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Everything posted by Angelystor

  1. Legendary German progressive thrash outfit MEKONG DELTA has completed recording its new album, "Wanderer On The Edge Of Time",for a tentative late spring/early summer release. According to aposting on the band's web site, "It has become clear that the storythat began with one song ('Shades Of Doom'), followed by half an album (Rondo for Rockgroup 'Dances Of Death') is continued as a full album on 'Wanderer On The Edge Of Time'. More progressive than MEKONG DELTA has ever done, this album will definitely beat 'Dance Of Death' as MEKONG's finest." "Wanderer On The Edge Of Time" track listing: 01. Intro - Concert Guitar 02. Ouverture 03. "A Certain Fool" ( Le Fou ) / Movement 1 04. Interlude 1 - Group 05. "The 5th Element" (Le Bateleur) / Movement 2 06. Interlude 2 - Group 07. "The Apocalypt - World In Shards" ( La Maison Dieu ) / Movement 3 08. Interlude 3 - Concert Guitar 09. "King With Broken Crown" (Le Diable) / Movement 4 10. Intermezzo (Instrumental) / Movement 5 11. Interlude 4 - Group 12. "Affection" (L' Amoureux) / Movement 6 13. Interlude 5 - Group 14. "Mistaken Truth" (Le Hérétique) / Movement 7 15. Finale The artwork is being created by Eliran Kantor. MEKONG DELTA's current lineup: Ralf Hubert - Bass Alex Landenburg - Drums Benedikt Zimniak - Guitar Erik Adam H. - Guitar Martin LeMar - Vocals Jeste Ralf tu najbitniji, al' mater mu ispromenio citavu od proslog... Koji jes' bio genijalan, al' docekacu ovaj album malo "spusteniji"... (posebno nakon Paradox i Artillery iskustava)
  2. Pustio nas Zeljko
  3. Au jebote, koji trip.... Mora da odmorim od crnog caja.
  4. Ukopao tebe Agbonlahor
  5. Otisao sam da gledam Tim Burton film, dobio sam Disney film...ispodprosecni Dizni film. I jebali ih 3D efekti, necu se skoro opet upetljati sa tim, 95% filma nisam video nikakvu poentu u tome. Vau, leti mi soljica ka meni, bas sam se uzbudila.. Dodjite kod mene kuci, gadjacu vas soljicama za manje pare.
  6. Drummer Marc Reign has left German thrashers DESTRUCTIONdue to "personal and musical differences" caused by "tour stress,"according to a statement released by the band. The group adds, "Marc will concentrate on his rock project VOLCANO and wants to keep himself open for other musical styles. He wants to thank all the DESTRUCTION maniacs worldwide and the band for all the great fun and support over all those years!" All previously announced shows will go ahead with a replacement drummer. DESTRUCTION is currently writing new material that will "go more back to the roots," according to bassist/vocalist Marcel "Schmier" Schirmer Back to the roots, uvek kad procitam to setim se "St. Anger"-a xD
  7. WRECKING CREW UZIVO! Au jebote, ima da se prekinem od thrasha u tih mesec dana....
  8. Sweet.
  9. 5 pesama za pocetak: 1. Welcome / Lust For Life 2. Tribute To The Past 3. Rebellion In Dreamland 4. Man On A Mission 5. Somewhere Out In Space
  10. Da ga jebem, da priajtelj dolazi u nekom mesecu gde nema koncerata, isao bih sigurno, ovako...tesko.
  11. Mene kol'ko je Dave izivcirao izjavama/postupcima poslednjih nekoliko godina, sve ce to pasti u vazduh kada opali jedan "Wake Up Dead" ili "Tornado" uzivo, ima da 'bangujem pa i jos da trazim... Jedini bend koji mi je ovde "mog' ga vidim, a i ne moram" je Anthrax, jer uopste ne volim Bush period, a sada sviraju dosta odatle + par starih hitova... No dobro, valjda se i odmarati na nekom bendu :]
  12. Buuuuusi 'talijanska govna Ahaha, kako volim... Kako je samo Fletcher na kraju gospodski seo posle gola, highlight tekme PS. A lepo i sto Real ispao.
