Guitarist Stefan Weinerhall of Swedish metallers FALCONER has issued the following update:
"After the darkest year yet, I am once again in writing mood, and what a mood! I guess somethig good really can come out of something bad after all. After rebooting musically from a year of creative vacuum, there is a fresh hunger and optimism.
"The six songs completed so far are harder and faster and with more of an attitude again; some of the songs sound like taken from the first album. After reading a book about deciphering and reading the language of runestones, I really got some lyrical inspiration too!
"I must say that it hasn't been this rewarding and promising for many years to write for a new album, without being carried away too far. The future plan is to concentrate on writing, re-writing and rehearsing for the new album, being sure it is as good as it can and not re-using too many patterns. All songs will be in English this time.
"We are just to begin rehearsing once again after a 2-year break and I can't wait to put Mathias [Blad, vocals] through some tests and find out the speed limit of Karsten [Larsson, drums]."