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:haha: Da mi je neko rekao pre 2-3 meseca da cu tokom svetskog da velicam Rasica i da se odusevljavam na njegove poteze...pa umro bi od smeja, ne znam. Covek je ozdraveo...ili ono nije on, nemam logicnog objasnjenja. Mene drago da se Tepic kol'ko-tol'ko vratio, imao je par odlicnih minuta kada smo stizali onu prednost na startu, no onda kada je trebalo da se ubace laki poeni, prc...ode u cabar. Mozda je Rasic izveo neki voodoo curse nad njim, pa zato ovaj tako dobro igra, a ovaj uzasan. In other news: http://www.kosarka.r...ews&newsid=4451 Ovo je tezak, ali pretezak lopovluk. Sta su koji kurac ovi sad onda igrali kvalifikacije pre svega? I gde bre u Evropi ima 24 selekcije za kosarkasko prvenstvo? Pa ni sa 12 ne bi bilo jako prvenstvo...
GAMMA RAY/ex-HELLOWEEN guitarist/vocalist Kai Hansen will perform with AVANTASIA, the project led by EDGUY frontman Tobias Sammet, on the group's upcoming tour. Also scheduled to appear are Bob Catley (MAGNUM), Jorn Lande (MASTERPLAN), Amanda Somerville, Olli Hartmann and Michael Kiske (HELLOWEEN). Kicking off in Pratteln, Switzerland on November 30, the three-week trek will bring the prestigious metal-opera event to three different continents around the planet. Commented Tobias: "Kai will have a vocal role and play some guitar, too. "We've been friends for quite a while now. "I remember I was a little kid when I first heard HELLOWEEN's 'Keeper' albums. And that was the instant that lit a spark in me. Unfortunately I never got the chance to see HELLOWEEN with Michael and Kai on stage, but they'll make up for it now! Both have played an important role for me personally and for the history of AVANTASIA and its 'Metal Opera' in particular. "I am looking forward to sharing the stage with them and play some of our old AVANTASIA classics together." Kai i Kiske zajedno na sceni... jap.
Eto i mene u Solunu 99%
Koji ste poslednji original CD nabavili?
Angelystor replied to White Man's topic in Opšta metal diskusija
Azal@ Jes' Gardijan pojacan, no ne smeta mi...a i ovaj je bio jeftiniji nego originalno izdanje :] A Sabbath je...pa, Sabbathast :] Isti k'o ostali "remasteri" albuma iz tog perioda koje imam, ne primecujem ja tu neke drasticne razlike...s tim sto ostali koje imam su neka ranija godina, valjda '98 kako rece Buddha, a ovaj je 2009. -
HALFORD, the band fronted by JUDAS PRIEST frontman Rob Halford, will release its new album, "Halford IV - Made Of Metal", on September 27 (Europe), September 28 (North America) and October 13 (Japan). Produced by Roy Z. and recorded during 2009 and 2010, "Made Of Metal" features 14 new songs penned exclusively by Rob Halford. Commented Halford: "It has been a long wait for the global HALFORD fan base, and of course I'm very pleased to return with 'Halford IV - Made Of Metal' this September. It is probably the most personal release of my solo career in terms of my writing and performances. "'Halford IV - Made Of Metal' hits hard on many musical and emotional levels. I'm certain it will be recognized as one of the band's best releases, and I'm looking forward to performing the new tracks this year and reconnecting the HALFORD band with its legions of metal fans." "Halford IV - Made Of Metal" track listing: 01. Undisputed 02. Fire and Ice 03. Made Of Metal 04. Speed Of Sound 05. Like There¹s No Tomorrow 06. Till The Day I Day 07. We Own The Night 08. Heartless 09. Hell Razor 10. Thunder and Lightning 11. Twenty-Five Years 12. Matador 13. I Know We Stand A Chance 14. The Mower
Spot izuva cipelice Dobar je to album. PS. Abbathov smajli na 5:22 je neodoljiv :]
I kad pomislim da godina ne moze da bude jebeno gora, Witchery izda sranje album. Wait, wat? Znaci, aman, ako je nekome bilo tesko da zajebe stvar, onda je to trebao da bude Witchery. Nijedan vrhunski album, ali svaki beskrajno zlo-simpatican blackened thrash, no fucking wisdom about it. A ovo, sa ovom napeglanom produkcijom, zvuci kao neki prosecan noviji thrash band (BBB, Gama Bomb, etc.) Sta su im trebala sranja tipa "The God who fell from earth" ili "The Devil Rides Out", pojma nemam. Umesto ove prve su mogli neku Deftones pesmu da ubace, manje bi odskak(dafakap)ala. Sto rekoh gore i za muziku, vazi i za proslog pevaca, i nisam mislio da ce ga biti toliko tesko zameniti, ali ovi su uspeli da zajebu i tu prostu stvar i za vokala stave ovog lakrdijasa. Vidi se (cuje) da je pevao u Marduku. Jos kad krene sa onim nekim efektima dodje mi da zadavim vazduh kroz koji mu glas struji. "Dead To Worse" mi dodje neki favourite, jedan od retkih pluseva albuma, plus(hah) me bas podseca na "Symphony" album. Ima jos par OK pesama, ali mostly nista za izdvojiti. "The Reaver" je solidan omaz Exodusu (da iskoristim tu pristojnu terminologiju), ali zato sumnjam da je "The Devil Rides Out" bio planiran omaz Motorheadu("In The Name Of Tragedy", strofe). 5/10