  13. DEVIN TOWNSEND Debuts New Music At Free Redmond Show; Video Available (ima, cini mi se, ceo acoustic show okacen) Ih-Ah Radial Highway
  14. Bas me zanima kak'a ce satnica biti... Though, ako cemo po plakatu, namece se raspord: H&H - Anthrax - Megadeth - Slayer - Metallica, a mene bi bas radovao rasproed: Anthrax - MD - Slayer - H&H - Metallica :]
  15. :haha: ROFL
  16. Angelystor


    Evo i moje mudo liste: 1st track: "Weird Al" Yankovic - Ricky 26 Aug 2006 1000th track: Devastation - Eye For An Eye 07 Sep 2006 2000th track: Nevermore - Beyond Within 14 Sep 2006 3000th track: Iommi - What You're Living For 22 Sep 2006 4000th track: Desaster - Hell Born 02 Oct 2006 5000th track: Deep Purple - Lick It Up 13 Oct 2006 6000th track: Nevermore - Create the Infinite 26 Oct 2006 7000th track: Torture Squad - Pandemonium 11 Nov 2006 8000th track: Cream - I Feel Free 10 Dec 2006 9000th track: Exodus - Raze 30 Dec 2006 10000th track: Profundi - Unanimation 21 Jan 2007 11000th track: Therion - Wine of Aluqah 08 Feb 2007 12000th track: Gorgoroth - God Seed (Twilight Of The Idols) 25 Feb 2007 13000th track: Running Wild - Intro 16 Mar 2007 14000th track: Desaster - Fields Of Triumph 07 Apr 2007 15000th track: U.D.O. - Mastercutor 27 Apr 2007 16000th track: Skyclad - Mr. Malaprope 07 May 2007 17000th track: Ozzy Osbourne - Black Rain 20 May 2007 18000th track: Hellish Crossfire - Conquerors of Black Souls 01 Jun 2007 19000th track: Death - The Philosopher 12 Jun 2007 20000th track: Virgin Steele - Bonedust 26 Jun 2007 21000th track: Motörhead - Shoot You In The Back 15 Jul 2007 22000th track: Mekong Delta - Symphony of agony 14 Aug 2007 23000th track: Desaster - Fate forever flesh 03 Sep 2007 24000th track: Witchburner - Demonic war machine 20 Sep 2007 25000th track: Moonspell - Tenebrarum Oratorium (Andamento II/Erotic Compendyum) 30 Oct 2007 26000th track: Black Sabbath - Neon Knights 17 Nov 2007 27000th track: Ark - The Hunchback of Notre Dame 09 Dec 2007 28000th track: Candlemass - At The Gallows End 26 Dec 2007 29000th track: Turbonegro - Do You Do You Dig Destruction 20 Jan 2008 30000th track: Keep of Kalessin - Crown Of Kings 20 Feb 2008 31000th track: Savatage - Necrophilia 07 Mar 2008 32000th track: Bad Company - Take the Time 20 Mar 2008 33000th track: Drudkh - Furrows of Gods 05 Apr 2008 34000th track: Firewind - Head Up High 19 Apr 2008 35000th track: Les Claypool - One Better 13 May 2008 36000th track: Dark Fortress - Cohorror 28 May 2008 37000th track: Threshold - Light And Space 11 Jun 2008 38000th track: Strapping Young Lad - All Hail The New Flesh 27 Jun 2008 39000th track: Dream Theater - The Test That Stumped Them All 26 Jul 2008 40000th track: Kamelot - March of Mephisto 18 Aug 2008 41000th track: I - Days Of North Winds 31 Aug 2008 42000th track: Rush - High Water 22 Sep 2008 43000th track: Holy Moses - Feel The Pain 07 Oct 2008 44000th track: Behemoth - As Above So Low 23 Oct 2008 45000th track: Darkthrone - The Winds They Called the Dungeon Shaker 12 Nov 2008 46000th track: Keep of Kalessin - Winged Watcher 01 Dec 2008 47000th track: Witchcraft - I Want You to Know 21 Dec 2008 48000th track: Witchcraft - I Want You to Know 09 Jan 2009 49000th track: Judas Priest - Peace 28 Jan 2009 50000th track: Jethro Tull - Ring Out, Solstice Bells 13 Feb 2009 51000th track: Orcustus - Ego Sum Chaos 02 Mar 2009 52000th track: Nightwish - Amaranth 18 Mar 2009 53000th track: Zabranjeno Pusenje - Murga drot 10 Apr 2009 54000th track: Primus - Frizzle Fry 26 Apr 2009 55000th track: Circle II Circle - Into the wind (acoustically enhanced version) 17 May 2009 56000th track: Cradle of Filth - Lustmord and Wargasm (The Lick of Carnivorous Winds) 09 Jun 2009 57000th track: Gorguts - Disincarnated 29 Jun 2009 58000th track: Machines Of Grace - Innocence 17 Jul 2009 59000th track: Gamma Ray - New World Order 07 Aug 2009 60000th track: Faith No More - Everything's Ruined 27 Aug 2009 61000th track: Sodom - Gomorrah 12 Sep 2009 62000th track: Porcupine Tree - Great Expectations 26 Sep 2009 63000th track: Gamma Ray - Farewell 10 Oct 2009 64000th track: Agalloch - This Old Cabin 01 Nov 2009 65000th track: Threshold - Safe To Fly 25 Nov 2009 66000th track: Cain's Offering - Morpheus In A Masquerade 17 Dec 2009 67000th track: Nile - Iskander D'hul Karnon 05 Jan 2010 68000th track: Dark Tranquillity - Dream Oblivion 29 Jan 2010 69000th track: Brainstorm - Here Comes the Pain 14 Feb 2010 70000th track: Steel Panther - The Shocker 06 Mar 2010 On the other hand: 666th track: Queen - I'm In Love With My Car 05 Sep 2006 xD Al' mi je zato: 66666th track: Pero Defformero - Oka tvoga plam 29 Dec 2009
