sam probao
  8. https://graspop.be/live/ Evo Grobu prilike da opet vidi Ensiferum
  9. Moram taj Finntroll uhvatiti negde, makar bio i livestream FNM izdominirao sad...Leader of men!
  10. Krenula opet sezona festivala, dajte neke streamove ako ima :]
  11. Najbolji njihov spot.
  12. Angelystor


    Koliko je očajan Zetro, vraćajte Dukesa. I daj nek se vrati Holt da svira, čudno ovako....
  13. Težak slučaj đubreta.
  14. Mislim da mu je to neka stalna fora
  15. Meni ovo k'o neka Desaster bonus pesma.
  16. Mislio sam da ćeš i ovde da pitaš da nije Morbid Angel knjiga od Emili Bronte.
  17. Ali si stigao da obrišeš inkriminišući post ccc
  18. Ne, ne, to ti je pesma Katherine Bush. edit: kasno, već si saznao Mislio sam da se zebavaš. edit2: Manticora To će mi biti power za narednu nedelju.
  19. Mislim da me je od tad jedino Armod od Falconer-a toliko blisko zaljubio, s tim što zbog nerazumljivosti tekstova nikad nisam mogao sa njim toliko da se povežem kao sa Salt-om
  20. Malo da se digne tema...SALT bre Give me well-tilled earth Under an open sky Ale and song as the evening goes by Skin against skin, then an untroubled sleep All in a simple man's dream All else you can keep
  21. Pocepao malo pre ovo uz ručak na poslu: Jes skup k'o đavo, ali fenomenalan IPA.
  22. Nakon ona prošla dva, stvarno se nadam da se taj eventualni novi nikad neće desiti. Nek napravi jednu turneju BAREM JEDNOM U JEBENOM ŽIVOTU kao čovek, pa nek je i sa ovim Jordanom i ostalom trupom anonimusa.
  23. Angelystor


    Vocalist/bassist Peter "Peavy" Wagner of German power metallers RAGE has announced the band's new lineup. It is as follows: Peter "Peavy" Wagner - Vocals, Bass Marcos Rodriguez - Guitar, Vocals Vassilios "Lucky" Maniatopoulos - Drums, Vocals Comments Peavy: "There were quite a couple of proposals from established musicians, but this wasn't what I was looking for. I wanted to have a real band again with all members pulling in the same direction." Marcos Rodriguez was born in Venezuela and currently resides in Antwerpen, Belgium. The 36-year old guitarist is a die-hard fan of RAGE who met Peavy on RAGE's 30th-anniversary tour when his band SOUNDCHASER provided support on parts of the trek. Vassilios "Lucky" Maniatopoulos has so far primarily made an appearance as the vocalist of the band TRI STATE CORNER. However, the former drum student and drum technician of former RAGE and current TRI STATE CORNER/REFUGE drummer Christos Efthimiadis is also longtime friend of Peavy's. "These two guys have literally inhaled RAGE their whole lives and can vividly feel it — I'm very much looking forward to herald a new era of RAGE together with them," says Peavy. RAGE's new lineup will make its live debut at Metal Hammer Paradise, Ferienpark Weissenhäuser Strand on November 14, and the "Black In Mind" tour this December, celebrating the 20th anniversary of the release of RAGE's cult album "Black In Mind". RAGE is putting the finishing touches on a new studio album for a spring 2016 release.
  24. Mnogo to nešto kratko za dupli album. Mogao je komotno 2h da traje.
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