Na prvo slusanje, fantasticno dosadan album. Nisam ni za prosla dva bio lud, ali sam barem mogao da se "uhvatim" za par pesama. Ovde jok more... Jangblada su izgleda drogirali dok se ovo snimalo, nema ga nigde... In other news: American/Norwegian melodic metallers KAMELOT have released the following statement: "The band and crew are all here in Tampa rehearsing for the tour — visas have been cleared and the guys are in good spirits and ready to party with all of you. However, during rehearsals, Roy [Khan; full name: Roy Sætre Khantatat] became severely ill. Due to this, as yet undiagnosed, illness, Roy reluctantly has been forced to head back home to Norway. He is currently under his physician's care, but, unfortunately, these circumstances will prevent him from joining us on the North American concert tour. Of course, we want Roy to take care of his health as priority one for now and for the future. "After much consideration on how to proceed, all of us in KAMELOT feel strongly about keeping our commitment to our fans, promoters, and support bands on this tour! We are all ready and excited about playing these shows, we have flown in people from around the world to be apart of it and it has been in the works over a year! Therefore, we are working diligently with a fantastic singer willing to step in at the eleventh hour in order to make this tour a reality — our good friend Michael [Eriksen; pictured below] from CIRCUS MAXIMUS (Norway) has agreed to fill in for Roy! And we are excited to announce a special guest: Swedish vocalist Elize Ryd from AMARANTHE will be joining the band on the North American tour. She will also be part of the VIP meet-and-greet! Elize toured with us on our Summer Pandemonium Tour and also the European tour earlier this spring. "Also as a special thank you to our North American fans, our friends at ESP guitars have donated a beautiful ESP guitar which will be signed by [KAMELOT guitarist] Thomas Youngblood and given away at the end of our North American tour — this contest is open only to North American tour concert-goers. Fans can enter for a chance to win this exclusive item by signing up in the designated area at each show! More surprises are in store at many shows including special guest appearances and more." Commented Roy: "I am terribly sorry that I cannot do this upcoming tour in North America this fall. We have our most fantastic album ever coming out in September, and the timing could have been better, I guess. The band has my full and unconditional blessing to go out there and kick ass regardless, and I feel we have found a good replacement in Michael. He is a very good singer and longtime friend. Be good to him! Hope to see you soon!" Michael stated: "Roy and I go way back, so when he called and asked me to help him and the rest of KAMELOT to do their long planned USA tour, I told him, 'Sure, bro, I am there for you.' "It will be big shoes to fill , but in his honor I will do my best to give the KAMELOT fans a show they have long awaited. So grab your earplugs and come join the party!" KAMELOT's first North American tour in two years will kick off on September 8 at the House Of Blues in Lake Buena Vista, Florida. Support on the trek will come from LEAVES' EYES and BLACKGUARD. + + + Je l' se ovaj Ostavlja' Oci rezervisao kao dozivotni Kamelotov warm-up band ili sta?
Mene se omoto svidja, uglavnom ovakvi "prosti" omoti kao grb, tipa EdGuyev "Hellfire Club" su ili gi volis ili ne, a kako mi je taj bio pogodak, tako i ovaj. Najlepsa stvar mi je logo, odavno se nisu igrali sa slovima, jedino mi bundeva izgleda malo...previse robotski. Inace, prvi single se definitivno zove "Are You Metal?", i mene to malo brine. Ili zebavaju Kaia ili...ne znam :] Are You Metal?" (Andi Deris) "Raise The Noise" (Michael Weikath) "I'm Free" (Markus Grosskopf)
