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Everything posted by Angelystor

  1. Slusao sad Doctrine, maltene prvi put od kad izasao, i neverovatno mi kako je svima promaklo ispod radara koje je ovo strahovito govno od albuma. Svaka ideja kao da je napola zaustavljena i tako prebacena na album, kvazi-technical momenti cisto radi technical momenata, oni iritantni groove momenti... I da sviraju jednu pesmu sa njega sutra, to je 2 pesme vise nego sto treba sa njega da bude.
  2. Ovaj cover ne treba da se gleda izjutra.
  3. Na tom festu bila nikad jaca postava: Dark Angel, Pentagram, Hypocrisy, At the Gates i Voivod. Dobro, i Megadeth. edit: kucajuci sam skontao da je ovaj Pentagram ipak verovatno onaj Cileanski...
  4. Pesma nyah po svakom nivou. A i nemam sta mnogo da ocekujem, ni Angel ni Nostra mi nisu bili ic specijalno... Inace kapiram da je ovo full cover:
  5. Jebes ga, dobra je lista Najezih se upm, da nisam na poslu, krenu bih da bangujem sad. ima jos snimaka: http://www.blabbermouth.net/news/reunited-dark-angel-fan-filmed-footage-of-first-comeback-performance/
  6. Novi za mesec dana.
  7. Meni je dobar balans, plus mi ona Inside Outside izuzetna, i u principu mi bolje ovako nego kao prosli gde su ga ispreseckali sa onim intermecoima. I da, ovaj lik mi je bas prirastao srcu kao Delta vokal, bas bas dobar find.
  8. Album je less thrash, more mindfuck. Izuzetna lekcija.
  9. Evegi http://www.mediaboom.org/407910-mekong-delta-in-a-mirror-darkly-2014.html
  11. Moglo bolje, a moglo i gore... Ako bude bolji od WPB-a, onda ce stvarno biti nesto cemu se vredi radovati.
  12. Evegi http://rusfolder.com/40505501
  13. Meni je citav album ovako: ali sa druge strane, daleko slusljivije nego par prethodnih.
  14. Swedish folk metal forerunners FALCONER return to glory with their new album, "Black Moon Rising", which is scheduled for release on June 9 in Europe and June 10 in North America via Metal Blade Records. The first single from the CD, "Locust Swarm", can be streamed below. After the release of FALCONER's last album, "Armod", in 2011, the band first effort sung entirely in Swedish and concentrating on the folk elements in the music, the group returned to KING DIAMOND guitarist Andy La Rocque's Sonic Train Studios in Varberg, Sweden to record the new CD. This effort is described in a press release as "the most guitar-oriented, riff-filled, and fastest FALCONER release to date. This is a much hungrier and more vital FALCONER, with some of their finest material in many years." Comments FALCONER main composer Stefan Weinerhall: "After an eight-month complete break from music on the verge of quitting it, I finally returned with a feeling of hunger, power and commitment to the songwriting. The goal we all had was to wake up, stir things up a bit and perform at our very best. And so we all did!!" "Black Moon Rising" track listing: 01. Locust Swarm 02. Halls and Chambers 03. Black Moon Rising 04. Scoundrel and the Squire 05. Wasteland 06. In Ruins 07. At The Jester's Ball 08. There's a Crow on the Barrow 09. Dawning of a Sombre Age 10. Age of Runes 11. The Priory FALCONER is: Mathias Blad: vocals Stefan Weinerhall: guitar Jimmy Hedlund: guitar Magnus Linhardt: bass Karsten Larsson: drums Ma da, to je to
  15. Oba tvoja favorita je Henjo napisao :] A inace Pale Rider je prva Ehre-ova pesma (Kaiev tekst). Meni obicno inputi ostale trojice u bendu znaju da doprinesu konacnom sudu o albumu (posto od Kaia navikao covek na dobre stvari), ali ovde nijedan od cetvorice nista pametno nije imao da kaze.
  16. Ti si bas neki Richter fan a?:] Born To Fly mi najgora uz Pale Rider-a. Koji jebeni put mora da se peva o tome kako je orao slobodan i kako leti? Bas, bas neinspirativna pesma.
  17. Angelystor


    Nyah pesma.
  19. Nope, jul. http://metaldays.net/Home
  20. Metalcamp?
  21. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0017136/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1 Tek sad jebeno gledah ovo cudo od filma, ali ga bar gledah u Kinoteci.
  22. MA DAJ German thrash metal veterans KREATOR will embark on a European headlining tour in November/December. Support on the trek will come from VADER, ARCH ENEMY and SODOM. Comments KREATOR guitarist/vocalist Mille Petrozza: "A lot of our European fans voiced their discontent over the fact that the band hardly does European club tours — apart from our festival shows. "In 2013, we were mainly busy playing for our fans overseas. We want to change this now. "In time for the reissues of 'Endless Pain', 'Pleasure To Kill' and 'Extreme Aggression' in all kinds of formats — finally on vinyl again too — we'll end the 'Phantom Antichrist' tour cycle in Europe with a massive string of shows. This will be your last chance to see KREATOR live in clubs for quite a while, because we'll be busy working on a new album in 2015 and only play carefully selected shows. "Right now we're working on a new multimedia stage show and we'll also have a bunch of surprises in the setlist. "Our friends of ARCH ENEMY are part of the trek to present their new album, 'War Eternal', and so will VADER and our old companions SODOM. This tour will be KILLER!!!" The dates are as follows: Nov. 26 - Lyon, France - Le Transbordeur * Nov. 27 - Istres, France - L´Usine * Dec. 01 - Toulouse, France - Le Bikini * Dec. 02 - Paris, France - Le Bataclan * Dec. 04 - Tilburg, The Netherlands - 013 Dec. 05 - Ludwigsburg, Germany - MHP Arena Dec. 06 - Oberhausen, Germany - Turbinenhalle Dec. 07 - Saarbrücken, Germany - Garage Dec. 08 - Hamburg, Germany - Docks Dec. 09 - Berlin, Germany - Huxleys Dec. 11 - Wiesbaden, Germany - Schlachthof Dec. 12 - Geiselwind, Germany - Eventhall Dec. 13 - München, Germany - Tonhalle Dec. 14 - Pratteln, Switzerland - Z7 Dec. 16 - Leamington, UK - Assembly Rooms * Dec. 17 - Bristol, UK - Academy * Dec. 18 - London, UK - The Forum * Dec. 19 - Manchester, UK - Academy * Dec. 20 - Dublin, Ireland - Academy * Dec. 21 - Glasgow, UK - QMU * Dec. 22 - Newcastle, UK - Academy * * Without SODOM and VADER ....i naravno ni blizu ovuda
  23. Accept - Restless And Wild Rainbow - Rising
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