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Everything posted by Angelystor

  1. Opa, novi. British progressive metallers THRESHOLD will release their new album, "For The Journey", on September 19 via Nuclear Blast. The follow-up to 2012's "March Of Progress" was produced at Thin Ice Studios in England by THRESHOLD members Karl Groom (guitars) and Richard West (keyboards) and was mastered by Mika Jussila at Finnvox in Finland. Commented West: "'For The Journey' is one of our strongest albums and one of the most enjoyable to make. I've probably heard it a thousand times during the recording process, but now that's it's over, I still can't stop listening to it!" "For The Journey" track listing: 01. Watchtower on the Moon 02. Unforgiven 03. The Box 04. Turned to Dust 05. Lost in your Memory 06. Autumn Red 07. The Mystery Show 08. Siren Sky Bonus tracks: 09. I Wish I Could (digipak, vinyl and digital versions) 10. Lost in your Memory (acoustic version) (vinyl and digital versions)
  2. Angelystor


    Koja smejurija ova grupa B.
  3. Sto je najgore, ovo mu je bas dobar potez, sa'ce mu bend, kako god da se zove, da prate samo oni kojima se svidja muzika (u ovom slucaju, novijeg Pestilence-a), a ne da se samo vezujuci se za ime da se nadaju ljudi da ce da zvuci "kako treba". Realno vise ovo metal bendova treba da uradi, ali nece, jerbo brend je brend.
  5. http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4775478 Novi album, rejoice
  6. Bice ovo teska glupost.
  7. U Duff-u popust nedeljom sada može samo ako se čekiraš preko forskvera. šukurac neću više ni da pogledam ka tamo
  8. Treci bend u Becu - Incantation http://www.metalblade.com/us/news/bolt-thrower-european-tour/ koja crnina od turneje
  9. Ovo negde u Rumuniji jel? Ako je to ovo: http://www.setlist.fm/setlist/the-crimson-projekct/2014/the-studio-auckland-new-zealand-2bc1ac6e.html ovo je onda jebeno mnogo dobro
  10. Ovo je za medalju koliko je dosadno.
  11. Angelystor


    A ko je ovaj na bubnjevima sto je na pola koncerta? Ili to Reinert bas dosta smrsa tokom svirke.
  12. Metallica > svi METALLICA's appearance Saturday night (June 28) at Glastonbury festival marked the first time in the U.K.s event's 44-year history that a metal act has topped the bill. The heavy metal giants faced much controversy when they were first announced as headliners — drawing criticism for frontman James Hetfield's apparent support of bear hunting and with many arguing that the band had no place at Glastonbury, a very laid-back type of festival, with more of a hippie/indie vibe than most. Indirectly responding to a petition launched last month calling for METALLICA's removal from the festival, due to Hetfield hosting a new series about bear hunting on the History channel, METALLICA took to the stage last night to a Julien Temple-directed intro video showing a traditional British fox hunt where all four bandmembers played hunt saboteurs, disguised a bears, and killing hunters. The eight-minute video, which can be seen below, was soundtracked by SWEET's glam rock classic "Fox On The Run" and included a clip of the the classic film "The Good, The Bad And The Ugly", in tribute to actor Eli Wallach, who died this week. (METALLICA has used the song "The Ecstasy Of Gold" from "The Good, The Bad And The Ugly" as prelude music at the band's concerts since 1985 and recorded a version of the instrumental for a compilation tribute to composer Ennio Morricone.)
  13. Meni propisno dosadniji od proslog. Jedino sto ima kao bolju produkciju, nije los, ali meh. Negde nivo Vollume-a, tj. samo jos jedan Tankard album. Sa druge strane, jos uvek jedan od najboljih nemackih thrash bendova i od kojih moze da se ocekuje kvalitetan nivo (za razliku od nekih drugih nemackih bendova istog godista).
  14. Naravno, stvar ukusa, ali jebes ga da te vuce neki disk da imas/nemas zbog njegove cene i stanja na trzistu. Nisam upoznat ni sa jednim od ta dva benda.
  15. Pa, svakakve bakrace vidim da skupljas, a meni ovo bas dobar album. To sad sto redak cd i sto pokusavate da se opeljesite nije moj problem Niti to ima neke veze sa kvalitetom albuma.
  16. Je l' imas Geisha Goner?
  17. Mislis novi album http://www.bunalti.com/?p=315775 ?
  18. Okej pesmica, nije me nalozila na album k'o Rattlesnake na prosli doduse. Vokalne melodije bas k'o prosli album.
  19. Angelystor


    Meni vokal ove ubedljivo najgori, k'o govornu manu da ima dok peva. I setlista govno tesko.
  20. "..ogoljeni Merciful Fate" Tu sam prestao da citam.
  21. Jeeee...mikrofon To opet ne menja situaciju da pice vec jednu istu listu 3 godine, koja ukljucuje na bis drum solo i Heaven's Balls Hung...
  22. Nesa osvojio temu sa ovim "mir mir mir svaciji je kriv" stavom
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