2010.04.29. *SKC, Beograd* Blind Guardian
Angelystor replied to FRUBI_ZMIJA_GADAFI's topic in Arhiva koncerata
Zar je vec prodato 200 karata? -
2010.09.10. Akademija, Beograd* Negura Bunget + Tamerlan!
Angelystor replied to Knjaz_Ovoga_Sveta's topic in Arhiva koncerata
Da nije finale basketa tad, dosao bi' x] -
Ovaj bend suvereno ide stranputicom vec dosta albuma zaredom. Tempo mi je bio maestralan comeback, SHKM brutalniji, sasvim solidan, verovatno bi ga vise prihvatio da je ostao Zetro. Onda ide, sto mu i ime kaze, Atrocity, koji sam po sebi sa svojih sat vremena mi je bio nesvarljiv i dosadan, pa BBB revisited koji se ni Holtu verovatno ne svidja, i onda jos duzi jebeni album, koji nekako traje 20 minuta vise od Atrocity A, a sa manje jebenih riffova, gomilama naslaganih solaza i mid-sekcija koji su manje-vise zamenili predugacke interlude sa proslog (i sada ima par takvih bespotrebnih mucenja). Dukes me je kupio zalaganjem i energijom uzivo, ali ako zazmurim na to lepo koncertno secanje, ovo je jedan stvarno jebeno ocajan vokalni performans. Jedino mi zao pojedinih pesama, tipa Class i Sun, gde ima super riffova, i sve u svemu, odavde bi verovatno moglo da se izvuce 30-40 minuta DOBROG thrasha i da se upakuje u zanimljivije i jace pesme, samo sto cini mi se da ovaj benda za to vise nije jednostavno sposoban.
Nemcima se vratila usrana trojka protiv Angole, ona na 25. sekundi pre kraja o tablu...bravo crnci! Steta samo sto na Amere idu xD
Ovo mi je so far razocarenje godine. Da mi je neko rekao da Nevermore moze ovako nesto bezdusno da snimi.... odlozicu album 'sa strane', pa da mu se vratim posle nekog vremena, ali zasada, jedan preveliki nyah.
Koji ste poslednji original CD nabavili?
Angelystor replied to White Man's topic in Opšta metal diskusija
Black Sabbath-Dehumanizer Black Sabbath-Sabbath Bloody Sabbath(Remaster) Blind Guardian-Tales From The Twilight World (Remaster) Primus-Tales From The Punchbowl Steel Panther-Feel The Steel -
Bassist Jan Bünning of German power metallers PARAGON has issued the following update: "Long time no news, but here we go: Martin [Christian, guitar] has quit PARAGON. After all these years it was a really hard decision for him. Still, for personal reasons he was not able to give 100% [to] the band anymore. "Of course, his decision has hit us hard but we still feel the fire of heavy metal burning in our hearts. "To be honest, it was not easy to find two suitable shredders. However, the search is finally over. Our new PARAGON brothers are David Wieczorek (ex-STORMWARRIOR) and Wolfgang Tewes (BLACK HAWK, WHEELS OF STEEL). "After countless rehearsals over the last month, we are sure that this choice represents the strongest lineup the band ever had. We truly feel like a real band again and we are looking forward to play some shows and start writing the next album togehter. "The first show we will do is the mighty Swordbrothers festival [on September 11 in Andernach, Germany] where we will play a 'best-of' set with songs from most of our albums." Haha, ovi sad k'o Stratovarius...
Daj neki link za ta proseravanja, bas bih voleo da procitam sta moze da se zameri onom albumu. I da, je l' mu ovo dodje cover za novi?
Taj jadni Exodus je bio predgrupa Arch Enemy-u, tako da... Od evropskih thrash sastava, Kreator trenutno ne zasluzuje nikome da bude predgrupa.
Ocajno je tu pevao. Pre svega, ne znam zasto je na kompletno drugaciji nacin otpevao "Savage" nego sto treba. Visoke vokale kao i moze da izvuce, ali kada treba da zarezi i da izvuce "jaci" vokal, to odma' zazvuci k'o Dave Mustaine, vrlo uzasno.
Sto bi rekla danasnja omladina, lajkujem cover.
2010.04.29. *SKC, Beograd* Blind Guardian
Angelystor replied to FRUBI_ZMIJA_GADAFI's topic in Arhiva koncerata
Jest' smesno sve to, nego je manje bitno, racuna se da dolaze Gardijani -
OVERKILL, DESTRUCTION and HEATHEN will team up for the 2011 European "Killfest Tour". The dates are as follows: March 03 - London, UK - O2 Islington Academy March 04 - Köln, Germany - Essigfabrik March 05 - Geiselwind, Germany - Music Hall March 06 - Stuttgart, Germany - Longhorn March 07 - Frankfurt, Germany - Batschkapp March 08 - Zürich, Switzerland - Volkshaus March 09 - Milano, Italy - Live Club March 10 - Wörgl, Austria - Komma March 11 - Budapest, Hungary - Petofi Hall March 12 - Brno, Czech Republic - Fleda March 13 - Warsaw, Poland - Stodola March 15 - Berlin, Germany - Columbia Club March 16 - Germany - Markthalle March 17 - Braunschweig, Germany - Meier Music Hall March 18 - Antwerpen, Belgium - Trix March 19 - Enschede, Netherlands - Atak Ahahahahah....aaaaaaaaa..... ! Pesto, ti si moja istina.
Ja se znaci vise ne secam kada sam gledao utakmicu a da ju je brat Hido dobro odigrao...sa druge strane, Iljasova budala. Spanci@ Haa-ha xD
"Barbarian" zvuci fino, na neki nacin cudna Feg pesma, ali "The 95 Thesis" je prava stvar! i zasto volim ovaj bend i zbog cega se jos vise nalozih za novi album...jebi se Grobe :]