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Everything posted by Angelystor
Yup, samo su ove LH pesme remasterovane.
Prvi bend Tim Owensa, i "Heart Of A Killer" je ubedljivo najbolji album na kome je ikada ucestvovao, verovatno i najbolji njegov performans. Druga dva bez njega, drugi nyaaah, treci moze da se proba, ali prvenac je suvo us power metal zlato.
Kad spomenu retarda sa arene, ne znam da li sam u zivotu cuo nekoga da kos, sa il' bez koske, zove 'air ball'. Unikat.
Mislim da mozemo da budemo srecni sto je Vlada konacno Andjusicu skinuo kuglu i lanac i pustio ga malo da igra u pm, nadam se da ce tako i BBu da daje prilike vise, pa i kad zaigra crnjo. A od mog kuma nema vajde, to je vec jasno.... je l' Jaramaz povredjen uopste ili samo otpao?
I mene prodao Salke danas...
Jeste, dao je 10 poena Zlatorogu i sad je kandidat za prvog beka. Ne secam se kad mi je skoro bilo milije zbog pobede Zvezfempea, Muta spusten na zemlju ponovo. Sad jos Vlada konacno da ga ucutka u Nisu...
Pre svega, da je Dio ziv, do ove turneje ne bi ni doslo, snimao bi se ili novi H&H ili nesto trece bi Iommi radio. Ovako, on mislim da nema mnogo opcija, a svira mu se ocigledno (isto i za Butlera). Da ide sa Martinom na turneju nekako ne ide, to je bas nisko spadanje u ovom trenutku cini mi se. Tako da bi Bill jos bio u penziji jer bi Appice svirao bubnjeve i Ward ne bi ni imao neki ugovor koji bi mu lezao ponudjen. Tako da, ako je vec doslo do turneje, i ako ce vec da sviraju, nekako mi je idiotski da se sad natezu oko para jer to razbija i ono malo drugarske iluzije koja je ostala oko njih cetvorice, kao prve heavy metal cetvorice. Meni je ovde najvise zao sto niko nece da popusti. Niti on da kaze OK njima, niti oni OK njemu. Svima je u 70 godina odjednom zinulo za funtu vise. Je l' i njih opeljesile bivse zene k'o Dzon Kliza ili sta?
- Zato sto bih prodao porodicu zbog ove pesme Gamma Ray - Last Before The Storm - Zato sto...KAI!!!! - Zato sto...jebite se.
Nije novi Monty Python film, ali nesto najblize njihovoj zajednickoj saradnji nam stize: Trade newspaper Variety has confirmed today that the surviving members of Monty Python's Flying Circus are due to reunite for a science fiction film. Whilst not strictly a Monty Python project, Absolutely Anything - a new farcical film mixing CGI and live action - will feature Terry Jones, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam and Michael Palin. Eric Idle has yet to sign up to the project, but Jones - who is directing the film - said he hoped Idle will agree to be added to the cast list shortly. The movie is set to be filmed in the UK this spring, with the Pythons voicing the key roles of aliens who supply a human, as an experiment to see what he'll do, with the powers to allow him to do "absolutely anything". The result is the human makes a total mess of things. The film will also feature a talking dog called Dennis, which will be voiced by American comedy star Robin Williams. Gavin Scott, the writer behind films like Small Soilders and The Borrowers, has been working with Terry Jones on the script for Absolutely Anything for over 20 years. "It's not a Monty Python picture, but it certainly has that sensibility," Jones told Variety. The project is being overseen by Mike Medavoy, an experienced Hollywood executive who has worked with the Pythons before. He says: "Terry and Gavin have crafted a classic farce. Like all projects originated by any of the Monty Python guys, Absolutely Anything delightfully defies a logline." If Eric Idle does sign up to take part in the production, it'll be the first time all five remaining members of the iconic comedy troupe have performed together since the Aspen Comedy Festival in 1998. The five comedy stars did however meet publicly in 2009 to promote the Python documentary series Monty Python: Almost The Truth (pictured). Last June it was announced that Jones, Cleese, Gilliam and Palin will provide voices on a forthcoming animated film based on the memoirs of Graham Chapman, the sixth Python, who died in 1989. However, Idle is not involved in the project. There has recently been an appearance of ill feeling between Idle and Cleese. In an interview last month, Eric Idle explained how he had dropped the voice of John Cleese from his touring musical production Spamalot, saying: "I fired John Cleese - surgically removed him. It wasn't mean - he's had millions of dollars from it. He charges people a fortune for using his voice." He added: "I don't feel guilty. I gave him a million dollars. Has he sent me a Christmas card? No, he's too busy on the road." This caused Cleese, who has been touring to earn the millions required to pay his ex-wife in their divorce settlement, to hit back via Twitter: "I see Yoko Idle's been moaning (again), about the royalties he had to pay the other Pythons for Spamalot. Apparently he paid me 'millions'. Actual rough figures last time we checked - Yoko Idle $13m, Michael Palin $1.1m, the others just under a million each."
