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Ovaj novi album nidje veze sa bilo kakvim doasadnjim Trouble albumom, a vec ih do sada bilo raznih. Vise mi osecaj k'o da slusam neke odbacene CoC pesme iz '90ih. Nepotrebno, sasvim i potpuno.
Super album. Ono dok bilo toplo bilo vreme mi bio fino slusljiv, a sad me tako dobro pogadja na ovo sivilo. Uzdigao se do statusa odlicnog, sigurno u vrhu godine. Ima neki nenametljivi proggy smek koji mi bas prija. I da, genijalan izbor obrada.
Maxi prekoputa Pink-a, na Dedinju, tu ih uvek nalazim. BTW Aroma marketi isto imaju dobar izbor piva lately, ima Krombachere razne, tamni Paulaner...
Sandoval sa jos dvojicom pika ceo "World Downfall"
Apropo kineske price... The members of METALLICA have revealed that they were asked to send the lyrics to their entire discography to the Chinese government for approval before they were given permission to play in the country. "We had to give them a whole set of songs and they went through all the lyrics and okayed which ones we could play, which ones we couldn't play," METALLICA guitarist Kirk Hammett revealed during an appearance on "The Howard Stern Show" on Monday, September 23. "They see a lyric like 'Master Of Puppets' being so subversive that they're not allowing us to play it. It's kind of scary." Added METALLICA frontman James Hetfield: "And that just brings more attention to it, of course. That doesn't work." According to METALLICA, they never considered canceling their Chinese shows after being told which songs they couldn't perform in the country. "There were 40,000 kids over those two nights that were, I mean, they were really responding to what we were doing," said METALLICA drummer Lars Ulrich. "It was insane." "Whatever rules they set down, the fans were there to have fun," stated Hetfield. "We got our foot in the door. We were able to go and play in China. That was the key." "What I did is, I had an open guitar solo thing where I just sit there and riff," said Hammett. "I played the riff for 'Master Of Puppets' and a couple of other songs that weren't allowed to be played. I played just the music, so I kind of snuck it in there." Ulrich also explained that METALLICA's Chinese fans were fully aware of the restrictions that were placed upon the band during their appearance in the country. "What we're talking about here is not a secret. They published it on government web sites — what songs we could play and what we couldn't. I mean, it's fine."
Aj sad reci da ne valja glas
Album jes' "zvuci" k'o stariji, ali mi jednako dosadan kao i prethodna 3.
Ne verujem kol'ko se 'Talijani dobro drze.
Nedelja je vrlo plodna za uzasne omote. Ipak, gajim nadu da moze bude nesto dobro ovde.
The reunited METAL CHURCH — Ronny Munroe on vocals, Kurdt Vanderhoof and Rick Van Zandt on guitars, Steve Unger on bass, and Jeff Plate on drums — will release tenth studio album, "Generation Nothing", on October 22 via Kurdt's label Body Of Work Recordings in conjunction with Rat Pak Records. "Generation Nothing" track listing: 01. Bullet Proof 02. Dead City 03. Generation Nothing 04. Noises In The Wall 05. Jump The Gun 06. Suiciety 07. Scream 08. Hits Keep Comin' 09. Close To The Bone 10. The Media Horse
Ako kazu Metaldays, ili nesto slicno blize, onda cu mozda i da se stvarno poradujem ovom reunionu.
Sad Mystic Moon Jebus on a bicycle... Cover u sopstvenoj dimenziji bland-a.
Svaki put kada neko od nasih stane za bacanja prividja mi se Vesa Petrovic. Ovo nije normalno.
Nyah album. Nije sto (gostu)je Steva bas na njoj, ali mi je Jupiter nekako jedina vredna sa izdanja. Pills je isto ok, ali mi fali nesto, jace strofe, nesto... One pesme sa drugim gostima me jos vise otudjuju od albuma, i uopste mi nije osecaj k'o da slusam Blackfield album.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlicNcNeQ8o Ovo je za mene jedna savrsena heavy metal pesma. Ubica riff, 'cepaj grlo' refren, lepa srednja (jos i pevljiva) solo deonica, nista mi vise jebeno ne treba.
Svima srecan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Programmers%27_Day
To visednevno rotiranje albuma ce da te ceka i na vecini narednih, realno :] Nije svaki k'o iCOCK, ali...
Nikad covek.
Jes' APD dobar i bolji od Fista, ali ako bi birali najslabiji iz '80ih, meni RnR ubedljivo.
Inner Wound Recordings has announced the signing of the Swedish power metal band PERSUADER. The group's new album, "The Fiction Maze", will be released late 2013/early 2014. Says PERSUADER: "So finally, we're back! A journey that began some five years ago has finally come to the end of the line and we're extremely proud to uncover the new PERSUADER album entitled 'The Fiction Maze'. "A lot of hard work was put into creating the perfect mix of everything we've done so far, expanded on the PERSUADER sound while keeping the core that is the band; heavy riffing, strong melodies, pounding rythms and soaring vocals. Combined with a crushing production courtesy of mixer extraordinaire Ronnie Björnström [AEON, APOSTASY, BONE GNAWER] this turned out to be quite a beast of an album, the true pinnacle of our career so far. "The time has come. Now join us through the fiction maze!" KONACNO U PICKU MATERINU
Ja kazem sta sam ja doziveo uzivo, to sto je tebi u glavi takav odnos snaga, ok. Naglasak imaju obojica.
Ovi Rusi su uvreda za zdrav razum.
Bas sam razmisljao pre neki dan kako The Wall-u fale trbusne plesacice, ali sam se onda setio da to nije Hollywood Metal album.