  17. Bas zato ga i necu gledati Meni samo drago sto je Christoph Waltz ispostovan.
  18. Uzeo ovih dana da konacno gledam nastavke mojih omiljenih akcija iz detinjstva, Rambo, Indiana, Dajhard... Pre svega: Jebote WOI na kojim li si ti lekovima bio :] Ne da nije najbolji, nego (kao i nastavci gorespomenutih), nije ni smeo da postoji. DH3 je uspeo da se odvoji super-uspesno od fazona jedne lokacije, a u tome je pomoglo sto je imao Semjuela i Dzeremi fakin' Ajronsa... Koga ovo ima? Dzastinga Longa, wtf? Onaj FBI polucrnac mudo je verovatno jedan od najdosadnijih likova koje sam video u akcionim filmovima. Ovo i 'ajde, ali Rambo je vredjanje mozga. Mogao sam umesto onoga da uzmem Painkiller da igram, sl. efekat. U stvari, najveci problem kod ovih filmova mi je sto...jebote gledam 60godisnjake kako izvode vratolomije, jurcaju, ubijaju se... Indiana se nabije u frizider, Brus Vilis u 24h iskoci iz 10ak automobila, prezivi isto toliko fajtova i prezivi skakanje sa aviona na sjeban put... A? Hvala nebeskim kockicama, pa je Son Koneri gospodin, inace bi verovatno i on za dovoljnu kolicinu para pristao da glumi u nekom Dr. Yes ili sta ti ga znam.
  19. Fenikse, uloguj se na svoj account pre post-ovanja! To nece biti dokaz jacine NLB lige, vec koliko Cibona ima srece. Proci ce u top8 sa ukupnim skorom 5-11.
  20. Koja je dosada ovaj novi album... Al' + je sto me podseti da pustim malo "BtH"
  21. Meni se omot svidja samo zato sto su konanco uneli malo razlicitosti u odnosu na prosle, a inace mi nista spec... Pesma, nekako mi nekompaktna, tj. onaj ludacki start (koji se ponavlja later) mi nekako ne ide uz ostatak... Ma ionako nista ne ocekujem, poslednji Rhapsody koji se meni svideo je "Power...". Al' da bi' ih gledao live konacno, to da.
  22. Sreca moja pa cu da nosim slusalice. 'Ajde nek neko ukloni ovaj post, cisto da i ostali ljudi koji su duduci kao i ovaj ne kupe pogresne informacije. K'o ne zna za "Mob Rules" i "Heaven And Hell" albume, nek se upuca.
  23. A je l'? OK, hvala na obavestenju.
  24. Angelystor

    Ov Hell

    Cuo par puta albuma kada "izasao", ne mi uopste legao, cak me je ljutio kol'ko je.."ravan"..pustio ga da odlezi, evo sad obrnuo, i opet mi se ich ne svidja, konkretnije, dosadno je u pizdu lepu materinu. Ne znam da l' je KoH hteo da mu se materijal razlikuje od Gorgorotha (iako je to taj isti jebeni zvuk), ali nema razloga da ga ovol'ko razvodeni i uspori i udrveni, jos sa ovakvom ekipom... Svetlije tacke su "Invoker" i poslednje dve, ali nista da za neku ocenu preko 5/10
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