Sto se tice demosa, singlova, b-side-ova i svega toga, PTree je posebna prica, ima tone, tj. GBova toga... ali pre svega treba nabaviti "Recordings", ima jednu od najboljih PT pesama. za "Piano Lessons" . Retko se gdi spominje, a neverovatno volim pesmicu. Inace, sa liste cuh 8 komada uzivo, cisto da spomenem onako
Limited edition of 3,000 copies. Live CD in 6 panel digipack, featuring highlights from SW's first solo tour of Europe, with the band of SW, Marco Minnemann (drums), Nick Beggs (bass/stick), Adam Holzman (keys), Theo Travis (flute/sax), and Aziz Ibrahim (guitar). 7 tracks, 70 minutes of music remixed into pristine sonic audio, capturing all the energy and beauty of this audio visual spectacular. Note that this CD will be exclusively available at shows on the forthcoming tour and via mailorder from Headphone Dust, it will not be available from Burning Shed or any other store. 1. No Twilight Within the Courts of the Sun (10.54), 2. Index (5.03), 3. Deform to Form a Star (8.29), 4. Sectarian (7.22), 5. No Part of Me (6.04), 6. Veneno Para Las Hadas (7.28), Raider II (24.47)
2012.05.08. *Ušće, Beograd* Metallica, Gojira, Machine Head
Angelystor replied to Ninoslav's topic in Arhiva koncerata
E da, Rid ima sad po Evropi "From VU To Lulu" turneju, gde svira i Lulu pesme, pa ko je dovoljno porem...zainteresovan, eto mu prilike :] -
Nisam jos cuo druge pesme, ali mi mnogo bolja Kiske kolaboracija na TTM nego ova sa spota.
Pa nastavice, ali sada ce biti neka veca pauza zbog Unisonica garant, u medjuvremenu jedino onim Skeletons 2 DVDem ako nas pocaste. No, ako nista drugo, bolje ovo nego Kiske nazad u 'Weenu.
BLACK SABBATH members Tony Iommi, Ozzy Osbourne and Geeer Butler have vowed to continue recording their new album without Bill Ward after the drummer announced that he will not be able to participate in the recording of the reunited band's new album or perform with them on tour unless he is presented with what he described as a "fair agreement" and a "signable contract" that financially reflects his contributions to SABBATH's history and his standing as a founding member of the band. ... In response, Iommi, Osbourne and Butler have issued the following statement: "We were saddened to hear yesterday via Facebook that Bill declined publicly to participate in our current BLACK SABBATH plans... We have no choice but to continue recording without him although our door is always open... We are still in the U.K. with Tony. Writing and recording the new album and on a roll... See you at Download!!!"
Unreal omot vala bas. Anyway, ja se tek od skora uzeo upoznavati bendom. Zbilja vrsan doom. Vrrrrrlo polako ulaze pod kozu. Do sada prvih 5 obrnuh. U principu od ova za sada tri sa Winom koje obrnuh moram reci da sam malo vise ocekivao. Sabbathish chill-out doom, kada krenu gitara u onu mesmerizing monotoniju da idu bas se lepo i heavy opusti covek... I ta tri, ne znam, kao da su svi pisani i snimani u istoj sesiji. Od BTL sam bas vise ocekivao, s obzirom da vidjah taj album svuda posvuda spominjan. A npr. "Mournful Cries" mi je bolji. Pored MCa, a sta je mene u stvari najvise navuklo na bend su prva dva albuma. Dok je Wino dobar, i kvalitetniji vokal od Reagersa, opet mi se ovaj drugi vise dopao vokalom uprkos sto vecinu vremena zvuci kao da pokusava da izvede ideje i melodije mnogo bolje nego za sta je sposoban. Plus me uvek podseti na vokala sa AWitchovog "Screaming And Bleeding", but that's besides the point... Konkretan vrh, za sada, mi je prvi album. Odlicna fora mi je kako je sve sporiji od pocetka do kraja, svaka pesma nesto kraca od prethodne, nice touch. A highlight apsolutni su mi poslednje dve, doom teskasi vrhunski...i jos ona luda sredina u Burial sas sve paljevinskom solazom...tog mi daj Dzo.
A mene na Endtyme Cathedralov podsetio...
Bilo bi do jaja da su i preko logoa iskucali ime benda Prosli mi je bio nyah, ali se opet radujem ovome, treba Naglfara.
Ja glasam da ne. Mnogo radije bih gledao/slusao Kaia sa GRom. A Kiske...ne znam, nek' se vrati svom anti-metalisanju i gostovanju Tobiasu. Odgledah spot i... Je l' ovaj klip sniman na istom mestu gde je bio i Majestic photoshoot ili sam ja blesav? 'De je Starbreaker kad mi treba... Anyway, pesma Okayish, Gamma Ray, noviji, malo vishe rockish, sa Kisketom. Samo sto je najbolje sto se ljudi ovime odusevljavaju, a ne secam se nekog cumshota za poslednje GRejeve...
Koji ste poslednji original CD nabavili?
Angelystor replied to White Man's topic in Opšta metal diskusija
Pestilence - Malleus Maleficarum Witchery - Symphony For The Devil October 31 - Stagefright Deceased - As The Weird Travel On Ares Kingdom - Return To Dust Cirith Gorgor - Firestorm Apocalypse Hirax - The New Age Of Terror Hirax - El Rostro De La Muerte -
Malo je omot previse ruzan nego sto bi trebalo, mislim, k'o da je za singla za Endless Pain :] Uzasan naziv albuma opet, ali to samo znaci da smo in for another treat.
Aha, ovde se kuka Takodje. Mislim, najradije bih da gledam H&H varijantu, sa ili bez Billa, ali... Anyway, jebiga, ponavlja se Judas Priest prica sa KKom.
2012.06.27-30. *Ušće, Beograd* BELGRADE CALLING 2012
Angelystor replied to Huszar's topic in Arhiva koncerata
Ovo mrzelo ljude da citaju pa niko ne kuka? :] Zvuci kanda ozbiljno, a opet, cini mi se oko sitnice, ako se samo oko kinte buni onda bemmu mater...