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Everything posted by Angelystor

  1. Kapiram da ti je bolja lista ako ti je Ascending omiljeni Luca Turilli/Rhapsody album, ali inace R(of) svira mnogo vise Rhapsody pesama. Npr. taj Rage je glupost sto uopste stoji na listi, jer je to live samo onaj vetar sa pocetka pesme. LTR je uzivo mnogo vise gimmicky, ima prepompeznu najavu, video projekcije, belly dancer-a, propse neke na sceni, zensku vode sa sobom za vokala...a opet pored toga su imali celu jednu jebenu gitaru nasnimljenu (moguce da se sad ovaj vec vratio doduse). Sa druge strane R(of) je njih 6, sa samo backdropom iza sebe, koji samo razvaljuju sta rade uzivo, i muzicki je potpunije iskustvo. Biras dakle je l' hoces na cirkus ili na power metal koncert. I krajnje, sto ovaj Kiskelino nema nikakvu svoju pevacku licnost i ne moze ni da pridje Lionetu.
  2. ...oni random trenuci u zivotu kad se setis da si za jedno vece cuo Sole Survivor, We Burn, Rebellion.., Valley.., Land Of The Free, A Tale.., Halloween, Future World, I Want Out.. i osetis se kao najsrecnija osoba na svetu.
  3. Ali bas, k'o milksejk da pijem, mnogo lepo se i umuti (ja ga sa mlekom samo cepam, sa vodom mi bljutkavo)
  4. Angelystor


    Gde je to dosao ovaj svet kada ce Finska i Svedska da idu dalje ispred Turske i Rusije.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=DUJI5V296go sagnite se
  6. Angelystor

    Death SS

    Daj(te) linka, ovo sam potpuno propustio.
  7. Mislim da bas bas nista ne svira. Ja imam problem sto obozavam taj njegov period, a solo nikad nisam slusao, a overio bih ga uzivo, ali ne brate za ovu cenu. Kapiram da Wall kosta 30-50e, mega-produkcija levo-desno, ali ne znam za sta za ovo ista cena.
  8. Cult German thrashers DARKNESS have reformed with a new lineup featuring two original members, Andreas "Lacky" Lackaw and Arnd Klink, alongside guitar players Bony Fertigmensch and Meik Heitkamp and bassist Christian "Speesy" Giesler of fellow German thrashers KREATOR. After a few years with EURE ERBEN, Lackaw and Klink decided to resurrect the old spirit and bring DARKNESS back to life. A evo i njih.
  9. :haha: Na kraju ima da krenu na neku NA turneju kao treca predgrupa Amon Amarthu.
  10. Dark Tranquillity moze na turneju bez basiste, a ovome je to sad odjednom to toliko jebeno bitan elemenat muzike, 'ajde molim te...
  11. Pa opet ne, bas si uporan. Evo, covek je banalnom recenicom lepo objasnio: Onome ko ce da kupi neki proizvod bitni su svi aspekti tog proizvoda. Isto kao sto pesma nije samo muzika nego i tekst te pesme, tako i sam album pored, ocigledne, auditorne, moze i da ima i neku kvalitetnu vizuelnu stranu. A drugo, i da ne kupujes disk, nekako ti neko spomene ime albuma, lakse ce da ga vizuelizujes nekako u glavi ako se setis covera, koji ti je prethodno po nekom kvalitetu ostao u secanju. Ali, sta ti objasnjavam, ne kaze se dzabe "glup si k'o da si iz Subotice". Zesce neozbiljan tip. P.S. Sad tek vidim da je cak i Kuruz upao, znaci ode sve u kurac.
  12. Pa nije Lemmy crtao cover, nemoj da si glup. Masis poentu.
  13. Zabole nas koji kupujemo to na disku, ploci, eventualno majice..
  14. Na eventimu, a i PG sajtu, stoji da je tada Zagreb. I koja je fora da se objavljuje koncert od 3.5k-5.5k za mesec dana...
  15. Bio Inferno, majka od covera, i od tad sve prokleti krsevi, gre'ota.
  16. Evo linka za Paradiso k'o voli, prisutan dok ne obrisem Ima na soulseek-u inace.
  17. Veteran San Francisco Bay Area heavy metal musician Jon Torres, who played bass and guitar for a number of the region's most acclaimed cult acts, including ULYSSES SIREN, HEATHEN and LÄÄZ ROCKIT, died Monday night as a result of a reported heart failure. R.I.P. Covek bio deo "Evolution of Chaos"-a, a i remek dela zvanog "Down Among the Deadmen".
  18. Nije sto je dosao dan da se i ja jednom slozim sa lemijem, ali neverovatno sta sve danas prolazi kao 'dobra' produkcija. Boli me glava od jedne ove pesme, kako li ce tek da bude posle albuma. SA druge strane, pesma nista spec., vidim da ce da bude isto k'o sa proslim albumom, krljanje bez smera.
  19. Prvi put da vidim nesto sto se valja kao spektakl i da stvarno odem sa takvim utiskom kuci. Bas mocno i profi odradjeno. Vredelo.
  20. Znaci, imacemo dva DFA (ako se ne dogovore).
  21. Hm, 'aj probacu bas posle opet sa Formsom, iako mi je Revocation daleko bolja stvar za slusanje nego 90% novijeg thrash-a iz poslednje dekade, ipak me nije ni blizu hvatao kao Vektor npr.
  22. Angelystor


    After disbanding in 1987, legendary British occult metal act HELL was reincarnated in 2011, with Andy Sneap (guitar) and David Bower (vocals) joining original members Kev Bower (guitar, keyboards), Tony Speakman (bass) and Tim Bowler (drums). Now the British quintet is about the release the follow-up to its highly acclaimed 2011 debut, "Human Remains". The band's sophomore offering, "Curse And Chapter", will be made avialable on November 22 via Nuclear Blast. The effort will include a bonus DVD containing six songs from HELL's February 23, 2013 show at the Darwin Suite Assembly Rooms in Derby. A single, "The Age Of Nefarious", will precede the full-length album this fall. Commented Sneap on the upcoming release: "We've been working solid on the album for the last couple of months between gigs, although we've been demoing to a good standard over the last year or so. "This time around the album consists of around 50% old material, 50% new. "We really see this as a band that’s moving forward rather than a nostalgia trip. Obviously, there's a lot of history within the band, but there's also a whole world of ideas we want to get out. "We have this week left tracking. Four more vocals and bass to get down, two more songs of guitar and then mix. "I'm super happy with how things are shaping up. It feels more like a band on this record to me than the first, which, I guess, is just a natural progression of everyone playing together a lot more over the last couple of years." Concerning the lyrical content, vocalist David Bower added: "Alongside some of our favorite themes of historical, political and religious persecution, intolerance and prejudice, you will find some good old fashioned myths and legends being invoked and reinterpreted in our own inimitable way. We also have some songs in which the listener will be implicitly invited to solve the clues contained in the lyrics in order to find the meaning of the stories for themselves. Being completely aware that many people interpret things in ways that writers do not expect as a matter of course, it seemed logical to take that idea a little further." About the album title, Bower explains: "It's a hellish play on words of the English saying chapter and verse, and also a reference to a song lyric in 'The Age Of Nefarious', the opening track on the record." Koliko sam bio nezainteresovan za Remains, toliko se sad radujem ovom
  23. Nadpivo. Ima ga kod nas po spec-maxijima, merkatorima...
  24. HELLOWEEN/ex-PINK CREAM 69 frontman Andi Deris has lancuhed a brand new project called ANDI DERIS & BAD BANKERS. Says Andi: "It's been years I was looking for a band (all over the planet) that I could actually ask to record an album with me, only to find it on the little island I live on just a few months ago. Even more thrilling is the fact that the guys are between 19 and 22 years old. You won't believe it when you listen to the songs! "We all had and have a lot of fun with the image, even more during the photo session. "Obviously, we despise everything around banks, managers and bankers who are clearly responsible for the shit that goes on nowadays (and most certainly in our future), so it felt very good to vocally tell them what we think about them. Sure, therefore it's highly explicit, but, who gives a f... that's what they deserve, and it helps the music to really kick some ass."
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